The Quest For The Black Treasure: Sign Up Thread

Started by rachel25, March 02, 2014, 05:36:31 PM

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[Edit] Ok, chapter one is now finished, and I'm opening the sigh ups for part two now. If your currently in this RP, please renew the characters you want renewing. And the character limit is being raised to three characters.
For those who want to join, feel free. And here's a link to the old topic.  

Don't Sign Up Till You Read The Description!!!!
Ok, I've been planning this RP for a while, (serious understatement  ::))

Ok, the RP is set in the Redwall World, but there are castles, and villages here, and there.
Ok, back to the RP, it's an adventure/quest RP. Riddles, maps, secret treasure, and a good bit of romance thrown in there maybe.
But there is a basic storyline, all the characters have found a piece of a metal map, and a riddle. The riddle leads them all to Redwall Abbey. And then they go off in search of a secret treasure. After that, it's free for all, about what happens. You can write the riddles yourself, or you can ask to borrow someone else's if you can't think of one. But make sure you ask! You can have up to two characters for now. I might increase the limit later.

Here's the character sheet.


Here's my first character, I'll make my second later.

Name: Toka the Savage
Species: squirrel
Gender: male
Age: 24, and a half seasons (years)
Weapon(s): , and a dagger.
Appearance: is black, with red streaks going through is fur. Has bright amber eyes, and half an ear missing. Has an uncountable number of scars, but the most obvious one is straight across his left eye. 
Clothes: Navy blue shirt, black trousers, a brown jacket, black leather gloves, and boots.   
Personality: Selfish, has never loved anyone. Always wants to find things out for himself, is very untrusting. Was the kind of child that if you said, "Don't put your paw in the fire, it'll burn you." Would put his paw in the fire just to make sure you were telling him the truth. Is rebellious, and froward. But underneath it all he's just lonely, and feels trapped. He doesn't understand the way other people work, and the only way he knows how to solve things is to use violence.
Other: His parents both died when he was a little one, was brought up by his uncle, in a peaceful tribe. He always broke the tribes rules of no fighting. Then accidently killed someone in the tribe, and was then banished. Also, suffers from extreme Blood-lust which can quickly turn into Bloodwrath.

Away, away from the sea
To the home of peace, and serenity
Where countless wars have been fought
A place which has never been caught
It's colour is that of blood
And a beautiful sigh it is, in the morning light flood


Can I play a baddie. Add a bit of spice. if so here ;D

Name: Raxanna (Titles: The Lady Raxanna of the high north, The great eagle slayer, The golden one, Commander of winds, and the knower of all thoughts)  
Speices: Ermine
Gender: Female
Age: She looks a lot younger than she is She appears 20 but she is more like 30
Weapon(s): Long thin Dirk. Elegant Basket hilted rapier/saber cross breed. with perils and rubies on the hilt.
Appearance: She is beautiful in a cold way her fur is thick, soft and completely white except for the very tip of her tail which is black. Her eyes are a strange gold color.
Clothes: A gold Mask covering all her face. Black sleeveless dress. tall black leather boots.  
Personality: She is cold and hard, commanding and ruthless, Some people say she is physic but she is really just very observant and intuitive. She allows people to think that and even plays along. The eyes are the windows to the soul. She will sometimes stare into a creatures eyes hard.  


There are 22 men in total - 3 = 19

Gerdereg - a hulking stoat with an ax One of the Men the king set to watch Raxanna
Selic - a slinking fox One of the Men the king set to watch Raxanna
Ringtail - a ferret one of the original men.
Dragut - a rat one of the original men

A place of stone red and tall
Gates wide open to welcome all
A place of joy and rest and cheer
And all the pieces will meet here.

All four walls of red sand stone
Along the path it stands alone
Here is where you'll find the rest
of the pieces and start your quest

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

I'm SO joining! But I'm really, really bad at riddles. Any idea where there might be some? Of course I'd ask.

Species:Squirrel (Of course! ::))
Age:18 and three quarters
Weapon(s):Bow and arrows, hand and a half sword.
Appearance:Nut brown fur, with a white dot on her forehead, making her easily recognized. Considered pretty, but she doesn't flaunt it. In fact, she's embarrassed by it and tries to hide it.
Clothes: Arya wears a light blue tunic with shorts underneath, with a sturdy plaited rope serving as a belt. She has a dark green cloak, a white hat that she doesn't wear all the time, and sandals that are brown. Some gloves for cold weather.
Personality: Sweet, kind, and loving. Can be motherly at times.
Other: Her family died when she was little and she still has nightmares about it. She also has grief issues.

Gonff the Mousethief

ill join this sounds awesome!!!

Name: Marshall
Speices: fox
Gender: male
Age: 24
Weapon(s): An axe and dagger. here is his axe.
Appearance: Has blue fur. and weres a raccoon hat
Clothes: Weres a blue tunic and has a rope across his shoulder. Has a black cloak also.
Personality: very happy and humerous. doesn't want much attention.
Other: is a good warrior and has a slight Scottish accent

I cant make up a riddle I need one
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


I might be able to think up a few more riddles for sharing.

Um lets see...

Older then record.
Redder than a rose.
A Welcome to friends.
Strong against foes.

A place in the (Put North South East or West her depending on where you are)
Where you will find.
All of the pieces, 
And Those of like mind.

You all set out,
With one intention.
But you wont find it,
With out there concession.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Name: The Trickster (That's what he is usually known as. His real name is Lucius Gravel)
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 60 odd seasons.
Weapon(s): A small dagger he wears under his belt, and his wits.
Appearance: Bedraggled and graying. Is is tall, but usually hunched over. Lucius is extremely skinny.
Clothes:  He wears a tunic over a plain white shirt, and brown trousers. On his feet he has thin sandals.
Personality: Lucius acts insane, and usually talks in riddles and puzzles (hence the name), but is really sane and very clever. He is a cold-hearted beast, and never forms bonds with anyone. He loves to mess with peoples minds, and turn travelers against each other.
Other: Lives in a cave near the starting area.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Gonff the Mousethief

I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Everyone's accepted!!!!!

@Faiyloe, I baddie sounds cool, and I might need a riddle too. I'm hopeless at that sort of thing.


Great I added a few things to my app and Ill see what I can do about the riddle.

A red Place of refuge nested in green.
Along a brown path from afar can be seen.
A stand for the old for the week for the free.
The place where you'll meet them and start your journey.

I don't know how many more of these I can pump out.  :-\  :P I might be able to make another one if you (meaning anyone) Tell me where you are starting from. It would be more of directions.


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Can I use that one Faiy? It sounds really good. And I'm thinking that Arya is approaching from the woodland side, so that would be East, right?


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka is coming from the North-east. Quite far north-east. He finds his riddle, and map peice on the shore of the Eastern Sea. He takes it off a dying searat, then sets off towards Redwall.


OK that helps.

Ok... I could make it so its like giving directions to Redwall if you want. I don't want to take over the rout you take but um... Would you like a water based rout or a some what drier one.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Um, a bit of both?
Oh just a heads up, the RP starts in mid winter. Just so you all know.