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The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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Perry felt extremely embarrassed, and confused. He nodded acknowledgment at the Mara, and winced as the squirrelmaid used him as a support. When she spoke to him, he smiled shyly, and said quietly, "Its a pleasure to meet you ma'am. My name's Perry Swiftbreeze."
Toka was furious. He groped around on the floor, trying to get to his feet, and locate his sword at the same time. Not having any success, he screamed abuse at everyone in the room, and demanded his sword be returned to him. He was almost crying, he fought hard to stop tears pouring down his face. The only thing he had left of his father, and he'd lost it!


Misak was distracted from her soul-crushing worry and frenzied pacing by a particularly loud squirrel asking about a sword, she frowned, he crossbow had not been taken from her when she arrived and nor had Kaijo's sword, it lay on the floor next to his bed.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

"Ma'am? Who you talkin' to?" Arya asked, then laughed, "Please, sir, call me Arya."

OOC: Yes, I know....Her second question has horrible grammar. That's what happen when you have a Southern accent and talk the words as you type.


Arnath could tell that his need for the sword was more that just the need for a weapon it was deeper than that a personal connection. She got to her feet and ran over to Toka on the floor and dropped down on her knees beside him. She tried to place a paw on his shoulder and said in a convincing tone. "The Redwaller's are keeping it safe for you,  They will make sure nothing happens to it,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Before he knew what he was doing, Toka struck out at her, yelling, "Well they can ****** well give it back!"
He was struggling to his feet again, and was succeeding, but was in terrible pain, everything about him was on fire.
Perry blushed, "Sorry ma'a...I went, Arya. Oh, and don't call me sir, just call me Perry." 


Before Arnath knew what had happened she had fallen backward and hit her head hard on something behind her. She sat there dazed and the world fazed in and out she was not quite sure what was going on any more.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"Okay, Perry." Arya said, then smiled. She sat down again, so as not to lean on him any longer. "Do you live here?" She asked, trying to make conversation.


Perry shook his head, "No, I just got here."
Toka, through his burning pain, tried to walk across the room. He had to use beds, and other things to support himself, but he was managing it.


Arnaths head throbbed and she groped around lost trying to find something to tell her where she was.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Anise got off her bed, and went over to the blind mouse. "Are you alright? Come on, it's okay. Let's get you into a bed." She said calmly.
"Really? I was hoping you might have the answer to a puzzle I have." Arya admitted.


Toka had reached the door, he groaned in agony. Grabbing at the door handle, he pushed the door open, but fell forward onto the floor.
"A puzzle?" Perry asked, suddenly interested.

Cornflower MM

{"Well, more like a strange riddle.
I've memorized it." She said, then took a breath and started to recite it:
"A red Place of refuge nested in green.
Along a brown path from afar can be seen.
A stand for the old for the week for the free.
The place where you'll meet them and start your journey.
It came on this, which I found in an old tree." She said, then started digging in her pack, that was somehow, miraculously, still on her back.


Tauten had gone quiet for a short time, listining to Arya and Perry speak while he composed a response to Arya's little flare up. "Listen, Squirrel," he snarled, suddenly aggresive. "I've talked almost no-one since I left my crew almost 2 seasons ago, so don't say you're not used to being on your own. I didn't abandon you with that Owl, or with that beast in the cave, even though I could easily left you to both without any problem. You say your instincts have saved you plenty of times before. What, did you realize that the Strawberry Jam was on the wrong shelf in your home? I've been on my ship, hunting pirates and traitors since I was 18 seasons, 7 seasons ago. That's where you need instincts to save your life, Arya."

Suddenly calm again, Tauten turned to Perry. "What is the name of this building and the woods surrounding it?" he asked. With the few creatures he had met on his travels, he had figured out that Redwall Abbey and Mossflower Woods were the places mentioned by his riddle, but he wasn't sure if this was the right place. Then again,he thought to himself, How many Abbeys are built in the middle of a forest.

OOC: Aw, sniped while typing this. Does this post still work with you two?
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Arnath found her walking stick and grabbed hold of the bed post and struggled to her feet.

"Toka, wait!  Your hurt. We are trying to help you!"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Perry listened to Arya thoughtfully, but before he could say anything, the other beast exploded at Arya, then he asked him a question. "I think we're in Redwall Abbey, in Mossflower Woods."
Toka swore at Arnath, not caring anymore. And dragged himself onto his knees.