
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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The Mossflower Insane Asylum

Started by Rainshadow, March 09, 2014, 12:55:00 AM

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  By the Mossflower quarry and the River Moss lies a large, brick fortress called The Mossflower Insane Asylum.  This is where they send all of those deemed too odd, too crazy, too dangerous to be out amongst the peaceful creatures at the nearby Redwall Abbey.

 At this asylum there are all sorts of animals, ranging from ferrets to otters to the occasional owl, and all are cared for by a similar assortment of beasts.  However, something seems wrong with this building.

 The problem is first noticed by a trio of supposedly crazy beasts, named Shem, Daniel, and Alaina.  Missing belongings, strange noises, and things such as that.  However, as they've been declared mentally unstable, no beast will listen to them.  The problem is, none of them think they're crazy.  Sure, they see things and hear things, but does that mean they're out of their minds?

 This is a roleplay a bit like Briar's Rehabilitation Home for Vermin.  The difference is that in this one, the patients are quite insane.  Some less than others, some more than others, but all are off their rockers.

 Now, in the intro, you may have noticed that I mentioned three names in particular:  Shem Colter, Daniel Ward, and Alaina Gek.  Those are the three main characters of this RP.  Shem will be my character, but the other two are up for grabs.  You can make them as crazy as you like, with whatever mental illness you want, but they must fit this description:

Assigned Wing:  (The wing they live in)
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic:
Physical Appearance:
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
History:  (Optional)

 You may be wondering what's up with the "Illness-Related Magic" by the Illness section.  This is only for those who get the part of Daniel or Alaina (and Shem, of course, but he's mine.  ;)), so if you're playing another patient or one of the staff, you can just ignore this entirely.  In fact, just delete it from your application if you aren't trying out for the two.  But, if you are, this section is added because the trio are super special and get magic.  (Ooh, yes, SUPER special!  It's special with a cape!)  The magic, however, must be related to your illness, as the section suggests.  So, no saying that they see things and can walk through walls.  If they see things, that means they have visions or something like that.  ;)  In Shem's case, he can hear others' thoughts.  This is very hard for him to do, though, and usually his mind is filled with senseless jabber.  Nothing makes sense, so don't expect that skill to be useful very often.  But, he also can sense danger.  This is why he's paranoid, because he seems to think that danger's always around the corner.

 If you need help discerning what magic Daniel or Alaina's illness would give them, just show me the description and I can help out.

 Now that I'm done with that, notice how I've included a description for the clothing.  This is because there is a certain uniform for the patients.  However, if you wish to be one of the staff, there's a slightly different form that must be filled out:

Assigned Wing:  (The wing they work in)
Physical Appearance:
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
History:  (Optional)

 Now, you may have noticed the "Assigned Wing" section, and you might be wondering what the different wings are.  Well, there are three wings:  White (for placid beasts), Grey (for slightly aggressive beasts), and Black (for downright violent beasts).  The illness your character has and their personality will decide what wing they're placed in.  If you don't know what wing your character should go to, you can just say so and I'll review your description, then tell you the wing your character would best fit into.  If your character is one of the staff, their personality, strengths, and weaknesses will help decide what wing to go to.  Again, if you need help, just show me the character description.

 Alrighty, that's it for describing things... now onto the rules (ugh, yes, I know, rules.).


1.  Each post must have a minimum of ten sentences, and it would be really great if they helped move the plot along.

2.  You may only have real magic if you're either Shem Colter, Daniel Ward, or Alaina Gek.  This doesn't mean that your character can't THINK they have magic, but only the three I've named may have actual magic.

3.  If you're one of the trio, your magic must have something to do with your illness.  You can't have them light things on fire because they have a deep fear of clowns.  ;)

4.  If you play one of the staff, you're not allowed to force another player's patient to do something.  For example, you may order somebeast to go to solitary confinement, but they might just decide to do something else entirely.  You aren't allowed to launch yourself at them and force them into a straight jacket.  If you have permission from that player, you may, but otherwise, you just have to go along with what they're doing.  Come to an agreement, you might say.

5.  None of the characters may have weapons.  Not the staff, not the patients, no one.  They are in an asylum, after all.  You aren't usually allowed to take a battleaxe into an asylum if you're mentally unstable.  ;)

6.  The character maximum is three.

7.  If you want to play Daniel or Alaina, feel free to make apps for both of them, but you can only play one.  That way someone else can have a chance to play one of them, too.

 I think that's it for the rules, unless any of you think up something that I might need to add.


 Awaiting Wing Assignment:

 White Wing:

Jareth, played by HeadInAnotherGalaxy
Name: Jareth
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 27 Seasons
Assigned Wing: White Wing
Illness(es): Sometimes he thinks he's his younger brother Karath; thinks he can fly
Physical Appearance: A bit taller than the usual Weasel with blue eyes, and a barely-noticable-unless-your-really-looking-for-it-and-have-keen-eyes bit taller than his younger brother Karath
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Friendly-Likes to play, especially games, whether they're board/tabletop or physical games like races, contestses and the like
History: One day he and his brother just showed up in front of the Insane Asylum
Other: Is Karath's older brother

And with both of their illnesses where they think that they are the other, that means that they think that they are the other, meaning that they think that they have the other's illnesses. Thus, basically, they are constantly switching from being the one to the other. (So I guess the staff would probably get quite confused about them)
Karath, played by HeadInAnotherGalaxy
Name: Karath
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 25 Seasons
Assigned Wing: White Wing
Illness(es): Sometimes he thinks he's his older brother Jareth; is mortally afraid of any food starting with the letter "a" and will do anything to get away from said food
Physical Appearance: A bit taller than the usual Weasel with green eyes, and a barely-noticable-unless-your-really-looking-for-it-and-have-keen-eyes bit shorter than his younger brother Karath
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Mood swings-Sometimes he's real over-the-top jovial and happy, and other times he's in a deep blue depressive state; he'll switch between them at random intervals (Happy one moment, sad the next, still sad, looks out the window and suddenly becomes happy again, looks out the same window later and becomes sad, looks at something that made him sad before and suddenly becomes happy again, etc...)
History:  One day he and his brother showed up in front of the Insane Asylum
Other: Is Jareth's younger brother

And with both of their illnesses where they think that they are the other, that means that they think that they are the other, meaning that they think that they have the other's illnesses. Thus, basically, they are constantly switching from being the one to the other. (So I guess the staff would probably get quite confused about them)
Alder, played by Dag Downyfur
Name: Alder
Gender: male
Species: ferret
Age: 17
Assigned Wing:  (I'm not sure whether he would be in the White Wing or the Gray Wing..XD)
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic: Bipolar/manic-depressive disorder (they're the same thing.) Info: Experiences mood swings from depression to mania (that's what all bipolar is, that's the definition. I did my research to keep the character realistic, haha. Anyway...I think you all know what depression is, but mania is like..hyperactiveness, pretty much. ;D Alder experiences the mania more than the depression.
Physical Appearance: (his fur looks like that, and yes, that is a ferret, not a weasel. :) ) He is lanky in build- quite skinny, with fairly long limbs.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary- he rarely wears this.
Personality: Alder is very friendly, and usually extremely talkative. However, when he gets depressed, this talkativeness is gone, and he is sulky and prefers to be alone.
History:  (Optional)
Other: question: I know they don't have weapons, but do they have musical instruments and such for entertainment?

 Grey Wing:

"Admiral" Johnathan Hooper, played by Norham Waterpaw
Name: "Admiral" Johnathan Hooper
Gender: Male
Species: Owl
Age: Late thirties
Assigned wing: Grey
Illness: Schizophrenia
Physical Appearance: Brick-red fur. Blue eyes.
Clothes: Plain white tunic, with grey breaches.
Personality: Well, he has several. John is happy, and friendly. He thinks he's captaining a ship.
Oda is his first mate, who's very unsociable, and rude. Wallace is the cook, who is silent, and shy.
Strengths: A strong leader, when its just John speaking,
Weaknesses: He's rarely just John.
Sasha Arleton, played by Tiria Wildlough
Name: Sasha Arleton
Gender: Female
Species: Weasel
Age: Late 20s
Assigned Wing: Grey
Illness(es): Sasha is extremely sensitive to people's and places' "feelings", so that if bad things have happened in a place where she is, she becomes moody and depressed and even violent. (I'm not sure if this has a name. XD)
Physical Appearance: Sasha is very small, even for her species, and has the common weasel colouring of light brown fur with a white front.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: She is usually harmless, except when her condition takes a bad turn, in which case she often yells at people and threatens them (though she rarely carries out her threats). However, there was one time when she tackled a staff member and nearly strangled him. She does lose her temper sometimes.
Because of her condition, she is usually miserable at the asylum, and is only happy when she is allowed to go outside.
History: Sasha was captured by a band of outlaw vermin and made a slave when she was very young. However, a group of woodlanders attacked the outlaws, disbanding them. Because she is a weasel, and technically an enemy, they didn't consider helping her in any way other than dropping her at the asylum (she was known as 'the crazy slave').
Other: She wears a scarf around her face because she is shy of people. She made up a last name for herself because everyone else seemed to have one. ;D
Vickers, Carthy, and Sir Sussex Kellion, played by HanNorwood
Name: Vickers/Carthy/ Sir Sussex Kellion
Species: Shrew, which is one of the few things he can agree on.
Age: 23 seasons.
Assigned Wing: Grey Wing
Illness(es): Multiple Personality Disorder.
Physical Appearance: Short, and of average physique. He has a totally undamaged face, and sparkling brown eyes. Vickers (we'll refer to him as Vickers mostly) has golden fur. He is strong and athletic, as Vickers tries to maintain strength.
Clothing: A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: Vickers is the leader of the trio. He is cheerful and humble, and usually is the one making plans for everyone, not just himself. Carthy is also pretty happy, and optimistic. However, he is nowhere near as smart as Vickers or Sussex. making up for this, he is very artistic and musical. Sir Sussex is supposedly the heir to the throne of a distant country, which is why he goes by "Sir". He is proud and haughty, and considers most physical work to be beyond him, and prefers to help with the planning stages.
Other: If they concentrate enough, they can switch personalities at will. However, only Carthy is willing to do this. The other two need to be persuaded. Also Bolds are for Sussex Italics are for Carthy, and are for Vickers. Also, they all share each others memories, and know of the others existence. Finally, he is in the Grey Wing because there is worry of a more aggressive personality surfacing.

The special lettering will only be when they are talking.
May, played by W0NWILL
Name: May
Gender: Female
Species: Rabbit
Age: 20-so
Assigned Wing: Grey
Illness(es): A form of schizophrenia
Physical Appearance: May is a pretty average rabbit, with dark brown fur and big ears. However, she usually lets her ears droop, as if she couldn't be bothered to hold them upright.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: Unlike most crazies, May is perfectly aware of her insanity, and, in fact, embraces it. She is a complete slave to her voices, which usually tell her to do things. So, she'll often spend hours staring at a wall. She's perfectly aware of this, but she likes it. By leaving everything up to the voices, it frees her. Sure, sometimes the voices can be malicious and call for blood, but usually they're docile, like May. She is cooperative and friendly, except, of course, when the voices don't like it. She also thinks she has a duty to stop crime in the asylum, whatever that means. But the voices said so, so she is bound to do it.
History:  (Optional)

 Black Wing:

Shem Colter, played by Rainshadow
Name:  Shem Colter
Gender:  Male
Species:  Otter
Age:  27
Assigned Wing:  The Black Wing
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic:  Schizophrenia, seeing beasts who aren't there, paranoia.  Shem is a (pretty awful) mind reader, and he can sense danger.
Physical Appearance:  Shem is a tall, muscular otter with dark brown fur.  His headfur hangs into emerald green eyes, and he has a light brown muzzle, throat, and belly.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe of the same colour as his trousers is covering his tunic, but isn't tied on.
Personality:  The otter is smart and knows how to fight well, but doesn't like to hurt others.  He is kind and compassionate at heart, but through the seasons he's accumulated so much fear that he is known to lash out from time to time, thinking that somebeast's about to attack him.  He gets frequent headaches and can often be found talking to his "imaginary friend", Lucas Bur, who he despises.
History:  Shem tries not to talk about it.
Other:  Almost all of the beast's waking hours, he's tormented by Lucas, who's seemingly nice, but Shem feels that the rat wants to harm him.
Alaina Gek, played by W0NWILL
Name: Alaina
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: 30
Assigned Wing:  Black
Illness(es)/Illness-related magic: Sadism, can cause pain by touching beasts and concentrating.
Physical Appearance: Alaina is a normal reddish-brown squirrel with bright, humorous brown eyes and perky ears tipped in black. She always looks like she's happy.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  She wears her lounging robe whenever she can.
Personality: Outside her illnesses, Alaina is surprisingly friendly and upbeat. She will wholeheartedly welcome any newcomers, but sadistic moods will come down on her, and she will attempt to hurt others. Her insanity comes as the wind blows; randomly. Even without her illnesses, she is very impulsive, relying on her first instinct above anything else.
Strength(s): She has no qualms with harming beasts, so she can be a ruthless fighter. Her natural squirrel agility is beyond the norm.
Weakness(es): She has no qualms with harming beasts, so she can, and will, go overboard.
Luna Plain, played by Faiyloe
Name: Lune Plain (Her real name is Savanna Moon)
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: Her age is unclear but she seems around 15 or 20 but then again that could be way off.
Assigned Wing: Black
Illness(es): She talks to inanimate objects. They talk to her (Least she thinks they do). She is erratic and forgetful. also a partial amnesiac sometimes the person she used to be will bleed threw her memory (That was a very different person).  
Physical Appearance: Unkempt dark brown fur, strange big gold colored eyes, neat pointy white teeth, One or two scars on her body, and a white swirly tattoo on her left upper arm going up her neck and on to the bottom side of her face. She got it on a whim and will some times forget that it is there.  
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in color may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: Extreme mood swings, very talkative although half the time she makes no seance, hyper, she talks to inanimate object and talks even if no one is about. She did go threw a faze where she pretended she was mute although that didn't last long. She is erratic one minute she will hate something with a passion and the next she will love it or vice versa one minute she will be obsessed with something and the next she will forget it even existed. She is also very forgetful.
History:  It all started several years ago she woke up all alone with no memory of who she was before that. She soon found that talking to things was not normal.  
Other: Extremely quick and agile even for a squirrel, can move around with out being seen or heard (if you can believe it) if she wishes.
Emmet Brikon, played by HanNorwood
Name: Emmet Brikon
Gender: Male
Species: Ermine
Age: 36 seasons
Assigned Wing: Black Wing
Illness: Emmet has a strange form of Amnesia, and cannot remember most things for more then an hour. All he remembers is his name, the names of people around him, and their species, as well as the basic needs and skills of life. He is also very Paranoid.
Physical Appearance: He is very tall, and extremely skinny. He never recovered from one time when he forgot how to eat. His fur is dark grey. with streaks of silver, because of the stress from his sickness. He has a long scar that runs across his face, ending half-way into Emmet's right ear. It is clear that he was once very strong, but he let his body go to seed.
Clothing: A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in color may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: Despite being part of a vermin horde, he is actually quite nice when you know him. However, when he doesn't know you, he is dangerous. Though he can remember names better then most things, that's all he gets about creatures. When he has forgotten someone and they approach him, he WILL usually try to kill them.
History: He was part of a Vermin Horde, but when he was attacking Salamandastron, Emmet was smashed into by the badger lord. His head smashed into the ground. Emmet survived, but was never quite the same. Eventually the Horde just dropped him of at the Mossflower Insane Asylum.
Zantrus Deathhound, played by AbbotAlf0809
Name: Zantrus Deathhound (For you THoR fans ;) )
Gender: Male
Race: Fox
Age: Undetermined
Assigned Wing: Black Wing
Illnesses: High-functioning pyromaniac as well as suffers from severe trauma resulting in violent outbreaks
Physical Appearance: Large burly black/auburn colored fox, bright orange eyes and several scorch marks, has a strange tattoo of a White Castle on his arm clearly resemble a family crest of some sort.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Hateful to any east not either a mouse or a fox, obsessed with any form of flame and destruction, mutters to himself sometimes bout strange things perhaps secrets? Lashes out at beast that talk to him for the most part.
History: Was dropped off at the asylum by several strangely hooded beasts from the north, went absolutely inane after he broke out once and was returned to his cell. Angry at all.
Other: Rumor has it that he is somewhat related to Ztge infamous Xànthar Deathhound.
Daniel Ward, played by Tiria Wildlough
Name: Daniel Ward
Gender: Male
Species: Mouse
Age: 20
Assigned Wing: Black
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic: He has a serious fear of being looked joke. He becomes extremely anxious when someone stares at him, to the point where he will do anything to get away from them, even hurt people. His magic is that he can tell when there are people in his proximity, and who they are.
Physical Appearance: Dark brown fur, and big brown eyes. He looks younger than he is, and you would never believe that he was dangerous. Most people feel sorry for him.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  
Personality: He is nervous and tends to talk too fast. When someone stares at him too long, he makes a bolt for the nearest exit, or throws something at them. He can be very sweet, but you need to know how to talk to him without making him nervous.
History: Daniel admitted himself to the asylum at the age of 17 when he realized that his fear was becoming obsessive. He was in the grey wing first, and expected to get better soon. But he actually got worse, not better, and was moved to the black wing after a particularly bad episode. This makes him miserable, as he knows that the other beasts in the black wing are actually dangerous.


 No Assigned Wing:

Chief Artur Greenwick, played by Rainshadow
Name:  Chief Artur Greenwick
Gender:  Male
Species:  Hare
Age:  Somewhere in his 50s.
Assigned Wing:  He's the head honcho; he has no assigned wing, but just makes sure that everything is ship shape.
Physical Appearance:  Artur, or Chief, as many call him, is a short and round hare, but don't let his appearance fool you.  Before he started the mental hospital, he was the chief medical officer in the Long Patrol, and he was one of the best boxers around.
 The hare has ginger fur that's starting to grey at the tips, sparkling blue eyes, and his whiskers are curled into a rather dashing mustache.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.  He also wears a pair of thick spectacles, which slide down his nose quite often.
Personality:  Jolly and cheerful, Artur is quite a fine beast to hang around.  However, around many of the patients, he can be... well, honestly, he can be rather harsh.  He doesn't permit any funny business to happen in the wings, and is ready to crack down on anybeast who disobeys the rules.
Strength(s):  A mighty fine boxing hare, and is quite good at giving orders (as well as making others obey him).  He also knows a lot about medicine.
Weakness(es):  The chief is rather heavy and out of shape, so he's not as swift or as physically powerful as he once was.  Also, if he loses his glasses, he would be virtually blind.
History:  Chief Artur was once in the Long Patrol, serving as a medic for longer than he cares to remember.  Eventually he decided it was time to retire from the Patrol and do something on his own.  So he came to Mossflower and founded the asylum in honour of his younger sister, who was hit in the head when serving in the Long Patrol, permanently mentally disabling her.
Other:  He's the founder and chief of the asylum.
 White Wing:

Sherl Teka, played by redwallgurl
Name: Sherl Teka
Gender: Female
Species: otter
Age: 21 seasons
Assigned Wing: white
Physical Appearance: Sleek black otter with a height usually a little over average. Has sea blue eyes which are usually stormy. She has a usual mothery touch around her soft features.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: A motherly figure who is willing to help almost all patients. Is usually very kind and can't take too much violence.
Strength(s): Loves children and helping, has a motherly touch
Weakness(es): Gives too  much
History: Her brother had been severely ill with an unknown mental disease and by the standards of her otter clans her brother had to be killed. She left the clan quickly after that and came to help here.

 Grey Wing:

Grace Longbell, played by Faiyloe
Name: Grace Longbell
Gender: Female
Species: Mouse
Age: 18
Assigned Wing: On her job description it says she works in the gray wing but in reality she dose a little in all of them. She specifically works with the Patients who have some form of a Multiple Personality Disorder.  
Physical Appearance: Neat Gray fur, lively deep bright blue eyes a small pink nose.  
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Friendly, Understanding, Intuitive, She is the one who wants to befriend the patients. She goes along mostly with there antics and wants to play with them. Not much for scolding prefers to comfort them. If they get out of hand she tries to talk with them on there terms. If they think they are some one else she acts like they are that person. (Within reason)  
Strength(s): Intuitive, Friendly, Convincing
Weakness(es): Not very Physically strong, Can never bring herself to scold them.
Other: Is not trying to fix them only trying to help them feel wanted and accepted. and making sure that there needs are all fulfilled.

 Black Wing:

Sisco, played by W0NWILL
Name: Sisco
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 40
Assigned wing: Black
Physical Appearance: Sisco is an average-looking weasel, not very special in the looks department. He is pretty thin and wiry. The only thing notable about him is a tattoo from his corsair days; a swirly design on his cheek.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Sisco is an understanding and soft-spoken sort. He's the sort to fade into the background and observe. He's a good listener and has a knack for observing emotions; in short, he's perfect for his job as a therapist. His old corsair ways are still evident in his everyday life, though. He speaks with a corsair accent, and is very greedy. He's also rather thick.
Strength(s): Good therapist; listener, observer, understanding, is not easy to notice.
Weakness(es): Can be slow on the uptake, greedy, has trouble making himself noticed
History: Used to run with a corsair crew. Was the only one to survive a shipwreck on the Mossflower coast, but went out of his mind. Through some kind woodlanders, he was dropped off at the asylum, and actually rehabilitated through the kind treatment of the workers in the white ward. He decided to stick with the asylum, and try to help others, as he had discovered that he had a knack for therapy.
Indira Rivet, played by redwallgurl
Name: Indira Rivet
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: 24 seasons
Assigned Wing: Black Wing
Physical Appearance: A typical brown squirrel with average height and body composition. She has piercing brown eyes that can either melt a heart or freeze it.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Very patient squirrel but has a firm grip on her patients. Can be very stubborn. Easy to make smile even with just a little bit of attention.
Strength(s): Able to lay a firm paw on a patient if they step too far out of line.
Weakness(es): Is eager to help many beasts and do sometimes risky things for her patients.
History: Ran away from home due to an abusive father so she is able to take most hits from her patients
Other: Pleased with her job


Lucas Bur, played by Rainshadow
Name:  Lucas Bur
Gender:  Male
Species:  Rat
Age:  Undetermined, but somewhere in his thirties or forties.
Physical Appearance:  Short grey-blond fur covers the lanky beast's body, and his eyes are bright blue.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.
Personality:  Lucas is polite and annoyingly friendly, and on the surface, he seems like he'd make a great friend.  However, Shem doesn't feel this way, and that disappoints Lucas quite a bit.
History:  No beast knows anything about the rat except for Shem, so not much is known, but he has told a few stories about being raised in a family with many siblings and how he was best friends with his brothers and sisters, but eventually left because his home got too crowded.  That's usually where he loses the otter's interest.
Other:  No one can see him except for Shem Colter.

(Yes, Lucas doesn't have all of the parts of the application, but this is because he's neither staff nor patient.  He's technically just a figment of Shem's imagination.)

Name:  Shem Colter
Gender:  Male
Species:  Otter
Age:  27
Assigned Wing:  The Black Wing
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic:  Schizophrenia, seeing beasts who aren't there, paranoia.  Shem is a (pretty awful) mind reader, and he can sense danger.
Physical Appearance:  Shem is a tall, muscular otter with dark brown fur.  His headfur hangs into emerald green eyes, and he has a light brown muzzle, throat, and belly.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe of the same colour as his trousers is covering his tunic, but isn't tied on.
Personality:  The otter is smart and knows how to fight well, but doesn't like to hurt others.  He is kind and compassionate at heart, but through the seasons he's accumulated so much fear that he is known to lash out from time to time, thinking that somebeast's about to attack him.  He gets frequent headaches and can often be found talking to his "imaginary friend", Lucas Bur, who he despises.
History:  Shem tries not to talk about it.
Other:  Almost all of the beast's waking hours, he's tormented by Lucas, who's seemingly nice, but Shem feels that the rat wants to harm him.

Name:  Lucas Bur
Gender:  Male
Species:  Rat
Age:  Undetermined, but somewhere in his thirties or forties.
Physical Appearance:  Short grey-blond fur covers the lanky beast's body, and his eyes are bright blue.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.
Personality:  Lucas is polite and annoyingly friendly, and on the surface, he seems like he'd make a great friend.  However, Shem doesn't feel this way, and that disappoints Lucas quite a bit.
History:  No beast knows anything about the rat except for Shem, so not much is known, but he has told a few stories about being raised in a family with many siblings and how he was best friends with his brothers and sisters, but eventually left because his home got too crowded.  That's usually where he loses the otter's interest.
Other:  No one can see him except for Shem Colter.

 (Yes, Lucas doesn't have all of the parts of the application, but this is because he's neither staff nor patient.  He's technically just a figment of Shem's imagination.)

 Oof, so sorry for such a long first post, but there was a lot to cover!  Anyway, if you guys have any other ideas, feel free to post them below.  And don't be afraid to ask questions!  This may be kinda confusing (I wouldn't know, as this whole idea DID come from my own head.  ;)), so don't be ashamed if you don't get it.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I might join and possibly try for Daniel.

Are non-Redwall animals allowed?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Name: Alaina
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: 30
Assigned Wing:  Black
Illness(es)/Illness-related magic: Kleptomania, sadism, can cause pain by touching beasts and concentrating.
Physical Appearance: Alaina is a normal reddish-brown squirrel with bright, humorous brown eyes and perky ears tipped in black. She always looks like she's happy.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  She wears her lounging robe whenever she can.
Personality: Outside her illnesses, Alaina is surprisingly friendly and upbeat. She will wholeheartedly welcome any newcomers, but sadistic moods will come down on her, and she will attempt to hurt others. Her insanity comes as the wind blows; randomly. Even without her illnesses, she is very impulsive, relying on her first instinct above anything else.
Strength(s): She has no qualms with harming beasts, so she can be a ruthless fighter. Her natural squirrel agility is beyond the norm.
Weakness(es): She has no qualms with harming beasts, so she can, and will, go overboard. She steals impulsively, and will often get in trouble because. She isn't any good at thieving.

I am looking at my signature now, I never thought that it would be even slightly relating to a topic here. In this one, it's perfect.


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on March 09, 2014, 01:07:20 AM
I might join and possibly try for Daniel.

Are non-Redwall animals allowed?

 It depends.  What did you have in mind?

 @Won:  Looks good, but I'm just curious, did you have any magic in mind for her?  (I can't really tell if her illnesses would have something to do with magic, as I'm not totally familiar with them.  (Had to look 'em up, lol.))

  EDIT:  Ah, I see that you were editing it as I was posting.  Enhanced agility is what you've chosen?  (And if you ask me, I think the Black Wing would be a better fit for her.  ;))
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


No, enhanced agility is not related to magic. She's just a little more agile than most squirrels, but not so much that it's unnatural.


Quote from: W0NWILL on March 09, 2014, 01:28:57 AM
No, enhanced agility is not related to magic. She's just a little more agile than most squirrels, but not so much that it's unnatural.

  Oh, alright, then my previous question still stands.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I don't know. Maybe causing pain? That would go hand-in-hand with the sadism.


Quote from: W0NWILL on March 09, 2014, 01:32:27 AM
I don't know. Maybe causing pain? That would go hand-in-hand with the sadism.

  Sounds good, as long as your character doesn't decide to frolic down the hallways every day, making everyone keel over.  ;)  Maybe she can only cause pain by physical touch or extreme concentration?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yeah, that would work. Can't deny that would be amusing, though.


Quote from: W0NWILL on March 09, 2014, 01:40:00 AM
Yeah, that would work. Can't deny that would be amusing, though.

  Haha, yes, it would.  ;D

  Okee-dokey, adding you to the list!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Norham Waterpaw

Name: "Admiral" Johnathan Hooper
Gender: Male
Species: Owl
Age: Late thirties
Assigned wing: Grey
Illness: Schizophrenia
Physical Appearance: Brick-red feathers. Blue eyes.
Clothes: Plain white tunic, with grey breaches.
Personality: Well, he has several. John is happy, and friendly. He thinks he's captaining a ship.
Oda is his first mate, who's very unsociable, and rude. Wallace is the cook, who is silent, and shy.
Strengths: A strong leader, when its just John speaking,
Weaknesses: He's rarely just John.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


  Name: Lune Plain (Her real name is Savanna Moon)
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: Her age is unclear but she seems around 15 or 20 but then again that could be way off.
Assigned Wing: Black
Illness(es): She talks to inanimate objects. They talk to her (Least she thinks they do). She is erratic and forgetful. also a partial amnesiac sometimes the person she used to be will bleed threw her memory (That was a very different person).  
Physical Appearance: Unkempt dark brown fur, strange big gold colored eyes, neat pointy white teeth, One or two scars on her body, and a white swirly tattoo on her left upper arm going up her neck and on to the bottom side of her face. She got it on a whim and will some times forget that it is there.  
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in color may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: Extreme mood swings, very talkative although half the time she makes no seance, hyper, she talks to inanimate object and talks even if no one is about. She did go threw a faze where she pretended she was mute although that didn't last long. She is erratic one minute she will hate something with a passion and the next she will love it or vice versa one minute she will be obsessed with something and the next she will forget it even existed. She is also very forgetful.
History:  It all started several years ago she woke up all alone with no memory of who she was before that. She soon found that talking to things was not normal.  
Other: Extremely quick and agile even for a squirrel, can move around with out being seen or heard (if you can believe it) if she wishes.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ok so I decided to join

Quote from: Rainshadow on March 09, 2014, 01:25:43 AM
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on March 09, 2014, 01:07:20 AM
I might join and possibly try for Daniel.

Are non-Redwall animals allowed?

  It depends.  What did you have in mind?

I'm not sure at the moment but you could just approve/disapprove it once I post my app, right? Anyway I'm gonna leave my apps here and fill them later

Name: Skumring/Richard
Gender: Male
Species: Common Genet
Age: 54/Undead
Assigned Wing: Grey
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic: He believes he is someone else
Physical Appearance: Average common genet, is rather tall and thin
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary. He has on occasion attempted to dye his robe black as well as sew himself a hood veil and fingerless gloves out of black material.
Personality: Skumring is completely insane, believing himself to be Richard Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead and Mayor of the Little Village up the Coast which is quite scenic in spring. He believes himself to be invincible and as such often needs to be hauled out of trouble. He also believes the asylum to be the small village of Pretty, Pretty Unicorn ("It's a work in progress") of which he is the mayor, he frequently calls random strangers Maikos though it is unknown why this is. Richard has on occasion been known to kill people on a whim, his strange whims can make him do almost anything especially add to his titles (otherwise yo get them from killing enemies), he has recently been considering adding Lord of the Dance and King of the World to his list of titles. Skumring believes Richard to be the most powerful creature of all time, a master of fire, and all majyks.
History: He was found by a burning orphanage which he insisted attacked him
Other: Unbenknownst to almost everyone, Skumring has actually succeeded in making himself robes and is very proud of them, he keeps them under his bed and occasionally wears them. The staff have never once caught him out of asylum uniform.

Richard's robes look something like this:
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Tiria Wildlough

Name: Sasha Arleton
Gender: Female
Species: Weasel
Age: Late 20s
Assigned Wing: Grey
Illness(es): Sasha is extremely sensitive to people's and places' "feelings", so that if bad things have happened in a place where she is, she becomes moody and depressed and even violent. (I'm not sure if this has a name. XD)
Physical Appearance: Sasha is very small, even for her species, and has the common weasel colouring of light brown fur with a white front.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
Personality: She is usually harmless, except when her condition takes a bad turn, in which case she often yells at people and threatens them (though she rarely carries out her threats). However, there was one time when she tackled a staff member and nearly strangled him. She does lose her temper sometimes.
Because of her condition, she is usually miserable at the asylum, and is only happy when she is allowed to go outside.
History: Sasha was captured by a band of outlaw vermin and made a slave when she was very young. However, a group of woodlanders attacked the outlaws, disbanding them. Because she is a weasel, and technically an enemy, they didn't consider helping her in any way other than dropping her at the asylum (she was known as 'the crazy slave').
Other: She wears a scarf around her face because she is shy of people. She made up a last name for herself because everyone else seemed to have one. ;D

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


  @Norham:  I laughed as I read your character.  The captain, the first mate, AND the cook?  Awesome.  ;D  Accepted!

  @Faiy:  I believe the word you're looking for when you say she has mood swings is that she's bipolar.  ;)  Accepted!  Oh, and one quick question:  Do the staff know that Luna's real name is Savanna Moon, or do they think she's Luna Plain?

  @Jet:  Sure, fine with me.  :)  Although, I did notice that you've got the wrong app for Daniel.  Not a problem, you just posted the staff app instead of the patient app.  Here's the app you should probably fill out:

Assigned Wing:  (The wing they live in)
Illness(es)/Illness-Related Magic:
Physical Appearance:
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers.  A lounging robe (bathrobe) matching the trousers in colour may be worn on top, but it is not necessary.
History:  (Optional)

  @Tiria:  Sensitive to feelings, as in, "You said something rude about room 201!  How dare you?!"?  Love it!  Accepted.  :)

  And a note to all of you:  It's not a problem if you do, I'm just pointing out that it's not necessary to add the strengths and weaknesses to a patient.  If you'd like to get in depth with your character and do so, totally fine, but it's not required.  However, if you are one of the staff, it's required that you do so.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!