Renovations to Redwall

Started by redwallgurl, March 24, 2014, 03:53:53 PM

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I'm back! And with me I've decided to get some RP's going on again.
If anyone is interested to join you can fill out the standard character sheet and you'll be accepted.
The story line goes as follows....
Salamandastron and Redwall Abbey have both risen to have new leaders, often with crashing views in how Mossflower country should be ruled. Redwalls leader wishes to continue the everlasting peace with allowing Woodlanders to go along and freely do as they wish. However Salamandastrons new Badger Lord/Lady (I'll let whoever wants it to decide which gender will be more fit) wants a more authoritarian rule over Mossflower country. With a clash of views and ruling decisions, which side will the Guosim and Skipper clans decide to go on? Will things ever be the same in Mossflower country?

As long as this story line hasn't be taken already I'm willing to continue with this idea.
I'll need some people to be:
Badger Lord/Lady
And any other supporting characters that'll fit for this RP. 

I'll be the Abbey Warrioress to get things going.
Name: Brynn Maeve
Species: Mouse
Age: 18 seasons
Gender: Female
Position: Abbey Warrioress
Weapon: Martin's Sword
Personality: Free spirited at most times, caring, has high standards and morals, deadly with sword when it needs to be
Fun. is a fantastic band.


One question, can vermin be abbey dwellers? I'm not sure if a cat (not wildcat) would be classified as vermin due to the only cat being Julian but I would like to use a character who is a good guy but also a cat so yeah..... That was incredibly poorly written
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Haha sure don't worry you can definitely be a good cat if you want to.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of adding some stuff to the app

Name: David Strider
Species: Cat (Normal cat, not wildcat)
Gender: Male
Position: Abbey dweller
Appearance: Rather tall, he has light blonde fur and red eyes which he keeps hidden under the hood of his dark red tunic.(if its allowed I'd like to give him shades because I'm basing him off a character from somewhere else (There are some notable differences however so it's not just a straight copy and paste)) He wears leather wrist-guards and shin-guards and a leather belt diagonally across his chest.
Weapon(s): He uses a katana which he keeps slung over his back
Age: Sixteen
Personality: Stoic, mysterious and aloof, he takes steps making sure he never lets his feelings show. He is also rather shy and untrusting, he is wary of strangers and never lets his guard down. When he gets to know you he is extremely snarky and sarcastic even without the use of his voice.
Other: David is mute and he carries a notepad, quill and ink and a stick of charcoal (in case he runs out of ink) because you can't expect anyone to know sign language without good reason.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Yay! You're back! Remember me?

Name: Gekko
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Position: Wanderer
Appearance: Gekko has light brown fur, that is always scruffy and tousled, and bright blue eyes. He wears a light blue or green tunic. His paws(all four) are usually wrapped in leather strips, meant to help him grip tree branches.
Weapon: His own two paws.
Personality: Gekko is a free spirit, and ready for a quick laugh whenever the need be. He is playful and quirky, and can be more than a little off-putting with his general enthusiasm. He is extremely impatient, and has trouble standing still. He even has trouble staying in one area for more than a few days.

Name: Retcin
Species: Nightingale
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Redwaller
Appearance: Retcin is your average nightingale, pale brown, with a reddish tail. Unlike most birds, he does wear some form of clothing; a black Aviators hat with gold-rimmed goggles.
Weapon: Natural defenses
Personality: Retcin is a comically serious fellow, not familiar with the social norms of Redwall, having spent most of his life reared in a small nest and traveling, mostly alone. He is usually all business, but does have a soft side for small creatures.
Other: Travelled with Gekko until they stopped at Redwall, where he stayed.


Of course I remember you! You're both in obviously! Awesome characters also.  :P
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Name: Throng Spoodle
Species: Shrew
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: Dark brown tunic, taller then most shrews. Big brown eyes with scars all across his face.
Weapon: Rapier
Personality: A brave Log-a-Log and shrews do not want to be in trouble with him. A warrior that is aggressive in general. 
Give 'em Blood an' Vinegar!!!


Welcome to the forum redwallbro! Good character and you're accepted. One thing however what side are you on? The Redwall side or the Salmandastron side?
Fun. is a fantastic band.


The Salamandastron side of course! ;)
Give 'em Blood an' Vinegar!!!


Fun. is a fantastic band.


Give 'em Blood an' Vinegar!!!


I made a couple edits to Retcin's profile; just that he's an abbey dweller, and his hood is now an aviators hat. Because face it; a little bird in an aviator hat would be adorable. Also, may I claim the badgerlord as well?


Sure that'd be adorable! And of course you can take the Badger Lord if you want!
Fun. is a fantastic band.


As you allowed W0N's slightly modern touch of an aviator hat would I be allowed to give Dave shades? (Which by coincidence, would be aviators due to the character he is based on (very loosely))
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Can there be a third party, not for either side? ;D
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.