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The Rise of the Rebels (Steampunk RP)

Started by The Shade, April 19, 2014, 07:44:36 PM

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Victoria glowers at Rectin. "You've got to be kidding me, bird. Do you want to get caught, and killed? If you don't act like the Empire does, then the Empire finds you and does away with you."

OOC: I'm beginning to think that Vicky doesn't like Rectin. That wasn't supposed to happen. W0NWILL, can we make a backstory for that? Since it's happening anyways, there might as well be a reason.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Norham Waterpaw

Frinlen had made it. He stepped inside to see a few familiar faces. There was Valerian, and Victoria. Raven was of course there. There were new faces too.

He drew up a stool, and sat down next to Valerian, tapping the Fox's arm cuff. "This theng still work? Or have th' Empire scumbags figgered it out?" He said.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Whew! That was a lot to catch up on!

BIC: Arya had stiffened when Vicky had put her paw on her shoulders, but let the paw remain. She listened to the debate with a raised eyebrow, and had trouble repressing a snigger. She did, however, smirk. When Valerian addressed her, she stood, gave a nod of her head, and said, "My name is Arya Brushtail. You have no reason to fear about me being a spy for the Empire, Retcin. I'm sure you know of Grakint, and his slaves, with only one who has escaped?" She said, her voice smooth. When she was done speaking, she sat back down smootyhly.

OOC: Grakint is rather well-known, and only one slave has ever escaped.....A slave who's name is Arya Brushtail. And he's not my character. I may make him one of mine later, however.


Voxx nodded. "Aye. Still operational, though the Empire's learning to counter them. They've got an entire class of fighter specially trained against me- Ha! I think they believe we have at least a score armed alike to me. We only ever had... what, five? Now it's..." He sighed. "Just me. The others are dead. Their new troops have a disruptor that can pull us out of a voidrealm and prevent us from Stepping. If I was caught like that... I shudder to think."


OOC: @BlueRose: Beginning to think? :P Well, Retcin doesn't really know how to act, and is rather insensitive, as you can probably see. It can probably be something as simple of him being insensitive towards her, or maybe they get along most of the time, but the rest, not as much. Like, half the time I hate one of my best friend's guts, and the other half we get on fabulously.

BIC: "Thatagood." Retcin nodded to Arya, "Letus talk revolution, nouse wasting time." He decided to ignore Valerian's lecture on chivalry, as it was not big with birds. That was one of the reasons birds often had difficulty mingling with other beasts; their lives and cultures were so different. Most birds didn't even bother.


OOC: Ok. That works. It's just that Vicky is a fairly laid-back individual, so I thought there might be more of a reason for her to not like Rectin.

BIC: Victoria looked shocked when she heard who Arya was. "Slavery? That's horrid!" She used her free paw to rummage around in her pouch, pulling out a small bar of chocolate and offering it to Arya. "Chocolate?"
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Valerian rolled his eyes, with a grin. "You and your chocolate... Anyway, are we all here?"

The Shade

Raven cast his eye over the assembled beasts. Yes, all that had agreed to come were most or less here. He'd raised an eyebrow at Frinlen's late arrival but hadn't said anything. It was time for the meeting to begin.

The raccoon untied a cord that held a thick veil, which fell across the anclove in which they were all gathered. Almost all lighting disappeared. He than perceeded to smash flint and steel together, lighting up a large lantern.

"I don't know matey, this seems to be it," he said, answering Valerian's question absent-mindedly. "Anyway, you're the expert at all this void business. Ahem..." he cleared his throat. "...Sorry for the poor lighting everybeast, but I wanted to make sure no sound escaped. Now we shall begin. First off... Victoria. Do yer have any information about the sorts of numbers Gabriel is shipping out? If not, it would be extremely useful if you could find out. It would give us a rough idea of how much mobility the empire has harnessed. And Valerian. You say they have a disruptor. So they still haven't got the technology to use void relm yet?"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Valerian sighed. "No, no, they're still a ways off. Only by luck, though. I was lucky enough to be there whenever one of our Shadowrunners died. Only by virtue of that have they been unable to reverse-engineer the devices. I don't think they'll discover void technology on their own for at least several years yet- They're still convinced that they need to use an umbranic current, if I'm not mistaken. Only the foci are umbranic shards- The rest is prismakinetic. Sorry. Rambling again, aren't I. Anyways, that's my report."


Retcin quieted and fluttered up to his perch on the chair again. He listened to Valerian's reply, thoroughly confused. But he understood 'won't discover void technology', so that was good. He looked to Victoria, waiting for her to respond.

Cornflower MM

OOC: 'Cuse my ignorance, but WHAT?!?!?! That post just flew over my head, Rus.

BIC: Arya had accepted some chocolate from the otter gratefully. She did have a recently developed sweet tooth. She listened to the reports, and she knew she had some info that the others could use. She decided to offer it, if she was given the chance.


OOC: No, yeah, most of that went over my head too. I really have no idea how a void travel device would work- I'm just mashing latin words together, basically. 'Prisma' as in 'color' or 'light.' 'Kinesis' as in 'movement.' Prismakinesis- Light movement. Umbra means shadow, so.. Yeah. I really don't know. Nobody does. Except Valerian. And that's the point :D

Cornflower MM

OOC: Oh, okay! Oh, and Shade, I made another character.


Vladimer Thorston dashed through the streets of the city, running straight by Old Redwall to the inn. He was late, and had to get to the meeting as soon as possible. Ignoring the fact that he would probably damage his respirator as it tried to keep up with him, the Fossa bolted through winding streets, his weapons bouncing at his side. When Vlad finally saw the inn, he slowed down, then reached over his shoulder to adjust some knobs on the power pack that was attached to his respirator. As soon he was finished, he walked into the inn, and started looking around for the people he was supposed to be meeting. Spotting several creatures huddled around table, he quietly walked over, and asked "What have I missed."
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Norham Waterpaw

Frinlen listened intently. "So we've got a Shaderunner, a Bird, the daughter of an Auto tychoon, a newbie, and an explosive's marketer. What are you planning Raven? 'Cause it sure sounds interesting." He said with a bit of a smirk.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?