RP: The Iron Horde

Started by Morgazath, April 29, 2014, 07:56:32 PM

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 Hey, everyone. I have just joined, and since I'm a HUGE fan of the Redwall series, I decided to start my own RP about a story a came up with. So here it goes, hope you enjoy.

The mountain fortress of Salamandastran currently has no ruler, now that it's former badger ruler, Ofret the Just has now passed away. A hare (I'll leave this one to you.) has taken the position of temporary ruler until a new badger ruler rises once more.

But, far, far north, across the Great Sea, lies a grand land ruled by the tyrant, Zeerkra the Conquerer. Zeerkra has decided to expand his territories by taking more land for himself.

So he gathers a huge fighting force of his Iron Horde-His massive army of foxes and rats covered with silver unusually strong armor-and takes his fleet of ships to new lands.

Having landed on the shores of Salamandastran, Zeerkra begins a siege on Salamandastran. Meanwhile, back at Redwall Abbey, Martin the Warrior comes to a young badger (I'll leave this one to you.) to go liberate Salamandastran.

So, leaving Redwall with the Champion warrior, (I'll also leave this one to you.) they set off to free Salamandastra from Zeerkra's clawed clutches. The adventure begins!

"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Wylder Treejumper

You have to set up the RP in the OOC (Out Of Character) RP board before you start a thread here... This way people can join, discuss the senario, get their character sheets ready, and ask questions. Sounds good, though.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


 Oops! Okay, thanks for the help.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

It most certainly sounds like loads of fun! ;D Do you have any character sheet requirements?
Prom! Here I come!!!


 All the details will be in the OOC RP board.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

Gotcha! I'll be awaiting anxiously for the OOC thread to be placed! :D
Prom! Here I come!!!

Captain Snowfire

Right! Shall we get this started?
Prom! Here I come!!!


Yes, we shall. Alright, this RP is finally ready to start. I know I haven't put Zeerkra in the Iron Horde discussion, but I wanted him to be a surprise. Okay, let's get started, I'll start off the RP. Hope you enjoy this. ;D

Wind shrieked across the sea in the dreadful storm as it tore through the black sails like knives. Waves pounded on the sides of the ship as lightning raked the sky and thunder roared overhead.

Zeerkra stood at the front of his ship, the Black Shard, as the storm relentlessy beat at his ship and the many others that surround the Black Shard.

As the winds began to die and the clouds began to disperse, Zeerkra stared ahead. He needed more lands, for the population of his cities and armies was growing too massive to support.

Zeerkra had heard of a large mountain called Salamandastron and a redstone fortress called Redwall Abbey. He decided to take a large number of his army, dubbed the "Iron Horde" to capture these two places.

It will take at least three days to reach the shores of Salamandastron, but once they get there, Zeerkra shall continue to literally use his full name: Zeerkra the Conqueror!
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

OOC: Hey, I forgot to ask: Is there a minimum post length? *Starts hoping there isn't*


 OOC: Your post can be as long as you want and only one post per turn.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

OOC: So I can only post once a day? That's no fair!

BIC: Arya was walking along the walltops, relishing the nice breeze that came through the woodlands. She sat down, enjoying the view, and decided to make sure that all of her arrows wee in order. She took the quiver off her back and spread the arrows on the walkway....One of them had a rather damaged flight, and she recalled the time she lent an arrow to one of the Dibbuns....They must have returned it like this. She sighed, shook her head, smiled, and set about separating the flight from the rest of the arrow. She'd ask Sister Anise, the Recorder, for a feather later.


 OOC: Not one post per day, just no double posting. You can post once someone else posts.

Corflower MM
Captain Snowfire
Cornflower MM.

Like that.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

OOC: Well, I know that! It's against Forum Rules to double-post. Of course, you may do it occasionally, but I try to avoid double posting.


 OOC: Oops, sorry. I'm also in another forum and that one is so different then this one. Where you're pretty much allowed to do anything except for spamming, racial comments, religion, ect. ect.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Works for me! Oh boy! This is going to be Great! ;D I can post a good long one here and there!

BIC: Holly Redpaw stood in the empty Badger lords chambers, a small sigh reaching his lips. It had been only a short time since the recent Badger lords death, but it had felt like he had been ruling the Mountain of Salamandastron for a lifetime. His dark blue eye's gazed slowly around the simple but well made chamber. It was huge chamber, and fit only for a Badger lord. Which the mountain now sadly lacked. His eye's misted slightly as he remember the days when he was a young leveret, and had helped the Badger lord Ofret the Just in his forge chambers. He could be a stern badger at times, but always had a kind heart towards others. And had been totally perilous in battle. Holly had served Ofret the Just since he was a green recruit, always trying to stand out among other young hares as the best. But as the seasons passed, he could see the foolishness some of his actions had caused. He had not wanted the job of ruling the mountain, just to merely show his loyalty and dedication to the Badger lord and his Mountain. Memory's passed through the Hare's mind as he recalled a sunlight afternoon, merely a few day's before the Badger lord's death. He had been walking along the beach with Lord Ofret and another recruit, when he had stopped and told him." One day, when I am gone from this land. You'll tend to this mountain until the Badger lords return." Holly had asked what it meant. But the Badger lord would speak no more of the matter. Now Holly knew the wisdom in his Lords words. He sighed sadly as he walked through the forge room, the forge had gone cold for the time being. No beast attending it, making spears, sword, or arrows. Holly walked out of the Forge room, a small gleam of determination is his eye. If it was Ofret's last request that he Rule the mountain until the next Badger lord's reign, then he was going to do it. Even if it took him until the end of his seasons until the next Badger lord arrived. Holly brightened up at this revelation, he had an assignment given to him by his badger lord. Striding confidently down the long flights of stairs to the training grounds, where some recruits were training with each other. They were not training properly, but only halfheartedly. Lieutenant Holly strode over, his saber at his side. When he reached the young hares, he drew his saber. "Right then you horrible slackers!" He roared out, making them jump. "Let me see you train'in properly! you there ditherpaws! Never let your spear point drop when facing an opponent! Not unless your dead or dying!" He continued to roar at the recruits. The recruits fumbled to wield their weapons properly. "You their!" he called to one of the recruits. "You look like a beast who knows how to use that sword, lets see you use it! Come on now, don't be shy! Because vermin won't be!" He let his saber point rest in the sand as the recruit nervously approached the Lieutenant. "Come on now! Make your move!" He challenged the young hare. The young Hare halfheartedly attempted a thrust. A second before it reached Holly, his saber was up and deflected the blow. Quick as a flash Holly sidestepped and flipped his saber over so he was holding the point, and jabbed the young recruit in the side with the hilt. The razor-sharp blade of his saber cutting into his gloves slightly. "What do you call that?!" Holly roared at the recruit. "Come on! Have another go!" He egged the recruit on, his paws steady as a rock. the recruit tried several times to land a hit on the Lieutenant's saber with his sword until he could hardly keep the blade up, but Holly kept moving the saber out of the way, still holding onto the point of the blade. "That's enough, laddiebuck!" Holly said to the recruit. "What's your name?" The recruit panted heavily for a minute before he answered. "Dadek Sir." Holly tossed his saber up into the air, caught it by the hilt and sheathed it in one fluid movement. "That was a good show, keep it up and in no time you'll be better then me!" He eyed the other recruits. "And that's not extended to just him you know. That goes for all of you!" He said kindly. He never could keep a rough heartless officer act up for long. "Come on, let's go get some tucker to eat, you must be fare famished after that workout." He said chuckling. "What do you all say?" The 6 recruits that were practicing cheered. "What a spiffing idea sir!" Another called out, "Top ho sir! Well done!" but the last one whispered to his friend. "THat's an officer I could bally well train with all the time!" They made their way back into the mountain and into the mess hall, where lunch was just being served.

OOC: Whew! Took me a while to write this! ;D Hope you like it!
Prom! Here I come!!!