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OOC Sign Up: Crazy Adventuring Company Roleplay

Started by UNKN0WN, June 29, 2014, 11:49:21 PM

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A Classic Unconventional Roleplay

The roleplay started (RP: CRAZY ADVENTURERS the Roleplay)

Would anyone be interested in playing a classic role play with wizards and goblins?
I have a map ready and a bit of a story plot to follow (though players greatly affect the story line).  It would involve battling brutish beasts, collecting precious gems, and enacting heroic feats.
I can be flexible on how you want to play out the game.
Please let me know below.

Our adventuring party as of 7/4/14

Basic sample character sheet:

Name: Morgan Lefey
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Race: Human (you could also choose a Dwarf, Elf, or Hobbit)
Class: Ranger (you could also choose a Wizard, Cleric, Fighter, or Thief)
Special Abilities: Sneak attack (no need to get technical)
Items & Equipment: bow and quiver


I'll join you! Totally!

Name: (First name forgotten... I'll get it as soon as I can.) Mistvane
Age: 143
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Sorcerer (Is that alright? Sorcerers are like Wizards, but they have innate magic, and as such, have fewer known spells but more casts per day. Otherwise, Wizard.)
Special Abilities:

Racial Abilities-

Graceful but frail (+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution)
Elves do not sleep, they meditate for ~4 hours to rest, thus, are immune to all magical/artificial sleep effects.
Elves have keen senses. +2 on Search and Listen checks, automatic Search roll when they pass within 5 feet of a hidden door.


Lvl 0:
Mage Hand (5-pound telekinesis)
Light (Make an item glow as brightly as a tourch. Touch range.)
Detect Magic (Detect magic within 60ft)
Prestidigitation (All sorts of low-power things- 1 pound telekinesis, small amounts of damage, conjuring small items, et cetera)

Lvl 1:

Magic Missile (1d4 of damage to target, cannot miss or be defended against without Spell Resistance)
Shock Grasp (1d6 of damage to target, touch range. Name may be incorrect, I'll have to check on that.)

Items & Equipment: - Short Spear

...Too much D&D, not enough forum roleplay? Err... Sorry... Oh, and I also apologize if I have names of spells incorrect. This is all from memory of my current character :P


Looks like you have a lot of role-playing experience.

I've been going off of a different role playing guide,, where they aren't that heavy on listing the dice roll values.

But we can go that route with use of an online dice roller:

Do you think it would be benificial to have a quick sketch of where the character is and what lies ahead for quick reference? (see below)

Cornflower MM

I'l do this, but be warned: I've never done D&D before. So, all of that fancy stuff goes right over my head.......If someone would like to explain, I'll listen. (Hint, hint)


I will attempt to write a character at some point.


So would you guys rather have the story line stressed rather than dice rolling?  (Though we could roll some online dice to determine effectiveness of attacks).

Second Question: Do you guys want a cinematic format of game play (see below) as opposed to a board with squares on it (See a few posts above)?

Cinematic Example #1:

GM: You travel down in the grimy sewers.  The horrid stench of the putrid water laps up at your feet as you trudge through the sludge.  As you near the end of the passageway, you come across three sewer grids; two of which the entrance into them are blocked by heavy iron bars.  Whereas the third one at the end appears to have been broken open.


Woah. Drawings. Of sewers. Yes. Cinematicses. More sewer drawings.

And yeah, I think that cutting down on the dice would be a good idea.


Ooh, ooh! I want to play! (Not very experienced with this kind of rp, but it ought to be similar to the little ones in the back of Warriors books, right?)

Could I be a dragon? I LOVE being dragons.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


@ Cornflower MM: No worries.  :D  What type of character do you want?

@ psybox: Alrighty

@ rusvulthesaber: Glad you like the cinematic mode  ;D

@ BlueRose: This will be the first dragon character I've come by.  Most people have played as a dragonborn character (dragon-like huminoid).
I suppose a young (smaller) dragon would work out as well.  He could be a hybrid and speak English.  ;D

My Dragon example:


Ok, so I say dragon, but I mean more like... Fire-lizard. (A lot smaller than the one you drew.)

About the size of Prince Milo in this random image I got on a google search.

(Yes, I play Wizard101. Yes I have a dragon pet. No, I do not feel like pulling up my own Wizard and making a screen cap.)

And I would look something like this:

Only more elegant. Definitely. And fluent in 50 languages. (I'd not be a young dragon.)
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


I'm not sure there's actually fifty languages to be fluent in... Elvish and its derivitaves (Sylvan, Aquan, and one or two more) Dwarvish and Orcish (Which share a written text,) Common (Which pretty much everybody speaks,) I'm pretty sure there's a Gnomish, a Draconian, several others, and a few secret languages- Mainly Druidic, which nobody is fluent in unless  they're a druid. At least, in D&D, there might be more or less in this RP.


Yes, well, then you have to think about branch languages and dialects. And I'm a fire-lizard, which probably has it's own distinct language.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


...Draconian, probably. Or maybe a dialect of it. Yeah, I don't think dialects are in the 3.5 PHB, but there's no doubt squillions of awesome homebrew rules concerning them.


So? It's my fire lizard, and she shall speak 50 languages if I feel like it. (Maybe most of them are made-up languages. Or ancient languages that no-one speaks.)
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


@BlueRose: Well your character lost weight:

I would recommend his/her character sheet to be something like this:

Name: Icefyre (just a name suggestion)
Age: 1400 yrs.
Gender: Male? Female?
Race: Fire Drake
Class: Fighter? (or maybe a healer dragon, or a magic using dragon  ;D )
Special Abilities: Fire ball and claw attack (no need to get technical)
Items & Equipment: none?

The party (as it currently stands) is comprised of an elf, a dragon, and two unknowns:
Any dwarves or knights out there?