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OOC: Wildcat Attack! Part Two.

Started by Cornflower MM, August 01, 2014, 09:40:19 PM

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Cornflower MM

Okay/. I'm sure y'all know the drill. . . Post your sheets here, please. Now, when we begin again the horde will be at the Abbey. The travelers will have at least sighted Salamandastron. We'll just say Bryony's miracle shortcut did a miracle, yes?

My characters

Name: Abbess Rosemary
Species: Mouse
Weapon(s): Sling when needed
Rank: Abbess
Description (short, but thorough,please): Nut brown all over, startling pink ears and nose, green eyes. Wears Abbess's robes
Personality: Sweet and kind. Loathe to kill, worrywart
History (Optional, and no half pages):
Other: Just and firm ruler of Redwall.

Name: Arya
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): Bow, dagger, and Sword of Martin
Rank: Abbey Warrior
Description (short, but thorough,please): Nut brown, with cream belly. White dot on forehead, has half an ear missing. (Get it, anyone?) Light blue tunic, with white habit cord. Wears Martin's sword slung across her back.
Personality: Kind and caring, but firm. Will do anything to protect Redwall and those she cares about.
History (Optional, and no half pages):
Other: Comes from troubled home, sometimes has flashbacks in which she falls to the floor, twitching. Thinks that it's caused by an old, very bad, very big wound on all over her torso.

Name: Major Colon
Weapon(s):Plain, generic hand and a half sword
Rank: Major
Description (short, but thorough,please): White fur, wears red majors outfit.
Personality:Blunt. No way around it, he's just Blunt.
History (Optional, and no half pages):

Species:Wildcat, Leopard
Weapon(s):Teeth, claws, and when all else fails, a rapier.
Rank:Horde leader
Description (short, but thorough,please): Spotty. Very spotty.
Personality: Mean, cruel, and uncaring. Also deadly.
History (Optional, and no half pages):
Other: When she uses his rapier, it's deadly. No beast has yet to survive the rapier. Mainly because he only uses it when her teeth and claws fail to kill immediately. Only thing she cares about is her sister, Grinda

Species:Leopard Wildcat
Weapon(s): Words. Dagger.
Rank: Seer
Description (short, but thorough,please): Spotty, like her sister. Only, she looks black from so many spots.
Personality: Mean. Cruel. Uncaring.
History (Optional, and no half pages):
Other: Born before Grain.

Skarzs's character

Name: Argunath
Species: Cougar
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Side: Redwallers
Weapons: Two and a half foot long heavy falcate; sling; anything at paw; teeth and claws when enraged
Appearance: Exceptionally large creature; brown-tinted gray fur; chain mail tunic overtop a homespun tunic underneath studded metal armor; a side pack full of provisions, such as flint and tinder, food, and medical supplies
Personality: Stoic, yet sometimes humorous. Underneath his usually calm outward appearance is a monster, kept stiffly under control except when enraged by pain of body, or mind.
Origin: From the far west mountains. Due to a constant restlessness, he left his home and travelled with no particular purpose.

Jasper's character

Name: Blackclaw
Species: average bobcat, small in size
Weapon (s):spear, dagger, skinning knife (hidden in boot)
Rank: normal horde soldier
Description (short, but thorough,please): yet another crafty, no good horde-beast. Plain brown all over with a large black claw , wears what was once a cooking pot for a helmet. Very messy, wears brown leather boots, red vest without any buttons, trousers, one gold earing, squinty blue eyes
Personality: mean, but weak willed, a follower, not a leader. Slow and dim-witted, messy , greedy...
History (Optional, and no half pages):

Jet's characters

Name: David Strider
Species: Cat (Not wildcat)
Gender: Male
Weapon (s): He uses a katana which he keeps slung over his back
Rank: N/A (Wanderer)
Description (short, but thorough,please): Rather tall, he has light blonde fur and red eyes which he keeps hidden under the hood of his dark red tunic.(if its allowed I'd like to give him shades because I'm basing him off a character from somewhere else (There are some notable differences however so it's not just a straight copy and paste)) He wears leather wrist-guards and shin-guards and a leather belt diagonally across his chest.
Personality: Stoic, mysterious and aloof, he takes steps making sure he never lets his feelings show. He is also rather shy and untrusting, he is wary of strangers and never lets his guard down. When he gets to know you he is extremely snarky and sarcastic even without the use of his voice. Or at least that's how he was at the start of the RP. He has since broken down numerous times and even attempted suicide. His exposure to other people may be a cause of this as he hadn't been around anyone in months. Dave no longer really tries to hide his emotions.
History (Optional, and no half pages):  He lived with his brother for a short time but after he was murdered by the rulers of the territory, Dave left their home to travel. During the attack on Dave's brother, Dave had his throat cut and can no longer speak because of it.
Other: David is mute and he carries a notepad, quill and ink and a stick of charcoal (in case he runs out of ink) because you can't expect anyone to know sign language without good reason.

Name: Jeboran Ritel (Pron. Hey-bur-an Rye-tell)
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Weapon (s): A straight sabre
Rank: N/A (Wanderer)
Description (short, but thorough,please): Jeboran is tall and thin and has a scar running over his left eye. He wears a black tunic with a yellow trim at the sleeves, neck and hem and steel shoulderplates and wristguards. He has piercing yellow eyes and can give you a look that might seem as if he's staring into your soul
Personality: He is haughty and has an air of someone who is used to being obeyed, despite his young age. He can, however, be charming when he wants to be and has what you might call a silver tongue. He is very quick to anger
History (Optional, and no half pages): I'd rather not say
Other: N/A

Jukka's characters

Name: Paisley Thwibscutt
Species: Hare
Gender: Female
Weapon (s): Sling, dirk
Rank: Lieutenant
Description (short, but thorough,please): She's about 24 seasons old. Pretty, but has a scar on her left arm.
Personality: Friendly, but a fierce fighter when it comes to it.
Other: n/a

Name: Kaylan
Species: Otter
Gender: Female
Weapon (s): Bow and arrows
Rank: Part of Skipper's crew (I guess Skipper and his crew are at the Abbey)
Description (short, but thorough, please): She's 15 seasons old, and has gray eyes and medium-brown fur. She wears a simple blue tunic.
Personality: Friendly to all decent beasts. She can be kind of rash, and is also a bit tomboyish. She was extremely distrustful of Argunath at first, as she thought he was a spy; however, she finally overcame her prejudice.
History (Optional, and no half pages): Orphaned when she was younger, and has stayed with Skipper and his ottercrew her whole life.
Other: Has been in a skirmish before, but never an all-out battle, and she's both excited and nervous about the prospect of defending Redwall. She's already friends with Arya, even though she's only been at Redwall a short time.

Lagg's character

Name: Lagg Tilk

Species: Otter

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): brown hilted sword ( )

Rank: Warrior

Description: Lagg is a brown furred river otter, who stands at around (from human perspective) 5'9", and weighs around 150 lbs. For one his size and age he likes to keep his build proportionate to his body, not wanting to be to weak of strength nor to muscular in frame. He wears a dark green, bronzed buttoned, tunic for his top (Something similar as to this:

Personality: Lagg is a good, kind hearted otter. Some would even go as to say a dibbun or young one at heart, but he knows when it's time to be serious and when it's time for play. Always ready to go on an adventure or a quest (although being stuck in the abbey hinders that from him most of the time.) But no matter what nothing will change his view on life, "live it to fullest".

Other: Helps out around the Abbey and loves to keep watch on dibbuns and young ones (although they would say they are the ones keeping a watch on him). Usually one of the top go too's to keep the young'uns out of trouble and in line.

Oracle/Delthion's character

Name: Feldion

Gender: Male

Species: Squirrel

Side: Redwallers

Rank: None,

Weapon(s): Spear

Appearance: Orangeish brown, wears forest-green tunic, and emerald green eyes. Tall, and wiry.

Personality: It's hard to get him out of his shell, but when you do he is a very steadfast friend, and deadly
enemy. Very polite, and likes to be thought of as a tactician.

History: He once guarded a small town to the north-west until it was overrun by wildcats, who killed the entire village, he ran with several others carrying the children, but the wildcats cut them off and the child he was carrying was killed with a javelin, knowing he was dead instantly he quickly put him down and ran for his life, he went wandering in Mossflower seeking revenge...


same as before:
Name: Blackclaw
Species: average bobcat, small in size
Weapon (s):spear, dagger, skinning knife (hidden in boot)
Rank: normal horde soldier
Description (short, but thorough,please): yet another crafty, no good horde-beast. Plain brown all over with a large black claw , wears what was once a cooking pot for a helmet. Very messy, wears brown leather boots, red vest without any buttons, trousers, one gold earing, squinty blue eyes
Personality: mean, but weak willed, a follower, not a leader. Slow and dim-witted, messy , greedy...
History (Optional, and no half pages):

The Skarzs

Name: Argunath
Species: Cougar
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Side: Redwallers
Weapons: Two and a half foot long heavy falcate; sling; anything at paw; teeth and claws when enraged
Appearance: Exceptionally large creature; brown-tinted gray fur; chain mail tunic overtop a homespun tunic underneath studded metal armor; a side pack full of provisions, such as flint and tinder, food, and medical supplies
Personality: Stoic, yet sometimes humorous. Underneath his usually calm outward appearance is a monster, kept stiffly under control except when enraged by pain of body, or mind.
Origin: From the far west mountains. Due to a constant restlessness, he left his home and travelled with no particular purpose.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Thank you, people! I'm joining to go ahead and put them in spoilers. And, guess what I just noticed? Shadefur is the Badger Lord! And you what? HE LEFT! So, who wants to play him?


Name: David Strider
Species: Cat (Not wildcat)
Gender: Male
Weapon (s): He uses a katana which he keeps slung over his back
Rank: N/A (Wanderer)
Description (short, but thorough,please): Rather tall, he has light blonde fur and red eyes which he keeps hidden under the hood of his dark red tunic.(if its allowed I'd like to give him shades because I'm basing him off a character from somewhere else (There are some notable differences however so it's not just a straight copy and paste)) He wears leather wrist-guards and shin-guards and a leather belt diagonally across his chest.
Personality: Stoic, mysterious and aloof, he takes steps making sure he never lets his feelings show. He is also rather shy and untrusting, he is wary of strangers and never lets his guard down. When he gets to know you he is extremely snarky and sarcastic even without the use of his voice. Or at least that's how he was at the start of the rp. He has since broken down numerous times and even attempted suicide. His exposure to other people may be a cause of this as he hadn't been around anyone in months. Dave no longer really tries to hide his emotions.
History (Optional, and no half pages):  He lived with his brother for a short time but after he was murdered by the rulers of the territory, Dave left their home to travel. During the attack on Dave's brother, Dave had his throat cut and can no longer speak because of it.
Other: David is mute and he carries a notepad, quill and ink and a stick of charcoal (in case he runs out of ink) because you can't expect anyone to know sign language without good reason.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Mask

Er can i join? I wasn't in the first part so I wasn't sure.
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock

The Skarzs

I'm pretty sure it is. ;) Also, you can skim over the first part if you so wish.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


((I would like to join if possible))

Name: Lagg Tilk

Species: Otter

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): brown hilted sword ( )

Rank: Warrior

Description: Lagg is a brown furred river otter, who stands at around (from human perspective) 5'9", and weighs around 150 lbs. For one his size and age he likes to keep his build proportionate to his body, not wanting to be to weak of strength nor to muscular in frame. He wears a dark green, bronzed buttoned, tunic for his top (Something similar as to this:

Personality: Lagg is a good, kind hearted otter. Some would even go as to say a dibbun or young one at heart, but he knows when it's time to be serious and when it's time for play. Always ready to go on an adventure or a quest (although being stuck in the abbey hinders that from him most of the time.) But no matter what nothing will change his view on life, "live it to fullest".

Other: Helps out around the Abbey and loves to keep watch on dibbuns and young ones (although they would say they are the ones keeping a watch on him). Usually one of the top go too's to keep the young'uns out of trouble and in line.

The Skarzs

Might want to add a Personality part: it gives the character more development.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Hey, Lagg, could you add Personality?


Ya I thought I was forgetting something. Just copy and pasted the top ref for the abbess. I'll edit it out real quick.

There you go :)

Cornflower MM

Thanks Lagg! Looks like you are good to go!

Jukka the Sling

Name: Paisley Thwibscutt
Species: Hare
Gender: Female
Weapon (s): Sling, dirk
Rank: Lieutenant
Description (short, but thorough,please): She's about 24 seasons old. Pretty, but has a scar on her left arm.
Personality: Friendly, but a fierce fighter when it comes to it.
Other: n/a

Name: Kaylan
Species: Otter
Gender: Female
Weapon (s): Bow and arrows
Rank: Part of Skipper's crew (I guess Skipper and his crew are at the Abbey)
Description (short, but thorough, please): She's 15 seasons old, and has gray eyes and medium-brown fur. She wears a simple blue tunic.
Personality: Friendly to all decent beasts. She can be kind of rash, and is also a bit tomboyish. She was extremely distrustful of Argunath at first, as she thought he was a spy; however, she finally overcame her prejudice.
History (Optional, and no half pages): Orphaned when she was younger, and has stayed with Skipper and his ottercrew her whole life.
Other: Has been in a skirmish before, but never an all-out battle, and she's both excited and nervous about the prospect of defending Redwall. She's already friends with Arya, even though she's only been at Redwall a short time.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Hey corn, how goes the rp for this? Was wondering if it was still happening


It's still happening. She's waiting for someone to play the badger lord and perhaps a few more characters before starting. (I asked the same thing yesterday)