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Started by The Skarzs, August 21, 2014, 10:25:49 PM

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Cornflower MM

Arya was looking about, impressed by Castle Rakar, but she thought the gate was the most impressive, being quiet short compared to Karn.


Trillo was slightly nervous about all the vermin guards and the foreboding castle. He chewed on his claws and lip and his eyes darted about the place, checking for escape routes or other entrances.  Seeing that the place appeared very solid, Trillo gulped. There would be no easy way out of here if anything went wrong. He had to simply pray that the place was as Karn suggested. He heard Karn's question and frowned, as he had thought Karn was in charge of the whole place.
"Who's Lord Durgren?"

The Skarzs

"He is the wolf lord. He rules justly and wisely, and has been one of my closest friends for a long time." He chuckled, his scarred face breaking into a grin. "Don't look so nervous, little mouse; if you put on a smile some of the mousemaids might notice you."
Garan nudged Trillo mischievously. "Mayhaps you'll meet a very special miss, eh matey?"
Karn beckoned them to follow him, still chuckling.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Trillo sniffed. "Maybe I will, no thanks to you horrible lot. I hope you all laugh yourselves to death, and serve you right! Rotters!"
Then, in spite of himself, Trillo burst into laughter,
"Ho ho well maybe we'll also meet a pretty otter maid. Why I'll bring ye both a little table with lovely liddle candles hahaha. And I'll pick ye loads of wonderful flowers! I say Karn old fellow, you wouldn't happen to have any romantic tables around this castle of yours would you? I've got a pair of otters booked for tonight, eight o - clock sharp! Why perhaps we can even find a match for Arya, or better yet another ferret for-"
Trillo paused, staring into the groups of creatures who had come to see the newcomers. Somewhat shaken, he walked on in silence, a dazed look on his face.

The Skarzs

Garan shook his head; he was far too into his seasons for a mate. Karn opened a large door that led into the large central building. "Come and enter; I'm sure Durgren would enjoy meeting you."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Trillo crouched behind Garan, he had never seen a real wolf before, only read of them during abbey school. He poked his head around Garan's left side and took several seconds to take in the terrifying sight. Finally, he gulped and stepped forward with the rest of his friends to see what this gigantic fearsome wolf lord had to say. He hoped the wolflord would be as friendly as Karn.

Cornflower MM

Arya nearly clipped Trillo's ear at his suggestion of fingin her a mate (She was quite happy alone, thank you very much), when Karn opened the doors. She squared her shoulders and tugged at her tunic hem. After all, they were going to meet a Lord. And a wolf Lord, at that. Might as well look tidy.


 Ziral had been standing in the main building entertaining some nobles when he saw Karn enter the room, accompanied by guests. "Karn, I am surprised you came back so soon. Where did you get those beasts?"

The Skarzs

"Foreigners, friend Ziral. They have come from far across the sea; their ship was wrecked. But we can be hospitable; I hope Lord Durgren isn't too busy." He walked in, motioning them to follow. "When we enter the throne room, please bow. He usually doesn't like the formalities, but I don't think he will mind."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gwen A. Mouse

Ginny had spent most of the trip in silence, wanting to save her breath. Besides, she was less likely to be noticed that way. Being a generally careful creature, she didn't like calling attention to herself in unfamiliar or potentially hostile situations.

Which is part of why she went completely still at the sight of Castle Rakar. It was an awesome structure. When they passed through the gate, she couldn't help but run her paw along the stone wall. She could feel the structure's steadfastness in her bones. Fates and Seasons help anybeast who is foolish enough to try to conquer this place.

"He is the wolf lord."
Ginny had never even heard of a wolf, much less seen one. But the word seemed to carry a lot of weight with it. She started to wonder about what sort of beast a "wolf" was, but was distracted by a conversation about finding matches for various beasts.

"...or better yet, another ferret..." The ferret jill's quiet steps faltered and she nearly fell as painful memories, still fresh, danced in her mind. Stifling a growl, she regained her balance and kept going, silent as ever. She really was looking forward to having a talk with Trillo. The mouse needed to be straightened out on a few points.

Yanked back to the present by Karn's advice to bow, Ginny found herself a bit nervous. She had no doubts that her questions about the "wolf" lord's appearance would be answered soon enough. Perhaps even a bit too soon.

((OOC: Apologies for the long, thought-dumping retropost. Just catching up. [Again. ::)]))
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor


OOC: Glad to see you're catching up, I'm rather impressed with your character; she's an interesting one. It'd be a shame to lose her.

Trillo wasn't totally sure he wanted to bow in front of any wolf king, especially since this would expose the back of his neck. As some of the creatures around him followed Karn's advice, he decided he'd bow and hope for the best. He knelt and lowered his head, waiting for the Wolf King to appear.

The Skarzs

OOC: If we're going a little to quickly for you, Gwen, I can try to slow it down a tad.

BIC: "Rise, friends!"
Karn motioned them to look up at Lord Drugren, who had stood from his carved wood and copper throne. He was nearly the same size as Karn, though with a slighter build. His thin face was handsome, but not unmarked by battle and work. He wore a dark gray cape across his shoulders, and a beautifully made long sword could be seen when he motioned a courier away. "Leave us; such simple tasks can wait." The wolf smiled at his friend. "Karn Warcat! You surprise me not only with your early return, but also with newcomers."
"They have come from a long way off; would you mind them staying in Rakar for a while, at least until we arrange for their ship's rebuilding?" the cougar asked.
"Of course. Come. . ." he beckoned them to sit in chairs near his own. "The council is not here for the moment, so you can take their seats. When it comes time for dinner, you shall sit near me. Now, tell me your names."
Garan spoke first. "My name is Garan Rudderpaw, Lord. I was the captain of the ship that brought us here."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gwen A. Mouse

So this was a "wolf".

This Drungren was quite... impressive. Ginny's desire to avoid attracting undue attention was not the only reason she was silent now- the jill was struck speechless. She detected an air of authority and experience around Drungren that at once compelled her to trust and to fear him.

Aye, here was a fearsome beast indeed.

Ginny was surprised by how suddenly she regained her ability to speak- in fact, she was giving her name almost before she realized it.

"Genevieve Ilder, sir." Then she caught her mistake, correcting it hastily. "Lord."

((OOC: @Jasper- Thanks! She's actually my character from another RP site, and a lot of thought has been put into her development. I can't wait to get to know Trillo better, too. It seems like he's a lot of fun to play.
@Skarz- No, no, it's fine. It's just that a semi-busy life + general laziness = not much forum time.))
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor


 Ashtail looked with interest at the wolf. He had heard of wolves before, during his time in Mossflower, but had never seen a real, live wolf before. He had always thought wolves to be powerful, noble beasts, and the wolf lord sitting before him confirmed the image.

Realizing that the wolf lord was asking for his name, Ashtail quickly replied. "I am Ashtail, my lord."

Cornflower MM

Arya kept her mouth shut, and bowed when she was advised to. Not very hard, actually. "Arya Brushtail, Lord." Arya said politely, adding a bob of the head that was a sign of great respect among squirrels in Mossflower.