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Overlord's Orders X

Started by Taggerung_of_Redwall, August 27, 2014, 03:22:11 PM

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OOC: Now! Sign-ups closed.

Tagg was an Overlord. Or at least that is what he had been told when he was the last servant standing, and subsequently pulled a blue lever and pushed a green button. It was halfway through the neural download that he got the funny feeling that pushing green buttons was somehow wrong. Overlord instinct, he decided. The secret base the other Overlord told him about turned out to be just another ship, but a much better one. He docked and boarded the new craft, finding it small yet highly compact yet with the most efficient layout in terms of practicality and space he could have imagined. The most important aspect of the ship was its computer database.

Within two hours he was seated on the bridge and cruising to a base he had picked out from the database. It was a large, sprawling complex built just over the surface of a blue giant. It was well coveted and very expensive, recently built and never used. It was the perfect location for an Overlord's abode, containing plenty of complicated corridors and endless rooms for everything imaginable. The central chamber was ideal for interviewing and briefing servants due to its circular shape, though the schematics showed the room currently mostly empty, offline and unfurnished.
That, however, would be easily amended. He liked the chair on the bridge and decided he would disconnect it and move it to the chamber. When he arrived at the new base and docked, it was the first change he made. He was just inside a few hours, inspecting all the devices and information the platform contained when the lights went out. When they came back on, a shadowy figure was seated on his recently installed chair, tinkering with controls and panels and generally looking both bemused and callous. Tagg approached the central chamber, but his feet immediately became sealed to the floor once he entered past the door to the Overlord's Chair Room. The figure stopped tampering and looked up at the aspiring Overlord.

"It's nothing personal, but I just always hated this part of my job. Well, my old job anyway. And my job again, with any luck. But is a profession you engage in for the good it does the universe and yourself really a job? You'll have about 20 years to figure that out once you're aboard one of this wonderful base's transports. It's the slowest of them all, thus quite expendable, and you'll have nowhere to go for all that time.
"But yes, I am not training you. You see, the training part is kind of silly. We have enough peripheral Overlords as far as I am concerned. And as far as O. Lear is concerned. And that's what counts as you should understand by now. And without further ado..."

Tagg vanished. He was now aboard a transport ship. He probably still is.

A couple days later...

The Overlord, not dealing with inferior forms of address, was seated on his new chair, gazing down at the servants gathered around him. He had worked overtime and had fully furnished this new base into a true masterpiece of a lair. He kept his hands always on several panels to his left and right, which were in addition to other panels behind his chair and beside it, and across most of the wall on the far end of the chamber, away from the servants. This was not for a functional reason like keeping servants from tampering with them, since the servants' feet were kept frozen to the floor by the cold breathes of a dozen Ice Penguins kept the deck below as part of a project. He had just engaged it once the servants arrayed themselves in the room. He wasted no (more) time and addressed the gathering.

"I need someone. Not just anyone, but my old teacher himself: Robert Manson. You might be familiar with him. He has had a hand in half a dozen key inventions and de-inventions. He went missing while investigating a mysterious floating rock on the planet Earth. It was, shall we say, more than a rock. My intelligence says it was likely a Rockmonster. If you're wondering why Manson wouldn't have known he was going to meet a Rockmonster before going, it is because it was in disguise, as a floating rock. They never usually float, you see.  You all are to take a transport ship from the hangar, get to Earth after a day or so, and find Robert Manson by tracking from the coordinates of the rock where he went missing. Any questions? Of course you do. But you don't have the time or mental capacities to understand the answers. Off you go."


"Rockmonsters don't like water. You left with tons of water on that transport. And yet you all look like you were beaten up by an army of Rockmonsters. And no Robert Manson. But no matter, he can likely take care of himself anyway. I'll just have to try and reach him later. Now explain yourselves!"
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Your lordness! Its all TaMs fault. You see he was in charge of the ship I was in. But he kept falling asleep while driving. After the sixth time that he fell asleep we crashed into an off course star. The doors all got blown off and we lost all our water!                   OOC i think i understood the first post. But if that doesnt make sense ill delete it.

James Gryphon

James Gryphon, or 'Gryph', as he was known, quietly began to speak. "Your Majesty, Rachel skipped quite a bit of the story in her desperate attempt to exonerate herself -- Tam might have been tired, but he had good reason to be. I can attest that he hadn't had any sleep for the past hundred hours, no thanks to the other servants. Let me go back to the beginning and it will all begin to make sense."

"Right after we got in the transport, Tiria started bossing everyone around, saying that she clearly knew what to do better than the rest of us because she had run a Gal-Space-Mart one time. I was unsure as to how this experience related to commanding a starship, and said so, but she hit me, and said "thus is the fate of all those who defy my orders". Then she sat down in the command chair and started flipping switches and pressing buttons seemingly at random, saying, "I wonder what these do?"

"Tam, who knows all about starships, was able to convince her to let him take over the ship's controls, but she continued giving us orders. She told Izeroth to go fill up all of the "spare decks" with water, saying that we would need as much of it as possible for hygiene and drinking purposes. I tried to point out that rockmonsters desperately hated water and would attack us if they found out we had so much of it on the ship, but Plugg contradicted me. In fact, for the entire mission, he just followed me around and loudly disagreed with everything that I said."

"Anyway, we launched out into space. Tam was competently flying the ship, with me serving as his co-pilot and computer operator. We were well on our way to Earth, when Cornflower ran in. She said, "Look at all the pretty lights!," giggled, and started trying to push all of the dangerous green and red buttons. After Tam locked down the controls, she started screaming, and wouldn't stop. Tam got sick of it and told me to lock her in the brig, which I did. However, while I was gone, Rachel went in and started doing the same thing. When I came back, Tam told me to throw her in the brig, which I did, but when I got there, Izeroth had let Cornflower out, and she was back bothering Tam again. It's worth mentioning that my tasks went very slowly, because Plugg was following me trying to undo everything I did."

"This went on for the rest of the trip. We couldn't leave the control room because our 'fellow servants' made it very clear they intended to play with the ship's controls if we ever left them unattended. In between tormenting us, Corn and Rachel drank all of the super-coffee, so they were awake the whole time, while me and Tam only got more and more tired."

"Well, we finally passed Pluto, but were attacked by the invisible rockmonster fleet that was in orbit there. Their commander said they detected water, and that all water must be destroyed. They boarded our ship and fought us (or rather, fought me, Tam, and Tiria; everyone else ran and hid under their beds. I have no clue how they got injured from not fighting). Anyway, we repelled the boarders, but then our ship started getting pelted with asteroids, and it became impossible to go any further. Tam decided that we needed to retreat. We were chased by rock ships for several days, with Corn and Rachel screaming in our ears the whole time."

"Well, we got away. Tam was completely worn out at this point; the loud noise was the only thing keeping him up. When Rachel and Corny finally stopped screaming, he began to drift off to sleep. I tried to help keep him awake, but Rachel, Corn and Plugg ganged up on me and threw me into the brig. It shouldn't come as any surprise, then, that the ship came to the disaster that it did. I'm not sure why so many of your servants seemed determined to sabotage the mission the way they did."
« Subject to editing »

Tam and Martin

Yes, Overlord, I attest to that. I fell asleep at the wheel because no one would let me have the supernatural coffee and then they refused to not take over as captain of the ship so Gryph and I had to be forced to do it, as tired as we were.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Yes, that may be true Over Lord, but Plugg tricked me, and Cornflower into drinking the supernatural coffee. He told us it was fizzy apple juice, so we drank it all. But he had done something to the supernatural coffee which made it extra strong.
But after we hit the off course star, Gryph broke out of the brig, and tried to throw us all out of the ship. Including the asleep TaM.


OOC:Whoops, I think I violated the game rules with this post, so I shall make a new one


OOC: @rachel: I'm not quite sure that I understand your post. Why would I have drank all of the supernatural coffee when I was trying to get you and Cornflower to drink it?


 OOC: Plugg, I think it was a typo...

Tiria Wildlough

'Your Lordship, I can explain. I was not 'bossing everyone around' as Gryph said, but simply trying to restore some order--everyone was being quite noisy, you know, and it was getting on my nerves.
To shut them up, I told them I had run a Gal-Space-Mart once. Please don't ask me what that is, because I made it up on the spot to get them to be quiet.
Gryph was being difficult about it, so I gave him a playful slap on the shoulder, and said 'thus is the fate of those who defy my orders'. I meant it as a joke, but he took it personally for some reason. He's like that.
I have seen a spaceship control panel before, and I knew which buttons were important and which were actually dangerous. But I didn't actually know how to work the thing, so I just pressed random harmless buttons to make it look like I did. After all, our crew needed a strong leader and it seemed like I was the only one who actually cared. But Tam insisted that he ought to work the controls, so I let him, since he knew more about it than me.
After that, the mission descended into chaos. I just decided to fade into the background. They obviously wanted to fail and kill us all.
I did try to fight the rock monsters, and got a minor concussion which put me out of action for the rest of the time. But I'm better now, see?'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Cornflower MM

OOC: I'm gonna have to bow out gracefully from this one. Sorry, guys!


Quote from: PluggFiretail on September 05, 2014, 03:41:35 AM
OOC: @rachel: I'm not quite sure that I understand your post. Why would I have drank all of the supernatural coffee when I was trying to get you and Cornflower to drink it?
OOC: It was a typo. Sorry for the confusion.

BIC: Lord, I only ran Izeroth over, because I was hallucinating after drinking so much supernatural coffee. Then I thought I ort to tidy the ship up because it was such a mess. So I went around trying to clean up, but Tiria kept following me around with a bucket of mud, and messing it all up again. So I got really angry.


 It is true that I let Cornflower out, but it was not with bad intentions! I was told to let Cornflower out by Plugg, who, when asked why, simply told me "it was necessary." After I let Cornflower out, she punched me in the face, knocking me out. I have no idea why Plug ordered me to do it-I suppose he just wanted some excitement.

After I woke up, I found our ship under attack by rock monsters. I would have helped the defense effort, but when I went to my bunk to get my pistol, I was superglued to the ground by Rachel! I screamed for help, but no one would listen. I remained superglued to the ground like this for the rest of the trip.

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: rachel25 on September 05, 2014, 05:23:22 PM
BIC: Lord, I only ran Izeroth over, because I was hallucinating after drinking so much supernatural coffee. Then I thought I ort to tidy the ship up because it was such a mess. So I went around trying to clean up, but Tiria kept following me around with a bucket of mud, and messing it all up again. So I got really angry.

'I forgot to explain that. The mud was just lying around the ship, so I followed Rachel around with it in a bucket, trying to show her what a mess the ship was. I will admit that I spilled some, messing up her work.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


I didn't mean to superglue Izeroth to the floor. I was going around cleaning, and  I saw how dirty Izeroth's shoes were. I thought the superglue was cleaning liquid. And the reason I didn't hear was I had headphones in. Its what I always do while I'm cleaning, it gets me in the zone.