
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Post Random Quotes Here!

Started by Delthion, August 30, 2014, 03:16:43 AM

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"Some books are to be tasted, some to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested."

    ~Sir Francis Bacon.

(Not sure if this goes in forum games or not.)
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


"You are only given one little spark of madness.  You mustn't lose it."
     ~Robin Williams
baby turtle forever


It says random so book quotes :D

City of Bones

"It's a girl," Jace said, recovering his composure. "Surely you've seen girls before, Alec. Your sister Isabelle is one."
"Jesus!" Luke exclaimed.
"Actually, it's just me," said Simon. "Although I've been told the resemblance is startling."
"I'll get the coffee if you find us a seat. What do you want?"
"Just coffee. Black – like my soul."
"Do you want to tell me what this is about, or should I just call the police?"
"And tell them what?" Jace said witheringly. "That invisible people are bothering you? Trust me, little girl, the police aren't going to arrest someone they can't see."
"Is there anything I could get for you?" he asked. "Something to drink? Some tea?"
"I don't want tea," said Clary, with a muffled force. "I want to find my mother. And then I want to find out who took her in the first place, and I want to kill them."
"Unfortunately," said Hodge, "we're all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it's either tea or nothing."
"Just because you call an electric eel a rubber duck doesn't make it a rubber duck, does it? And God help the poor ******* who decides they want to take a bath with the duckie."
"You guessed? You must have been pretty sure, considering you could have killed me."
"I was ninety percent sure."
"I see," Clary said.
There must have been something in her voice, because he turned to look at her. Her hand cracked across his face, a slap that rocked him back on his heels. He put his hand to his cheek, more in surprise than pain. "What the hell was that for?"
"The other ten percent."
"I figured all your classes were stuff like Slaughter 101 and Beheading for Beginners."
"Well there goes my plan for selling them on eBay," Clary muttered.
"Selling them on what?"
Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power."
"If you were half as funny as you thought you were, my boy, you'd be twice as funny as you are."
"Yeah, well, you clearly also couldn't be bothered to call me and tell me you were shacking up with some dyed-blond wanna-be goth you probably met at Pandemonium. After I spent the past three days wondering if you were dead."
"I was not shacking up," Clary said, glad of the darkness as the blood rushed to her face.
"And my hair is naturally blond," said Jace. "Just for the record."
"I suppose you don't have much time for enjoying music," Clary said, thinking of Simon, for whom music was his entire life, "in your line of work."
He shrugged. "Maybe the occasional wailing chorus of the damned."
"If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have asked."
"Well, I'd certainly hate to interrupt your pleasant night stroll with my sudden death."
"If there was such a thing as terminal literalism, you'd have died in childhood,"
"Where's Simon?" Clary interrupted.
Isabelle wobbled. "He's a rat," she said darkly.
"Did he do something to you?" Alec was full of brotherly concern. "Did he touch you? If he tried anything-"
"No, Alec," Isabelle said irritably. "Not like that. He's a rat"
"When the self-congratulatory part of the evening is over, maybe we could get back to saving my best friend from being exsanguinated to death?"
"This is bad," said Jace.
"You said that before."
"It seemed worth repeating."
"Well, when I was five, I wanted my mother to let me go around and around inside the dryer with the clothes," Clary said. "The difference is, she didn't let me."
"Probably because going around and around inside a dryer can be fatal," Jace pointed out, "whereas pasta is rarely fatal. Unless Isabelle makes it."
"In future, Clarissa," he said, "it might be wise to mention that you already have a man in your bed, to avoid such tedious situations."
"You know, most psychologists agree that hostility is really just sublimated sexual attraction."
"Ah, that might explain why I so often run into people who seem to dislike me."
"Sorry, are you telling me that your demon-slaying buddies need to be driven to their next assignation with the forces of darkness by my mom?"
"Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself."
"At least you don't have to worry about rejection, Jace Wayland."
"Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting."
That sounds terrific. Just you, your comatose wife, your shell-shocked son, and you daughter who hates your guts. Not to mention that your two kids may be in love with each other. Yeah, that sounds like a perfect family reunion.
"Was it weird hearing from Jace? I mean, since you found out . . ."
"Yes? Since I found out what? That he's a killer transvestite who molests cats?"
"No wonder that cat of his hates everyone."

City of Ashes

"You see, cuckoos are parasites. They lay their eggs in other birds' nests. When the egg hatches, the baby cuckoo pushes the other baby birds out of the nest. The poor parent birds work themselves to death trying to find enough food to feed the enormous cuckoo child who has murdered their babies and taken their places."
"Enormous? Did you just call me fat?"
"It was an analogy."
"I am not fat."
"I was trained to be an evil mastermind from a young age. Pulling the wings off flies, poisoning the earth's water supply - I was covering that stuff in kindergarten. I guess we're all just lucky my father faked his own death before he got to the raping and pillaging part of my education, or no one would be safe."
"Traded him for Alec," Clary said.
"Not permanently"
"No," said Jace. "Just for a few hours. Unless I don't come back. In which case, maybe he does get to keep Alec. Think of it as a lease with an option to buy."
"Mom and Dad won't be pleased if they find out."
"That you freed a possible criminal by trading away your brother to a warlock who looks like a gay Sonic the Hedgehog and dresses like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?" Simon inquired. "No, probably not."
"Every time I annoy him, he retreats into his No Mundanes Allowed tree house."
"How to Come Out to Your Parents," she read out loud. "LUKE. Don't be ridiculous. Simon's not gay, he's a vampire."
"With Jace, you don't really get to choose your insulting nickname."
"Nothing," chorused Clary, Simon, Alec, Magnus, and Jace, in a surprising and probably never-to-be-repeated unison.
She was thinking of Simon, leaving for a house that no longer felt like home to him, of the despair in Jace's voice as he said I want to hate you, and of Magnus, not telling Jace the truth: that Alec did not want Jace to know about his relationship because he was still in love with him. She thought of the satisfaction it would have brought Magnus to say the words out loud, to acknowledge what the truth was, and the fact that he hadn't said them-had let Alec go on lying and pretending-because that was what Alec wanted, and Magnus cared about Alec enough to give him that. Maybe it was true what the Seelie Queen had said, after all: Love made you a liar.
"Admiring yourself? You won't look so pretty when the Clave gets through with you."
"You do seem obsessed with my looks. Could it be that all this is because you're attracted to me?"
"You don't know my father. He'll laugh in your face and offer you some money to mail my body back to Idris."
"Don't be absurd-"
"You're right. Coming to think of it, he'll probably make you pay for the shipping charges yourself."
"Any last words?"
Simon knew what he was supposed to say. Sh'ma Yisrael, adonai elohanu, adonai echod. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. He tried to speak the words, but a searing pain burned his throat. "Clary,"

City of Glass

"Or maybe she's trying to take the attention off you," Simon said, almost absently. "You know since your parents don't know you're gay and all."
Alec stopped in the middle of the road so suddenly that Simon almost crashed into him. "No," he said, "but apparently everyone else does."

City of Heavenly Fire

"Well, what kind of thing does make you feel calm and peaceful?"
"Killing demons. A good clean kill is very relaxing. The messy ones are more annoying, because you have to clean up afterward--"
"No. No killing. We're trying to make you feel peaceful. Blood, killing, war, those are all non-peaceful things. Isn't there anything else you like?"
"Weapons. I like weapons."
"I'm starting to think we have a problematic issue of personal philosophy here."
"I'm a warrior. I was brought up as a warrior. I didn't have toys, I had weapons. I slept with a wooden sword until I was five. My first books were medieval demonologies with illuminated pages. The first songs I learned were chants to banish demons. I know what brings me peace, and it isn't sandy beaches or chirping birds in rain forests. I want a weapon in my hand and a strategy to win."
"So you're saying what brings you peace is war."
"Now you get it."
"I know Shadowhunters. I have for a long time. You are odd creatures. All fragile nobility and humanity on one side, and all the thoughtless fire of angels on the other. You especially, Herondale, for you have the fire of angels in your blood."
"But the Silent Brothers have tried everything to separate Jace from the heavenly fire, and they can't do it. It's in his soul. So what's their plan, hitting Sebastian over the head with Jace until he passes out?"
"Brother Zachariah said pretty much the same thing. Maybe with less sarcasm."
"Clary looked down at herself. She was wearing a pair of flannel pajamas, too short in the leg and tight in the chest, with fire trucks on them.
Luke raised an eyebrow. 'I think those were mine when I was a kid.'
'You can't seriously tell me there wasn't anything else you could have put me in.'
'If you insist on trying to get yourself killed, I insist on being the one who chooses what you wear while you recover,' Jocelyn said with a tiny smirk.
'The pajamas of vengeance,' Clary muttered."
"I want to see Brother Zachariah."
"He is well. You need not worry yourself about him."
"I want to see him. I nearly killed him at the Citadel--"
"That was not you. That was the heavenly fire. And it did anything but harm him."
"He said when I met him that he believes a debt is owed to the Herondales. I'm a Herondale. He'd want to see me."
"And then you intend to depart the Basilias?"
"There is nothing wrong with me. I don't need to be in the infirmary. Surely you could be using your resources more fruitfully on the actually wounded. Look, you can either bring me to Brother Zachariah or I can wander around yelling for him until he turns up."
"You are a great deal of trouble, Jace Herondale."
"So I've been told."
"Herondales. I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondale to bear."
"'There,' he said, pointing to the leafy tunnel. 'That goes farther into Faerie. And that'--he pointed ahead--'is the road to Hell. That's where we're going.'
'I always heard it was paved with good intentions,' said Simon.
'Place your feet upon the way and find out, Daylighter,' said the Queen."
"I just... I don't know how I got here."
"I could probably retrace our steps. Straight through the faerie corridor, left at the decimated village, right at the blasted plain of the damned, sharp U-turn at the heap of dead demon--"
"Shadowhunters/ They get in your blood, under your skin. I've been with vampires, werewolves, faeries, warlocks like me--and humans, so many fragile humans. But I always told myself I wouldn't give my heart to a Shadowhunter. I've so nearly loved them, been charmed by them--generations of them, sometimes: Edmund and Will and James and Lucie... the ones I saved and the ones I couldn't. And Clary, too, I loved, for I watched her grow up. But I've never been in love with a Shadowhunter, not until Alec. For they have the blood of angels in them, and the love of angels is a high and holy thing."
"'I did not make a pie,' Alec repeated, gesturing expressively with one hand, 'for three reasons. One, because I do not have any pie ingredients. Two, because I don't actually know how to make a pie.'
He paused, clearly waiting.
Removing his sword and and leaning it against the cave wall, Jace said warily, 'And three?'
'Because I am not your *****,' Alec said, clearly pleased with himself."
"'Sure, he likes you,' said Alec. 'You're heterosexual and have low expectations of father figures.'
'I think they'll probably put that on my gravestone. "He Was Heterosexual and Had Low Expectations."'"
"'How do you people stand snow?' he demanded.
"'You people'?" Bat bristled. 'Do you mean werewolves?'
'I mean East Coasters,' said Malcolm. 'Who would have weather if they could avoid it? Snow, hail, rain. I'd move to Los Angeles in a jiffy. Did you know that a jiffy is an actual measurement of time? It's a sixtieth of a second. You can't do anything in a jiffy, not really.'"
"Why didn't you say something?"
"Because, it's not like there's animals I can feed on here."
"There's us."
"I don't want to feed on my friends' blood."
"Why not? We've been here before, haven't we? Last time you were starving, I gave you my blood. It was a little homoerotic, maybe, but I'm secure in my sexuality."
"Straight people. Why can't they control themselves?"
"I remember you said this war was a story of Lightwoods and Herondales and Fairchilds, and it is, and Blackthorns and Carstairs as well, and it's amazing to see them. But when I do, it's as if I see the past that stretches out behind them. I watch Jace Herondale play, and I see the ghosts that rise up in the music. Don't you?"
"I feel a kinship with you, too, you who have lost both brother and father. I know you have been judged and spoken of as the daughter of Valentine Morgenstern, and now the sister of Jonathan. There will always be those who want to tell you who you are based on your name or the blood in your veins. Do not let people decide who you are. Decide for yourself. That freedom is not a gift; it is a birthright. I hope that you and Jace will use it."
"Has anyone seen Church? I think Zachariah just stole our cat. I swear I saw him putting Church in the backseat of a car."

Clockwork Angel

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
"Inanimate objects are harmless indeed, Mr. Mortmain. But one cannot always say the same of the men who use them."

Here, There Be Dragons

“Our weaknesses are always evident, both to ourselves and others. But our strengths are hidden until we choose to reveal them--and that is when we are truly tested. When all that we have within is exposed, and we may no longer blame our inadequacies for our failure, but must instead depend upon our strengths to succeed ... that is when the measure of a man is taken, my boy.”
“Power, true power, comes from the belief in true things, and the willingness to stand behind that belief, even if the universe itself conspires to thwart your plans. Chaos may settle; flames may die;
worlds may rise and fall. But true things will remain so, and will never fail to guide you to your goals.”
“I think that nonexistent mythological creature just broke some of your toes," Jack said.
"Oh, shut up," said Charles”
“It is the world, my boy," he said. "All the World, in ink and blood, vellum and parchment, leather and hide. It is the World, and it is yours to save or lose.”
“Prayers aren't for the deity...They're for you, to recommit yourself to what you believe.”
“Kind of bloodthirsty, don't you think, Charles?" said John.
"I'm an editor," said Charles. "I have to make decisions like that all the time.”

Search for the Red Dragon

“All stories are true. But some of them never happened.”
“If I can't joke about imminent death, then I might as well just resign.”
“Jack," said Charles, "he's making up words again."
"Yes," Jack replied, "but he's getting better at it, don't you think?”
“Just because I'm a murdering, thieving, cowardly, traitorous sort doesn't mean I can't do my job properly.”
“Not many people can lay claim to having broken Time, and we did it purely by accident.”
“I know,” said Peter. “Perhaps better than anyone. But you can’t stay a child forever. To choose to speak into Echo’s Well is to choose illusion. To choose to avoid the responsibilities of being an adult. The real trick—the real choice—is to keep the best of the child you were, without forgetting when you grow up.
“It is the best of both worlds, Jack. Being a child is to believe in magic everywhere…
“…but even Peter Pan had to grow up one day.”
"Life is so unfair, because it is you whose visions is too small. Mistakes may become opportunities; accidents may become a chance for redemption. What seems unbalanced in a moment may become level over time, if only the canvas upon which your lives are painted is large enough."
"Because here, in the Nether Land, our houses are the exact opposite of your house in Angle Land. There you can see the houses in the day, but not when it gets dark. But here it's exactly the opposite. Our houses are the color of night, so you can't see them in the daytime, only at night."
"You mean your houses are black?"
"Of course not! Night isn't black, it's just dark. There's a difference, you know. The things that seem dull in the daytime are magic, at night. And that's where we live - in the magic houses."
"It was everything a magic city was supposed to be. And it could only have been created by children, for there was no board or brick of it that would have been imagined by an adult - and when adults saw it, it was not with grown-up eyes, but with the eyes of the children they had once been."
"To live, a man must have food, water, air, and shelter. Everyone knew that. But not everyone knew - or if they knew, believed - that it was also necessary to have spirit."
"The adults tell us those stories to frighten us into behaving, so that we'll value their protection. But we don't listen, because we know the one thing that grown-ups forget…All stories are true. But some of them never happened."
"All things grow. All things change. And eventually, all things must pass. It is the way of life. To stay young is to remove oneself from the motion of the world. But to grow up is to take hold of that motion, and use it, and shape the world for those who come after. It is not a choice. It is a responsibility."
"This is what Dante was warning mankind of in his writings. He said that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those in time of great moral crises maintain their neutrality. Remember Milton's caution also, 'The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.'"
"Child's logic, That's the best kind, It allows you to believe what you need to believe despite all evidence to the contrary. Children do that all the time and it works more often than you'd think."

The Indigo King

“What the good Lord giveth, he also taketh away. Then he puts it back again.”
“It was a silver watch with a matching chain and fob, and on the back was an engraving of Samaranth.
'Is it a time machine?' Jack asked. 'Will it let us travel through time?'
'I believe it will,' Ordo Maas replied. 'I've found that for every minute I watch it, I move a full minute farther into the future.”

The Shadow Dragons

“I'm a conundrum. Or an enigma. I forget which.”
“Don't ascribe to evil what can be attributed to well-intentioned stupidity.”
“Interesting doesn't always equal practical, but being practical is always less interesting.”
“Discipline, Norah. If you're going to taunt them, remember to stick out your tongue.”

The Dragon's Apprentice

“Half there, and half not," Grimalkin said, having suddenly appeared over Burton's shoulder. "Sounds implausible to me.”

The First Dragon

“The single biggest advantage of being completely surrounded is that it gives you the opportunity to attack the enemy in any direction you choose.”
“Some of us got our reputations because we wrote good books or had clever publicists. He got his reputation through sheer hard work.”

The Alchemyst

“OK," Josh said evenly, "I've seen men made of mud, I guess I can accept spying rats. Do they talk?" he wondered aloud.
Don't be ridiculous," Flamel snapped, "They're rats."
Josh really didn't think it was a ridiculous suggestion.”
“You must learn to heed your senses. Humans use but a tiny percentage of theirs. They barely look, they rarely listen, they never smell, and they think that they can only experience feelings through their skin. But they talk, oh, do they talk.”
“At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth.”
“But what science cannot understand, it dismisses.”
“Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.”
“Great change always comes down to the actions of a single person.”
“To remain unknown in this modern world: that, indeed, is real power.”
“Wait. Look. Notice. If you keep those three words in mind, you just might survive the next few days.”
“Love is the water of life, drink deeply.”
“Once you have been touched by magic, you are forever changed. You leave a trail.”
“The two that are one, the one that is all!”
We had little or no emotion. We lacked the capacity to feel fear, to experience love, to enjoy the sensations of happiness and delight.The finest warriors are not only those who do not fear, but those who are without anger.”
“He who retreats lives longer.”
“What you call magic is nothing more than an act of the imagination fired by the senses, then given shape by the power of your aura.”
The fifth force was the magic of Time, the greatest of all the magics.”
“He is many things - dangerous and devious, cunning and deadly, a good friend and an implacable enemy - but he comes from an age when a man's word was indeed precious.”
“When you've lived as long as I have, nothing much surprises you.”
“I'm not a magician. I'm an alchemyst, a man of science, though perhaps not the science you would be familiar with.”
“The Elders had nothing but contempt for human emotion; they considered it their biggest weakness. Perenelle knew it was humankind's greatest strength.”
"One of the oldest secrets of alchemy is that every living thing, from the most complex creatures right down to the simplest leaf, carries the seeds of its creation within itself."
“You're saying we lost the powers of magic because we grew lazy.”
“But magic, like everything else, follows certain natural laws. Magic needs energy wherever it can find it. If no other source of energy is available, it will take the life force of the magician who created it. That is why every use of magic weakens the magician.”
“Here words can kill - literally.”
“Dora pushed the mirror, sending it shattering to the floor. “Whoops.” She turned to face Dee and pulled off her dark glasses to reveal the mirrors of her eyes. “You should go now. You’ve got about three seconds.” Dee didn’t quite make it out of the shop before it exploded.”

“I knew you would say that,” Dee said, and then the huge Golem launched himself at Perry. “Humans are so predictable.”
“Josh was ordinary. But ordinary teens did not find themselves in the middle of a battle between two incredibly ancient magicians.”

The Magician

“He came to a decision and looked at Dagon before climbing into the car.
"Find the Disir."
Dagon stiffened, showing a rare sign of emotion. "Is that wise?" he asked.
"It is neccessary.”
“You know what we have to do?"
The Italian nodded. "I know."
"You don't look too happy about it."
"Defacing a beautiful building is a crime."
"But killing people is not?" Dee asked.
"Well, people can always be replaced.”
“I never traded my humanity for my long life, Doctor. I've always remembered my roots....You worked so hard to be like your Elder master that you've forgotten what it is like to feel human - to be human. And we humans...have the capacity to feel another creature's pain. It is what lifted humani above the Elders, it is what made them great.”
“And in their rush to create wonders, they have ignored the wonders all around them, ignored the mysteries, the beauty. Myths and legends walk unseen amongst them, ignored, unrecognized. It was not always so.”

The Sorceress

“I spend all my time trying to keep thoughts away and ignore them....But here you are, trying to remember your own life, writing your thoughts down so that you don't forget. I suddenly realized what it would be like not to know, not to remember.”
“I like places like this," he announced.
"I like old places too," Josh said, "but what's to like about a place like this?"
The king spread his arms wide. "What do you see?"
Josh made a face. "Junk. Rusted tractor, broken plow, old bike."
"Ahh...but I see a tractor that was once used to till these fields. I see the plow it once pulled. I see a bicycle carefully placed out of harm's way under a table."
Josh slowly turned again, looking at the items once more.
"And i see these things and I wonder at the life of the person who carefully stored the precious tractor and plow in the barn out of the weather, and placed their bike under a homemade table."
"Why do you wonder?" Josh asked. "Why is it even important?"
"Because someone has to remember," Gilgamesh snapped, suddenly irritated. "Some one has to remember the human who rode the bike and drove the tractor, the person who tilled the fields, who was born and lived and died, who loved and laughed and cried, the person who shivered in the cold and sweated in the sun." He walked around the barn again, touching each item, until his palm were red with rust. "It is only when no one remembers, that you are truely lost. That is the true death.”
“The line between confidence and arrogance is very fine, Josh,” Flamel said quietly. “And the line between arrogance and stupidity even finer. Sophie,” he added, without looking at her.”
“There have always been people like you, Nicholas Flamel. People who think they know what's best, who decide what people should see and read and listen to, who ultimately try to shape how the rest of the world think and acts. I've spent my entire life fighting the likes of you.”
“He’d met Dee briefly and didn’t like him; he was one of those arrogant European immortals who thought they were better than anyone else, just because they were older than the United States.”

The Necromancer

“You are not living, you are surviving.”
“Good or bad is a matter of perspective. I met an immortal hunami once, a man called William Shakespeare, who wrote that there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
“Niten's eyes didn't move, but a trace of a smile curled his lips. "I do not need my eyes to tell me where I'm going."
"I have no idea what that means," Josh said. "Is it like some sort of ninja trick?"
Niten shot Josh a warning look. "Whatever you do, don't mention-"
It was too late. In the backseat Aoife stirred. "Ninjas," she spat. "Why is everyone so obsessed with ninjas? They were never that good. And they were cowards, sneaking around in their black pajamas, stabbing their victims with poisoned darts. I hate ninjas-they have no honor.”
“Often the greatest act of courage is admitting that one has made a mistake...Follow your hearts. Protect one another, trust one another, because, at the end of the day, all of these people want something from you, or want you to do something for them, or be something that you are not. Your own responsibility is to one another.”
“There is always something to see, if you only know how to look.”
“You told me it was a mistake to fight the scarred warriors. They were the survivors.”
“I am not talking about immortality now," Perenelle said, her Breton accent thickening. "We have lived for centuries, Nicholas, centuries. I am not afraid to die because I know that when we go, we will go together. It is living without you that would be unbearable.”

The Warlock

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
“The strong survive, but the courageous triumph.”
“So you should be able to see them clearly in your imagination. We always find it easier to visualize what we fear; it's what keeps us afraid of the dark."
“The day we stop learning is the day we die.”
“The promise given was necessity of the past: the word borken is a necessity of the present"
“Who was it who said, 'The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present'?"
The Italian looked quickly at the American immortal and then he dipped his head in a bow. "I do believe I said that once...a long, long time ago."
"You also wrote that a prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise," Billy said with a grin.
"Yes, I did say that.You're full of surprises, Billy."
Billy looked from the city to the Italian. "So what do you see-faceless masses or individuals?"
"Individuals," Machiavelli whispered.
"Reason enough to break your promise to your Elder master and a bird-tailed monster?"
Machiavelli nodded. "Reason enough," he said.
"I knew you were going to say that." The American immortal reached out and squeezed the Italian's arm. "You're a good man, Niccolo Machiavelli."
"I don't think so. Right now, my thoughts make me waerloga-an oath breaker.A warlock."
"Warlock." Billy the Kid tilted his head. "I like it. Got a nice ring to it. I'm thinking I might become a warlock too.”
“I need something dramatic.I thought we would start with something theatrical, something that will make an impact on the city,something to focus their attention."
Nereus considered for a moment and then he smiled, revealing his hideous teeth. "I do have the Lotan."
Machiavelli and Billy looked at him blankly.
"The Lotan," Nereus said.
The two immortals shook their heads. "I have no idea what that is," Machiavelli admitted.
"Doesn't sound scary to me," Billy said.
"It's a seven-headed sea dragon."
Machiavelli nodded. "That might work."
"It'll certainly get their attention," Billy muttered.”
“The Alchemyst had discovered that the seats revolved and had been amusing himself by swinging back and forth. His chair squeaked with each turn.Finally Prometheus turned and glared at the immortal. "If you do that one more time, I'm going to feed you to the Lotan myself."
"And I will help," Niten added.”
“He's never fired a gun in his life," Palamedes said. "He abhors weapons."
As Palamedes spoke,the group could see Shakespeare put the tonbogiri to his shoulder,then jerk three times.
Two of the attacking vimanas spun out of control,both of them crashing into two more. The flour flaming craft spiraled into the sea.
"But then he's always been full of surprises," Palamedes added.”
“Are you coming with us?"
Black Hawk laughed. "Are you insane, or do you think I am? One immortal and three Elders,heading onto an island of monsters. I know who's not coming back from that trip."
Mars worked his head from side to side, easing the stiffness. "He's probably right-he'd slow us down."
"I'll be right here," Black Hawk said, "so that when you all come screaming back here,I'll be able to get you off the island."
Even Hel laughed. "We'll not come screaming to you."
"Have it your way.I'll be here,though. For a while,anyway," he added with a grin.
"I thought you would want to rescue your friend Billy," Mars said.
Black Hawk laughed again. "Trust me, Billy never needs rescuing. Usually people need to be rescued from him.”
“Marethyu stretched out his right hand and Aten took it in his. "Let me tell you this," the hook-handed man said. "We will meet again,you and I,in a different place and a different time."
"You know this to be true?"
"I do."
"Because you have seen the future?"
"Because I have been there.”
“Sophie, what will you do to help Josh,to save him, to bring him back?" Tsagaglalal asked.
"Anything. Everything." Perenelle leaned forward to place both forearms on the table. Her hands were tightly locked together, knuckles white with tension. "And Sophie, what do you think I will do to help my husband?"
"Anything," Sophie said again. "Everything."
"We will do anything-everything-to help those we love. That is what seperates the humani from the Next Generation of the Elders or those who came before them. That is what makes us human.That is why the race thrives; it is why the race will always survive."
"But that type of love requires sacrifice," Tsagaglalal said slowly.
"Sometimes extraordinary sacrifices..."
The old woman's gray eyes suddenly swam with huge tears.
And Sophie had a flickering memory of a woman-younger, so much younger, but with the same high cheekbones and gray eyes of Tsagaglalal-turning away from a tall golden statue. The woman stopped and looked back, and Sophie discovered that the statue's bright gray eyes were alive and were following the woman. Then Tsagaglalal turned and raced down endless glass stairs. She was clutching a book in both hands: the Codex. And her tears dripped onto the metal surface.”
“What have you done, brother?" Anubis snarled. "You have betrayed us."
"I did what I had to do to save the world."
"Chain him," Anubis commanded. He looked at his brother and his stuff face managed to twist and contort in rage. "Waerloga,"he spat.
The Elder nodded in agreement. "Aten the Warlock. It has a ring to it, don't you think?”
“And Prometheus was flying directly toward them.
William Shakespeare shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Now, I've never been a warrior,and I know little about tactics,but shouldn't we be flying in the other direction?" They were close enough now to see the wide-eyed anpu in the nearest craft.
"We will," Prometheus said. "Just as soon as the missiles explode."
"Which missiles?" Shakespeare asked.
"The two just behind us.”
“The craft passed directly below Scathach and she released her grip and dropped onto the top of the vimana alongside Joan with enough force to send the larger craft plunging down. The French immortal laughed. "So nice of you-"
"Don't you dare crack any dropping-in jokes," Scathach warned before her friend could finish.
The vimana dipped and spun, but the two women had firm grips on the transparent dome and held on while the pilot tilted the craft,attempting to shake them off.
"So long as he doesn't get too close to the lava," Scatty said, "we should be okay."
At that moment the vimana dropped straight down, zooming dangerously close to the lava's sluggish bubbling surface.
"I think he heard you," Joan said, coughing as the air became almost unbreathable.”
“Here it comes," Niten said. The whites of his eyes,his teeth and his tongue had turned blue.
"Ready," Prometheus said.
Nicholas Flamel touched the green scarab he now wore around his neck and felt it grow warm in his hand.The spell was a simple one,something he had performed a thousand times before, though never on such a large scale.
A red-skinned head broke the surface of the water...followed by a second...and a third...and then a fourth head,black and twice as large as the others appeared. Suddenly there were seven heads streaking toward them.
"Let's hope no one if filming this," Niten murmered.
"No one would believe it anyway." Prometheus grinned. "Seven-headed monsters simply do not exist.If anyone saw it,they'd say it was Photoshopped.”
“Closing her right hand into a fist, she folded her thumb over her index finger. Then she drew her arm back. "When you absolutely, positively have to knock a hole through something..." The Warrior grunted as she drove her fist into the glass dome with tremendous force. " cannot beat a Jeet Kune Do punch.”
“Megalodons," Prometheus announced, pulling the Rukma higher and higher, little fountains of water spilling from the leaks in its sides.
"They were at least thirty feet long!" Scathach said.
"I know," replied the Elder. "They must have been babies.”
“It looks deserted. Does anyone live here anymore?"
"Yes.As a matter of fact, I actually have some friends who live on the other side of the island."
"I didn't think you had any friends," Dee grumbled.
"Unlike you, Doctor, I am a good friend.”
“So we have to make sure we stop it here," he said.
"Exactly. Well,you asked me to get you as close to the water as possible.I presume you have a plan?"
"My love,I always have a plan."
They heard footsteps rattling behind them and turned as Prometheus and Niten came hurrying up. They were both carrying fishing rods over their shoulders.The slender Japanese man grinned. "Do not ask him how much it cost to hire these," he said.
"How much?" Nicholas asked.
"Too much," Prometheus answered furiously. "I could have bought an entire fishing boat,or at least a very good fish dinner,for what it cost to rent them for a couple of hours," he grumbled. "Plus a deposit in case we don't bring them back."
"What's the plan?" Niten asked. He held out an empty bucket. "We can't really go fishing. We don't have bait."
"Oh, but we do." Nicholas smiled. "You are our bait.”

The Enchantress

“When in doubt, we follow our hearts. Words can be false, images and sounds can be manipulated. But this...' He tapped his chest, over his heart. 'This is always true.”
“What is the greatest mistake a parent can make?' she asked. 'To believe that your children will be just like you.”
“A warrior with a cause is the most dangerous soldier of all”
“We do not always get what we want. Sometimes life presents us with surprises.”
“So the captain, the first officer and the ship's doctor and sometimes the engineer all beam down to a planet. Together."
"The entire complement of the senior officers?"
Billy nodded
"And who has the command of the ship?"
"I don't know. Junior officers I guess."
"If they worked for me I would have them court-martialed. That sounds like a dereliction of duty."
"I know. I know. I always thought it odd myself. But that's not the point."
"What is the point?"
"They're usually accompanied by a guy in the red shirt. Always a crew member you've never seen before. And as soon as you see the shirt, you know he's going to die.”
“There was no honor in war, less in killing, and none in dying. But there was true dignity in how men comported themselves in battle. And there was always honor to be found in standing for a just cause and defending the defenseless.”
“There are some adventures not worth having.”
“No man is ever just one thing.”
“Or maybe he just rediscovered his humanity,” Niten said quietly. “Maybe someone reminded him that he is human first, immortal second.”
“You said as if you are speaking from personal experience,” Perenelle said.”
“I am,” he said softly. “There was a time when I was . . . wild.”
“What happened?”
He smiled. “I met a redheaded Irish warrior.”
“And fell in love?” she teased.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“Have you any idea how to wake a hibernating Elder?”
Machiavelli shook his head.
“Mars, what about you? Any advice?”
“Yes. Don’t.”
“The small Japanese immortal sat cross-legged, his two swords resting flat on the ground before him. He folded his hands in his lap, closed his eyes and breathing through his nose, forcing the chill night air deep into his chest. He held it for a count of five, then shaped his lips into an O and blew it out again, puncturing a tiny hole in the swirling fog before his face.
Even though he would never admit it to anyone, Niten loved this moment. He had no affection for what was to come, but this brief time, when all preparations for battle were made and there was nothing left to do but wait, when the world felt still, as if it was holding its breath, was special. This moment, when he was facing death, was when he felt completely, fully alive.
He’d still been called Miyamoto Musashi and had been a teenager when he’d first discovered the genuine beauty of the quiet moment before a fight. Every breath suddenly tasted like the finest food, every sound was distinct and divine, and even on the foulest battlefields, his eyes would be drawn to something simple and elegant: a flower, the shape of a branch, the curl of a cloud.
A hundred years ago, Aoife had given him a book as a birthday present. He hadn’t had the heart to tell her that she’d missed his birthday by a month, but he had treasured the book, the first edition of The Professor by Charlotte Bronte. It included a line he had never forgotten: In the midst of life we are in death. Years later, he’d heard Ghandi take the same words and shift them around to create something that resonated deeply within him: In the midst of death life persists.”
“How the mighty have fallen,” he said, looking down on Aten. Ard-Greimne was short and incredibly sensitive about his height. He always wore shoes with lifts in them. When Aten didn’t respond, he tried again. “I said, how the mighty—”
“It wasn’t funny or even clever the first time you said it,” Aten said. “Nor is it original.”
“Two against thirty two,” Niten said. “Good odds.”
“I’ve never fought the Spartoi before,” Prometheus admitted. “I only know of them by their reputation—and it’s fearsome.”
“We have an equal reputation,” Niten said.
“Well, you do,” the Elder said. “I was never that much of a fighter. And after the fall of the island, I rarely took up weapons again.”
“Fighting is a skill you never forget,” Niten said, a touch of sadness in his voice. “I fought my first duel when I was thirteen. I’ve been fighting ever since.”
“But you are more than just a swordsman,” Prometheus said. “You are an artist, a sculptor and a writer.”
“No man is ever just one thing,” Niten answered. His shoulder dropped and his short sword appeared in his left hand, water droplets sparkling from the blade. “But first and foremost, I was always a warrior.” He jabbed his sword into the fog and stirred it like liquid.”
“Go down a few steps and take your positions,” Prometheus instructed. “Let no one onto the roof. Will and Palamedes, you take the north side. Saint-Germain, can you take the west? Joan, the east is yours. I’ll guard the south.”
“How come you get the dangerous side?” Saint-Germain asked.
The big Elder smiled. “They’re all dangerous sides.”
“I learned that it ruled by creating classes and dividing people, by making some better than others.”
“Hasn’t it always been that way?” Josh asked. “Every civilization is divided….”
“Not every civilization,” Virginia snapped. “Only the so-called advanced ones.”
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan



Jet, care to post the last few sentences of each book for us?  :P
baby turtle forever


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Tam and Martin

Thor the Dark World quote:

Dr. Eric Selvig: Where is Loki?
Thor: My brother Loki is dead.
Dr. Eric Selvig: OH! Thank God!
Thor: *looks offended*
Dr. Eric Selvig: Er......

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


You can't change the wind, but you can adjust your sails.


And @Jett; please only post one per post, and not in a row. That way you aren't using them up. Thanks.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


  Dean:  Can I shoot her?
  Sam:  Not in public.

  -  Supernatural
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"I love dealines- I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
-Douglas Adams

Tam and Martin

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


May you live in interesting times.

~Old Chinese Curse,

And the second half of said curse: May you find what you're looking for.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


"We lost the Crickets!"-Domovoi Butler
"Even you can't make that sound tough."-Holly Short
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


  "That was the most tragic romantic story since Romeo and Juliet.  Since Les Misérables.  WHY?!  *Ahem*  You're okay.  It's okay.  Okayokayokayokayokayokayokay."

  -  Me, after watching The Fault in Our Stars
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tam and Martin

You watched that movie? How was it?

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000