Rebuilding Mossflower Country Steampunk Roleplay

Started by Thomas Barkshield, September 20, 2014, 07:37:14 PM

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 Hadrian was briefly distracted from the whizzing fireworks when he noticed the large bronze ship that loomed in the distance. It looked too rich to be a normal pirate ship, and yet too odd to be a military ship. It certainly was not a trade ship, as any trade captain who possessed a brain would try to make his ship look inconspicuous and blend in. What, then, could it be?

Turning away from the strange ship, Hadrian faced the current enemies. Observing that the pirates were firing off a water cannon, Hadrian ordered the crew to load the secondary guns faster. If he could get the guns loaded before the pirates finished with the fireworks, he might be able to get the enemies before they escaped. 


Quote from: The Skarzs on October 16, 2014, 01:05:55 AM
OOC: Might want to mention what that arrow is supposed to do.

BIC: Dregnar shook his head. "A little insulting won't go amiss on that old windbag; besides, he likes stockpiling stuff like this, so I'm sure he's not going to complain. Besides, if he gets upset all I have to do is tell some military officials about his arsenal and he's out for the count." The cougar lifted one of the weapons he was selling: a rifle as long as his arm and just as thick. It was a break-barrel, a new prototype for the experimental projectiles with the powder contained in tidy bronze canisters, rather than pouring the gunpowder and stuff in manually. "Let's get this stuff packed away."
Vlad nodded, and once again began transporting things around the ship.

OOC: Sorry I took so long, I didn't realize you'd posted.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Ooc: My ship's ballon is the oly thing bronze plated, except for some of my ship, which is not fully. All bronze combined, the ship itself is only a quarter and a half-quarter bronze.

Bic: It only took maybe, at the most, thirty seconds to get the chipmunks on board the expedition, and only because it took Richard that long to give them the jist of the plan. 5 minutes later, four bird shaped, wooden things were drifting towards Hadrian's ship. They bore white flags showing peace and two chipmunks apiece, one to arm the weapons and one too "pilot" in a way that was just them having way too much fun in the general direction of Hadrian. They hoped it was an actual military ship rather then pirates occupying a military ship.

Meanwhile, Aldosh and Richard had grabbed rifles and various other tools. Richard slammed a button on the wall and the sound of a horn rang out across the battlefield. A pulley came down along with a slab of wood. Richard hopped into a mech shaped vaguely like a fly with no wings and walked it onto the slab. It was quickly lifted as Aldosh jumped onto the back and reclined, yawning. Once on the deck, Aldosh hopped off. Out of the fly, long wooden wings with canvas wings and a wooden base folded out, and machine guns popped out the front. Just I case battle happened...
~Just a soft space boi~

The Skarzs

OOC: I think you should run some of those weapons past Thomas before you put them into this: machine guns and mechs? Those are too far above the standard weapons of this RP.

BIC: Dregnar hoisted two boxes onto his shoulders and brought them on deck for Spinebottom's men to carry away. Soon enough they were done, with all the items the hedgehog had purchased being safely transported to wherever he hoarded them. "Now, about the next purchase. . ." started Dregnar as he walked off his ship.
"Yes, yes yes yes; the usual amount with the same pay at the same time," the hedgehog grumbled.
"Alright; I hope you have an absolutely dreadful day. Goodbye!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ooc: The machine guns are manually cranked. And the mechs were in my char sheet. But if Thomas says no I'll remove them. ;)

~Just a soft space boi~


OOC: I believe gatling guns and such have been approved, but fully automatic guns (obviously) have not been.

BIC: A sound somewhere between a humming and a buzzing was heard in the distance. It sounded similar to an airship at full speed, but somehow different.


Shael cut the lights on the ship as soon as Vicky finished with her water trick, and gunned the ship to full speed in the direction of the Quarry.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Ooc: What's the difference between Gatling guns and automatics? I'm stupid xD
~Just a soft space boi~


 OOC: Gatling guns operate by cranking them, while automatics operate at the pull of a switch or push of a button.

The guns were now loaded. They fired once more at the ship, drowning out all other sounds. The plume of smoke that each gun created temporarily blocked Hadrian's vision, so that he could not tell if the projectiles had struck Vicky's revenge


Fully automatic gun
Gatling gun

Basically, a gatling gun is a sort of pre-machine gun- They do fire in rapid succession, but they're not nearly as... good. They're large and kind of unwieldy (They tended to be mounted in a similar fashion to a cannon), they don't fire as quickly, they're in general not as powerful. They were used fairly commonly in the Civil War.


Ooc: Mk, thats what's attached to my mechs I guess.
~Just a soft space boi~


OOC: I found out that there were actually two different types of Gatling gun: the kind which was technically automatic but required a man to crank it, and the kind that reloads itself as the barrel recoiled. Note that a large Gatling gun would have been very heavy, and so you would have to use one the small ones (which could only fire a couple rounds at once)


Vlad laughed at the conversation between the Hedgehog and Dregnar, but the happiness soon vanished as the Fossa heard gunfire and explosions in the distance. He glanced out towards the sounds, and called Dregnar over.
"Dregnar, what d'ya make of that?" he said pointing.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Skarzs

The cougar listened intently at the dull booming sounds. "It's like. . . gunfire. . . Pretty far off from the sound of it." A thought struck him. "Hey, suppose it's those pirates we told the grand old military captain about? I wouldn't put far from two ships like that to get into a fight pretty quickly."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ooc: My aero-birds are still soaring towards you Izeroth  :P
~Just a soft space boi~