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The Epic of The Golden Tomb

Started by Unimaginative, September 23, 2014, 10:53:06 PM

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"I'm terribly sorry, I hadn't noticed that I interrupted." With this he stepped away a few paces and sat down under a tree.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Cornflower MM

Arya shot Oroinath another furious glare, but listened to the pretty squirrel in front of her. "Oh, I see." She said simply, and thought for a moment. Then she spoke again. "I can see how you'd like this to stay secret, and I won't tell anybeast if you don't wish me to. I appreciate your telling me." She said quietly, with a smile.

Dannflower Reguba

       Thankfully, she'd managed to establish at least some eye contact, though again, not for too long between attempts. Saerilla was appreciative of Arya's willingness to keep such an unusual secret, and it seemed this Oroinath was persistantly avoiding the questioning of the others. She tried to speak to the former stranger again, but was still struggling with the panicked stammer, "My n-names Saair... Saerilla.. Ahh-Ie." She grunted in frustration, closed her eyes, and cleared her throat. She let Arya's friendliness soak in enough to where she could stop shaking, and sang under her breath in a high, but sweet tenor,

"I don't reveal much to others,
lest they are in need.
For some it truly bothers,
while yet others are consumed byyy greeeeed."

       Saerilla took a deep breath, and looked back at Arya, "S-sorry about that, it's an a-age old remedy for our family's stammer. When other beasts are on the v-verge of finding out certain th... things.. about me, I panic due to....... Some things that h-happened in the past." The singing had noticeably changed her comfortability with the situation, she was no longer fidgeting, and finally managed to maintain direct eye contact more often than not, and that's besides her much stronger speech. She managed a weak half-smile in return to Arya's kindness.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


 Lieutenant Hirdglin stood on the road leading out of the city, scratching his claws against the cobblestone in impatience. He'd been posted here by his commander in response to reports of slavers in the area, claimed to come out at night and attack travellers. Hirdglin was not sure of the credibility of these reports, but he was in no position to question his captain.

Now, night was beginning to fall. The stars blinked into existence one by one, the clouds turned a fiery red, and the chirping of insects grew louder and louder. The lieutenant unsheathed his sword and ordered his soldiers to stand guard.

Cornflower MM

"Oh, I see." Arya said, biting her lip as she tried to think of something to say.  It was a tad awkward for the the squirrel, and she never really knew what to say in awkward situations.


OOC: Discount this post. It was a mistake, and I have yet to make it something else.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


OOC: Hirdglin is still on the road outside of city.


OOC: Apologies for not posting in context here... But I'm not sure where we are here. Some of you posted as if you walked back into the Inn, while another posted that he sat under a tree. Have we exited the Inn or not?


OOC:What I got from this is that Hirdglin is on the road, the looters are in the inn, and the slaver is lurking in the shadows somewhere.

Dannflower Reguba

       Saerilla noticed Arya's sudden discomfort, realizing that what she had said didn't sit well with this squirrel, "I apologize, I w-was only trying to make uh... understanding as easy as p-possible." Her tail curled inward, a show of embarrassment that was much more visible than her reddened cheeks, "Are your friends waiting for you? I didn't mean to interrupt, please don't let me hold you up." 
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

"No, no, it's okay!" Arya said hurriedly, not wanting to make Saerilla uncomfortable. "It's just I never know what to say in some situations. And, it's actually not that important." She went on, with a small smile.

Dannflower Reguba

       After listening to Arya respond, Saerilla reached out a paw and grasped the wall just to her left. She closed her eyes for a second before addressing the other in a quiet, low voice, "So the G-g-golden Tomb means little to you? You s-seemed pretty into it wheeen.... you were talking with th-the others." They had been right beside him when they were discussing the topic, given her hearing abilities, she couldn't stop herself from overhearing the conversation earlier.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

"Well, actually, I am pretty into it, but friends and acquaintances are more important than a tomb." Arya said with a shrug and a smile.


Foulfang was using every fiber of his being to resist ramming his head into the Inn's chimney, an action that would not only attract unwanted attention, but would also give him an abominable headache. He had done everything he could think of to move the creatures onto the path to golden tomb, but his actions had been in vain. Somehow these dim-witted creatures had decided not to leave even when he tried to burn the Inn to the ground. He was out of range of hearing from the squirrels, and regretted that he could not listen in on the conversation they were having. It may be about the route to the Golden Tomb, or something that he could use to ultimately land them in the hands of cruel masters. He pondered the situation and muttered inaudibly to himself:
"Surely there is some thing, some action, that will move them on their way!"
Foulfang searched for inspiration, but little came. He thought of lighting another fire somewhere else, but that would immediately alert the beasts below that the fire was no mere accident.

Finally, an idea came to his mind. He looked through the crowds around the Inn until he spotted a likely candidate. He was not disappointed. On the outskirts of the gathering, an ancient rat he had dealt with before was sitting alone and out of the way.

The villainous Foulfang silently ghosted into the Inn's attic and descended the ash covered stairs. He casually made his way around the creatures talking in the Inn, careful not to touch or attract the attention of any. He reached the ancient rat, who had long since forgotten his own name and now merely went by "Rusty." He sat next to Rusty and pulled out a parchment from a small pack he kept concealed under his cloak. It was Foulfang's own personal map. In the early days of his business, he had used it all the time, but he had long since memorized every detail of it. He pulled out a single gold coin and handed Rusty the map. He whispered into the ancient rat's ear.

"Russsty, you are to give this map to those two squirrels talking over there. Ssspecifically the golden one. She has blue eyes like ye've ne'er seen and wears a grey tunic with a large hood. You sseee her?"
Rusty nodded and grinned, "Ah'see whatcher upter yer rascal."
The edges of the shadowy face of Foulfang slowly broke into a toothy grin.
"Goood... Now when you hand this to them, you are to tell them that you heard them talking of the Golden Tomb. You dreamed of going there as a young rat, but have long since grown past the age of journeying. You overheard their talking and want them to try where you have failed. You are to tell them the location of the tomb is hereee."
A long claw stretched from the cloak sleeve and landed on a single red dot, located Southwest of the Inn, which was located in the city of Gof. Along the way to the tomb the map displayed several other cities and towns, as well as the long wild stretches that Foulfang planned to make his move on. The red dot was indeed the true location of the tomb, but Foulfang had never uncovered the entrance, mainly because he valued slavery, suffering and tainted money more than what the tomb actually contained. His grin widened as he smiled at Rusty.

"Then you arreee to walk away, as fast as you can in your ageee. Ask them not to followww you. Do this and I will give you much more thannn this trifle!"
To emphasize his statement, he rubbed the gold coin, and slid it to Rusty.

Rusty nodded, "Count on me mate."
He waited patiently for Foulfang to disappear, then did exactly as he was instructed to do.

OOC: Sorry for cutting the conversation and making such a long post, but Cornflower MM has left the forum for a week, so I figured it was best to move along rather than wait so long for the conversation to end. Perhaps it can be continued later when you guys decide to make camp. Rusty is not a character I submitted, so I grant full control of him to all of you. He is merely a way to make the plot move.  ;)
As for how I truly feel, I am in no rush for you guys to leave the Inn, that is how Foulfang feels. It's really up to you. I'm just trying to make some fun things happen.  :)


Hey Han,
I joined this Roleplay just like you said but I'm still a bit confused as to how this works. Could someone please fill me in on how this works? Thanks.
From The Viking,
         Guyle The Barbarian