
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Welcome, to our Abbey (STILL OPEN!)

Started by Ashleg, December 12, 2014, 04:06:27 AM

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Yeah, Izeroth, it's still open.  ;)
You can join if you want.


 Ok then!

Name: Gridjaw
Age: young adult
Gender: Male
Species: Stoat
Appearance: Seasonal fur, meaning that he's brown in the summer and white in the winter. Blue eyes. He wears a ragged brown tunic, but has no clothes other than this.
Personality: Mean, generally cruel. He's not the sort of guy you'd want to meet while adventuring. He isn't very book smart, but he has a certain primitive cleverness.
Weapon: A crude spear, and a rusty dagger he probably stole from some other beast.
History: Born and raised in a vermin horde, but left because of a dispute with the horde's leader.
Fun facts: He's a villain (what a surprise!)
Other: N/A


Jump in to the rp, it's just getting interesting. ;)

Cornflower MM

Yes, I'll say. Ha, Arya is surprising me. Good!


Haha, Roscoe isn't getting along with her very well...  ::)

Is your favorite animal a squirrel? (I remember you saying you liked squirrels on my introduction thread ^^)

Cornflower MM

Favorite Redwall animal, yes. My favoriyte animal of all time is whitetail deer.
And no, no he isn't. Haha, are you planning any of this? I'm most definitely not!


Nope, not yet, at least! ;D I'm just seeing what your character does and going along with it.
Hmm... my favorite Redwall species would have to be either a rat or any of the weasel-like ones, and I have no idea why.
Out of the woodlanders, I like the hares and otters the best.

Cornflower MM


...Only when there's no food around! ;D

Cornflower MM


I liked Basil and Tarquin best, though, 'cause most hares after that seem to be too similar in my opinion.

Lady Amber

Can I join?

Name- Arlane
Age (dibbun, teen, get the idea)- Late teens
Gender- Female
Species- River otter
Appearance- Arlane has chocolate brown fur and blue eyes. She wears a short blue dress that goes about to her knees and has a brown belt around her waist.
Personality (just the broad overview.  This kind of thing usually develops mid-rp)- Arlane can be stubborn at times, but is loyal and understanding. She's mischievous, adventurous, and loves to read.
What kind of weapon do they use if this applies?- Her father's old dagger.
History- (optional, because this also usually develops during the roleplay) Arlane has lived in Redwall all her life. Her parents died of disease when she was younger.
Fun Facts- Her tail twitches when she is excited or annoyed.
Other- N/A


You're in!
You can have her pop in whenever you want. ;D

Lady Amber

Lady Ashenwyte

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.