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The (rather pointless) Redwall Forum Show

Started by Tiria Wildlough, September 03, 2011, 05:39:36 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

So, I did! ;D

The Redwall Forum Show
Super Special #3: Marlfox
Redwall Musician: Hello and welcome to our third Super Special: Marlfox! Our special guests today are Mokkan and Ascrod the Marlfoxes. We would have liked to have all of them, but then there might have been too many people to be practical, so we invited the two Marlfoxes who survived longest.
Tiria Wildlough: No, the reason was that she didn’t want to mess with too many Marlfoxes.
Nightfire: Who ate all the barley farls?
HiAG: Nae me.
Nightfire: What about you, Skalrag of Marshank?
Skalrag of Marshank: I’m not even hungry.
Nightfire: Then you must have eaten them. It’s perfectly obvious. Now, can we get on with more important stuff?
Redwall Musician: What I was GOING to say was, can we please welcome our guests, Ascrod and Mokkan?
Tiria Wildlough: Salutations and greetings to you, my amiable and good-natured acquaintances. I am most delighted to meet you.
Nightfire: Hi. Can I kill you?
Mokkan: Oh, shut up, windbags.
DanielofRedwall: Mokkan, that’s not nice.
Mokkan: No one, I repeat, NO ONE, tells Mokkan what to do. *draws ax*
Redwall Musician: Security!!
[The tough mice burst in again. They disarm Mokkan, tie him back, and leave.]
Mokkan: Give me my ax! *strains for it*
Ascrod: *facepalm* *shakes head*
HiAG: Poor Azcrod, he’z ztuck with a brother like Mokkan.
Mokkan: What did you say about me?
HiAG: Nothing.
Redwall Musician: We have a caller now. It’s Predak the Marlfox.
Predak: Why didn’t you invite the rest of the Marlfoxes? Ziral’s really mad. She was the first Marlfox to die, and now she’s missing out on something even better than fighting Redwallers!
Tiria Wildlough: Oh, so I suppose she’s in her room howling her eyes out?
Predak: Shut up. She says she’s going to behead Mokkan as soon as he gets home. As it is, we had to stop her from smashing the TV screen.
Skalrag of Marshank: There aren’t any TVs in Redwall.
Predak: Exactly. That’s why we had to stop her from smashing it.
Skalrag of Marshank: Ahah . . . ?
Nightfire: I have a question for you, Mokkan. How did it feel to be the last Marlfox?
Mokkan: Oh, pretty good, as my empty-headed brothers and sisters weren’t around to mess things up—
Ascrod: AHEM!
Mokkan: . . . unfortunately, my empty-headed servants were around, and I got clocked by a hedgehog with a chain. A chain, for heaven’s sake!
Tiria Wildlough: *puts feet up*
Mokkan: Before that, though, I had a fairly good time, barring those awful nightmares, of course. I fired a couple of creatures, promoted a few, and got to design my awesome throne, which was never made, which is a pity, because I was thinking of all the good times I’d have watching the television . . .
Nightfire: There aren’t any televisions in Redwall. You’ve already been told that.
Mokkan: . . . Anyway, I was—
HiAG: Quick, ztop him before he getz intae hiz ztride.
DanielofRedwall: No, let him go, it’s fun.
Ascrod: The sooner we finish up, the better. I don’t want to miss my favourite TV program.
Tiria Wildlough: I don’t know why it is, but you Marlfoxes have a thing with the telly . . .
Mokkan: Before we go, I want to ask you guys some questions. What is with those mice who disarmed me? They were like supermice!
Redwall Musician: They work out every day.
Ascrod: *jigs up and down nervously* Can we go now? If we don’t, we’ll miss Lady Vixenia.
Nightfire: What’s that?
Ascrod: It’s a comedy series about a vixen. It comes on straight after Midafternoon Marl. You really should watch it. It’s about this vixen who goes around killing squirrels—
Nightfire: GET OUT.

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


You intentional recreated my random personae. Although...why did I say 'hi' to the Marlfoxes? You'd think I'd be trying to kill them, or something.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

White One6193

WhiteOne6193: Hello and welcome to the newest episode of the Redwall Forum Show! We've been off the air for a while, but WE"RE BACK! Today, our show has a celebrity guest! Please welcome, from the planet Gallifrey, none other than The DOCTOR! -turns to the Doctor- (Who, I might add, has a suspicious resemblance to David Tennant.) Welcome, Doctor.

Doctor Who: Hello there, Redwallers! I don't know exactly why the T.A.R.D.I.S. dropped me here, but I assume it was for a reason...*takes out sonic screwdriver* Hmm, nothing out of the ordinary.

b]WhiteOne6193[/b]: Seems a rather dinky little thing to do so much, eh , Doctor?

Doctor Who: Hey! DON"T DISS THE SONIC!

WhiteOne6193:Ahem. Er, yes, sorry... Anyway, what is it like to explore the cosmos in that police box over there?

Doctor Who: Ah, it's a dream! Occasionally the old girl is a bit tempermental, but I've seen such sights as you wouldn't believe! Judoon, New New York, Cybermen, Daleks; It's amazing!

WhiteOne: Speaking of Daleks, I'd like you to meet our next guest!

... To be continued!
"Ride for wrath, ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"- King Theoden


Mit Gott, Fur Koenig, und Die Vadeirlandt!


this is cool! why do marlfoxes like the tv so much.....? oh, and if someone made an episode with rusvul and maybe leneat tazzun in it that would be so cool! of course, you dont have to.  :D


"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers



"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Ungatt Trunn

Life is too short to rush through it.



"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Tiria Wildlough

I'd love to, but I'm not writing them anymore. I just don't have the good ideas I had before, and I feel that the Redwall forum show was kind of lame. Sorry.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on July 28, 2012, 09:38:33 AM
I'd love to, but I'm not writing them anymore. I just don't have the good ideas I had before, and I feel that the Redwall forum show was kind of lame. Sorry.
aww well ok. Sorry to hear that
"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

White One6193

I'm still writing episodes, i just haven't had time to post them.
"Ride for wrath, ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"- King Theoden


Mit Gott, Fur Koenig, und Die Vadeirlandt!

Ungatt Trunn

I'm wrighting an episode right now! It will have me as the host, of corse, starring
Vilu Dasker, Riggu felis and his two sons, Jeffra and Pitru, and Zwilt the Shade.

Life is too short to rush through it.