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The (rather pointless) Redwall Forum Show

Started by Tiria Wildlough, September 03, 2011, 05:39:36 AM

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I hope I got Dr. Who right. I might put up another episode tomorrow. Nobody steal my idea for a Wildcat Special!!!
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: Nightfire on October 06, 2011, 07:34:46 PM
That was awesome! I love how you portray me perfectly every time! ;D Here's my adder one:

It's not hard.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Somebody else can do a Korvus one, I can't seem to get mine working. I'll try a non-vermin one soon.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


The adder one was awesome! You missed out me though...
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


That's because I had already done an episode with you and Kirby. Plus the fact that you are not one of the famous adders of Mossflower. I'll do a Skipper of Otters special soon.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


Quote from: Nightfire on October 12, 2011, 05:31:54 PMPlus the fact that you are not one of the famous adders of Mossflower.
I-I'm not? :'(
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


Your THE most famous Adder of the Internet! ;D
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


YEEEEEEEEEES!!!! Okay here's the new episode:

Redwall Character's Garthering

Abbot Mortimer: Welcome, to the Redwall Forum Show! In this episode, all of the characters from the book Redwall will join together for a friendly chat on their role in the book.
Matthias: My role was great. Main character and abbey hero!
Cluny: And murderer of me...Anyways, I liked my role a little bit. I was cool, but didn't win. Not fair.
Asmodeus: Let me put you to resssst....
Cluny: Shut up. You died before me you worm.
Warbeak: At least he was um put out of his misery first! And leave wormcalling to me!
Cluny: So you're sticking up for the snakey huh? Hey Matthias, Warbeak betrayed you! Hahaha!
Matthias: Silence rat. I killed you once so I can kill you twice.
Cluny: Hey! You just reminded me! Now's my chance to get revenge!
--Cluny slashes out tail and misses Matthias by centimetres--
Constance:(Grabbing Cluny) Thanks to your gob I didn't get a turn to speak. Now it's my turn. I guess what I'm gonna say?
Cluny: That silly badger thing...Yoolayleer is it?
Constance: Good guess *******. But it's actually...
Gingivere: That was a close one. Constance nearly said a naughty word but my censor saved the day!
Constance: ...JOSEPH BELL!
--Joseph Bell falls on Cluny and squashes him--
Matthias:(Weilding sword) Told you I could kill him twice. Now time for Asmodeus!
Abbot Mortimer: What a shame, I was going to show you the Gousim, Captian Snow, Basil and even that weird beaver. But seeing as Matthias is re-killing everyone, I guess this is goodbye!
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


That was awesome!!! I love how Matthias seemed as berserk as Ranguvar concerning them.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Tiria Wildlough

The Redwall Forum Show
Ublaz Mad Eyes Special
Redwall Musician: I'm ba-ack! On this episode of The Redwall Forum Show, we have as our special guest. . .Ublaz Mad Eyes! Welcome to our show, Ublaz.
Ublaz: It was nothing, thankyou very much for having me.
Nightfire: If we keep on having vermin for special guests, someone is going to die.
Redwall Musician: Yeah, because I will kill you if you bother our special guest.
Nightfire: You're unfair. I mean, there's nothing really special about them, is there. . .?
Redwall Musician: Nightfire, I'm warning you. . . Anyway, it's time for our first caller. . .Cleckstarr Lepus Montisle!
Tiria Wildlough: Hey, Clecky, can you sing us one of your funny songs? How about the one about how noble a hare is?
Clecky: I did not call to entertain you with songs, otter! I came to ask Ublaz Mad Eyes for his autograph.
HiAG: His autograph? Why would you want that?
Clecky: To show miz Craklyn, of course, wot! She asked me to call you, because she didn't bally well dare. So. . . ?
Ublaz: I'll give it to you when I come out.
Clecky: And when will that be?
Ublaz: In a minute.
Nightfire: Ublaz, can you demonstrate hypnotizing?
Ublaz: Not here. You want to see a demonstration, you have to go to Snowfur's Redwall Encyclopedia and look at the third episode of Mossflower Talk. It just proves that the camera loves me.
HiAG: *in a whisper* It's a good thing for you that someone does.
Ublaz: I heard that, you know!
Redwall Musician: Our next caller is Zaran the Black. Hello, Zaran, you're on the air.
Zaran: I am? Oh, that's good, because I have something to say to Skalrag of Marshank.
Skalrag of Marshank: Yeah?
Zaran: Are you a fox? Because if you are, I'm coming right over and killing you. I can't STAND vermin. I'd better clock Ublaz too, while I'm at it.
Nightfire: You'll do no such thing! At least, not while I'm around. I am Nightfire, the mercenary squirrelqueen from the North, of A Dark Journey fame, and you'd better believe it. Besides, everyone would blame me if anything happened to one of our special guests.
Zaran: Alright, alright, I won't. Just call me if you have any trouble.
Tiria Wildlough: *scratches a mark on the wall* That's the fourth time someone's asked that question.  ||||
Redwall Musician: You're disfiguring the wall. Please don't do that.
Zaran: I haven't read A Dark Journey.
Nightfire: Well, you'd better do it now.
Zaran: Whatever. *click*
Skalrag of Marshank: Ublaz, just why did you keep a deadly coral snake? Surely it wasn't just to enhance your reputation? Why didn't you let it loose on Rasconza and the wave vermin?
Ublaz: Be careful what you say, otherwise I might let it loose on you!'
HiAG: Juzt be thankful he iznae az bad az Zlagar the Cruel.
Nightfire: What's the matter with you, HeadInAnotherGalaxy? You're talking like a highlander lizard.
HiAG: Zo? Whit'z wrong with that?
Nightfire: *facepalm* Nothing, I suppose.
Ublaz: Oh dear, I thought I was going to be interviewed by educated creatures, not silly sooks who squabble over petty issues.
Tiria Wildlough: Ublaz, how did it feel to be the only pine marten on Sampetra? Didn't you feel lonely?
Ublaz: Oh, no. Apart from the fact that I was surrounded by blockheads, it was fine. I was in control. . .most of the time.
Redwall Musician: Oh, we have another caller. It's. . .Sagitar Sawfang! Hello, Sagitar, how may I help you?
Sagitar: Oh, Redwall Musician, I urgently need to talk to Emperor Ublaz!
Ublaz: What?
Sagitar: Mightiness, Rasconza and his vermin are trying to bomb your palace in Dark Forest! What should I do?
Skalrag of Marshank: I don't get it. There aren't any bombs in Redwall.
Ublaz: Pour boiling oil on them. And above all, leave me alone. I'm in the middle of a very important interview!
Nightfire: Oh, yeah?
Redwall Musician: We have another caller. . .it's Sagitar again!
Ublaz: What is it now?
Sagitar: Mightiness, I just wanted to tell you that boiling oil doesn't work! This is Dark Forest, and nobeast can die! What do I do?
Sagitar: Oh, fine. *click*
Tiria Wildlough: Ublaz, I know this sounds like a silly question, but did you ever think about getting married?
Ublaz: Why should I, silly, when there weren't any other pine martens on Sampetra?
Tiria Wildlough: Well. . .I'm sure you could have found one.
Ublaz: I really don't go in for matchmaking. Next!
Redwall Musician: Our next caller is Inbar Trueflight. Hello, Inbar, can I help you with anything?
Inbar: I just wanted to say that Grath told me all about what Ublaz had done to her tribe, and I heard that Ublaz was being interviewed, so I called. Ublaz, how do you feel about being responsible for that?
Ublaz: Responsible for what?
Inbar: Never mind.
Redwall Musician: Sorry, Inbar, I'm afraid you'll have to hang up, we've got another caller, Zurgat. Hello, Zurgat, you're on the—
Zurgat: Mightinezz, Razconza and hiz vermin are taking over the palaze! They would zlay uz, only thiz iz Dark Forezt and we cannot be zlain!
Ublaz: What're you afraid of then? Leave me alone!
Zurgat: But they're taking over the—
[Zurgat hangs up.]
Redwall Musician: Sorry, folks, this is all the time we've got for today. Remember to tune in for—
Zurgat: Mightinezz, the wave vermin have—
[Ublaz smashes the sound system.]
The Redwall Forum Show
Super Special 2: Dibbuns
Redwall Musician: Hello people! It's time for our second super special, in which we invite three Dibbuns from Redwall Abbey! Friends, I give you. . .Arven, Dwopple, and Yik! And—they're running wild all over the studio. . .
Tiria Wildlough: Aww, so cute OW MY FOOTPAW! Dwopple, give me that sling right now!
Dwopple: Heeheehee. I a h'infant, I shooted ya wiv me slinger.
Nightfire: Can somebeast restrain the little devils?
Arven: Tansee pansee toogle doo!
HiAG: And guid afternoon tae ye az well.
Skalrag of Marshank: Dwopple, did you know that you are really, really funny? Especially when you—YOUCH! Knock it off!
Nightfire: Yik, what are you doing with my arrow quiver?
Yik: I savin' some breffist for laterer.
Nightfire: OH NO YOU DON'T. Get it out right now, or else.
Yik: Ya can't 'urt me, I on'y a likka baby.
DanielofRedwall: I'll call your mother. Wait, you don't have one. . .
HiAG: Arven, where are ye goin'?
Arven: I goin' to de candied chestnuts.
Redwall Musician: Those are for afterwards, Arven! You can't have them yet!
Arven: Don' care.
Redwall Musician: Somebeast stop him! Anyway, we have our first caller, Badgermum Cregga! Hello, Cregga, can I help you?
Cregga: Do you need any help keeping those Dibbuns in line? I can go and skelp their tails if you want.
Redwall Musician: No thanks, we'll be fine. Uh. . .someone, stop Arven from bolting all the candied chestnuts.
Cregga: Well, if you're sure you don't need any help, I'll go. *click*
DanielofRedwall: Uhh. . .Dwopple, what are you doing with your sling. . .?!
[screen goes blank]
[Long pause]
[Even longer pause]
Redwall Musician: Uh. . .we're back! Sorry, Dwopple smashed the camera with his sling. Let's say we restrained him a bit.
[She pauses and looks at the big bag hanging from the ceiling]
Dwopple: (In muffled tones) You leggo a Dwopple! Gemme me sling!
Tiria Wildlough: *facepalm*
Nightfire: Somebeast should have guessed that this would happen.
Tiria Wildlough: Babies are obnoxious.
Redwall Musician: Ahem. . .OK, I think it's time to finish. These Dibbuns need to go to bed.
Yik: Why?
Redwall Musician: Because you have to grow up big and strong.
Yik: Why?
Redwall Musician: Because that's the way it is.
Yik: Why?
Redwall Musician: *headdesk* *headdesk*
Yik: Why?
The Redwall Forum Show
Vilu Daskar Special
Redwall Musician: OK, this is the Redwall Forum Show. We're sorry, but HeadInAnotherGalaxy couldn't be here. Anyway, this is  with Vilu Daskar as a special guest.
Skalrag of Marshank: And also the first ep where we have had to restrain Nightfire from the start.
Nightfire: (indignantly) Mmmmff! Grrrr! Nnnnfff!
Vilu Daskar: Thankyou very much, everybeast. I never expected such a warm welcome, especially from our squirrel friend here.
Nightfire: Rrrrr! Mmmmmmffhhhnnnn!
Tiria Wildlough: Haha.
Redwall Musician: Ooh, we have a caller! Let's see who it is. . .it's Luke the Warrior!
Luke: Watch out for that stoat, Redwall Musician. He might sneak in on you one dark night and murder your family.
Redwall Musician: *facepalm*
Nightfire: Hmph!
Redwall Musician: I think we can remove Nightfire's gag now.
Nightfire: Thanks! I would like somebeast to let me go and give me my dirk so I can kill Vilu Daskar.
Luke: No, that's MY job.
Tiria Wildlough: You already did it.
DanielofRedwall: Can we get going and ask some serious questions? We've already taken up nearly a whole page.
HiAG: Dazkar, how doez it feel tae be a ztone-cold killer?
Daskar: Oh, not that bad. Crime pays, you know.
Tiria Wildlough: NO IT DOES NOT.
Daskar: I never asked for your opinion.
DanielofRedwall: *sigh* Maybe it is a good idea to let Nightfire go.
Daskar: Let your friend go, and you'll find out why my name is feared throughout the land.
Redwall Musician: Daskar, try any violence and you will be restrained . . . by mice.
Daskar: *gasp of horror*
Nightfire: Daskar, remember that I'm the descendant of Ranguvar Foeseeker. I'm undoubtedly going to destroy you someday.
Tiria Wildlough: *sigh of resignation*
Redwall Musician: Don't even think about it, Nightfire.
DanielofRedwall: So, Daskar, what do you actually think about Ranguvar Foeseeker?
Daskar: Let me see. Should I stoop to answer that question?
Nightfire: Why, you—!
Redwall Musician: Watch it, Nightfire.
Tiria Wildlough: Daskar, answer the question, please.
Daskar: Well, to tell the truth, I really don't think much of her. She isn't a real warrior, and I never thought much of beasts possessed with the bloodwrath.
Tiria Wildlough: *claps*
Nightfire: Rrrrrgh.
Daskar: I'm quite enjoying this. Carry on, my friends, carry on.
Daskar: Whatever.
Skalrag of Marshank: Daskar, what were your last thoughts before Luke killed you?
Daskar: How he needed to do some more exercise.
Nightfire: . . . !
Daskar: So? What's so wrong with that? His grip wasn't that strong.
Skalrag of Marshank: You are weird.
Daskar: I'm outta here. You are all so unappreciative. *goes out and slams the door*
Redwall Musician: Well, that's that, I suppose. Please tune in for our next episode of the Redwall Forum Show.

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


WOW!!! :D :D :D

3 episodes in 1! That was cool. The first and third were my favs.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Tiria Wildlough

Thanks. Can you put Tiria Wildlough in your next one?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


wow...interesting...i like it o.o. havnt read the long one yet though...
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Well, I'm not sure. I've been writing a lot of ficcies lately, as well as my original novel, Itaris, so I think someone else should do the next few.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.