
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Skyblade's Tribute

Started by Skyblade, March 23, 2015, 02:34:11 AM

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This is derived from the tribute that Soren posted a few months ago, so thank him for the creative and thoughtful idea :)

I've been wanting to do this for a while but held off because 1) Time... :P but most of all 2) I was worried I would leave out some people and their feelings would be hurt. To be honest, I would be pretty upset if I wasn't included in something like this, so I understand to an extent.

However, after seeing what great people you all are, I could not restrain myself. I wanted to go out and give you guys the praise that you deserve. So if you were not included, please don't feel bad :( The only reason I wouldn't add you is because we simply don't know each other very well, for which I couldn't write any compliments except something about your name (or I just forgot, in which case I am very, very sorry!! :o). It doesn't change the fact that you are most likely also a great member. The same stands for the size of the message: In general, I am more likely to write more if I know you better, because I have more to say. It's just a don't get too worked up over it. There are far, far more important things in life.

Anyway, here we go! I am very excited to have these for you all. They are arranged in alphabetical order.

Banya, you are a considerate person who truly cares about the other members of this forum. You’re kind, helpful, and always willing to make your posts count by benefiting others through them. Thank you for your honest words and encouragement. You’ve made my day more than once, that’s for sure. You are a lovely college friend, and I thank you many times over for your priceless advice. The forum cares about you and appreciates you too.
Blaggut, you are truly one of the most original and creative members of this forum. You are also nice and friendly and very likeable! You’re an interesting person (in a good way, of course) who has a passion for history. I encourage you to follow the career path that leads to what you enjoy doing, whatever it is. Thanks for being so honest, fresh, and kind. Simply put, you’re great. The historical figures are always with you!
We may not be the closest of friends, but I’ve definitely seen you around the forum. You’ve contributed well to it, I must say (in complete sincerity!). The forum prom, for one, was a very creative and nice idea that many people enjoyed – so much thanks to you. You’re truly funny and nice and it’s great to have you around. Plus, you have a neat name.
 Cornflower MM
Corny, I actually like you a lot and have grown to be fond of you (Don’t take that in a creepy way, please :P). You’re a kind, funny, and original member who has truly contributed to this forum! I’ll be honest, before I came to actually know you I was a bit shy. I thought that you were an amazing member (you are) who probably didn’t have much business talking to little me. I hope you never feel unappreciated or downplayed, because nobody deserves that in my opinion- especially not someone like you. I thank you for all the kind and thoughtful things you have said to me, for they really touched me and made me smile instantly…if you need anything, always feel free to PM me. I’ll be happy to talk to you! You’re a great friend; stay strong – keep calm and battle on.
Dan, you are one of my oldest friends on the forums. I can’t even say how much you have made this place even better by doing what you do and being who you are. You have seen in my best and worst times, and never gave up on me. You are an amazingly loyal and great friend, and I’m glad and thankful I know you. You’re also a great person with a great balance of qualities: friendliness, kindness, consideration, humor, and insight. You’re very smart and speak what you think. May you use your honesty, boldness, and high-level thinking skills to their full potential. Thank you Dan, for all you’re done. I appreciate you a lot.
You already know this, but you’re laugh-out-loud hilarious. I’m sure I’m not the only forum member who believes you’re the funniest person on here. You are always using your gift for humor to make people’s days, which is truly kind. Speaking of kindness…you’re not just funny, but also really, really nice. For one, you always keep your jokes clean and you don’t overstep people’s boundaries. But even more preeminently, you care about other people and are willing to post to just, well, improve their lives. You’re a very complaisant and likeable member and a good friend. And also, you have a cool name ;)
Eul! First of all, I like your name a lot. But even more so, I like your personality. You are honest and nice – I’m glad I get to RP with a person like you. I like how you sincerely express yourself in your posts. You are loyal and trustworthy and overall just a great friend and member to have. Thanks, Eul! ^^
Faiy, we may not very close, but I definitely notice your posts. You’re a very original and creative member and person. Your honesty and sparking personality shines through in your posts. Clearly, you have done a lot (of good things, no doubt!) for the forums. For one, The Arena is a really cool idea. Thank you for being nice and thoughtful, creative and funny.
 Gonff the Mousethief
Gonff, what can I say? You have so much going for you. You are kind, thoughtful, considerate, talented… you possess the insight and character overall of a person well beyond your years. That is a huge compliment, by the way. It means you have an amazing personality. You’re a very, very good writer and I hope you continue for as long as you wish. Thank you for being so kind and considerate. You are selfless and truly care about others, and I can tell. Do your best (you always do) and keep calm and battle on. If ever you need anything, feel free to PM me at any time.
 Han Norwood
I may not know you very well, but you’re definitely a likeable and nice member ^^ I’ve seen your posts, and you would be a very good person to have as a friend. You’re very complaisant and funny, as well. Keep calm and battle on.
Izeroth, sure you joke about destroying the planet, but you are the most environmentally caring person on the forums. I was not lying when I said that the world needs more people like you - people who are willing to be honest and blunt and act on what they believe. People who don't just think, but do. You are nice and friendly and a wonderful friend and forum member. are hilarious. I bet you're a great person inside and outside the screen. Keep calm and battle on.
 James Gryphon
James, you are a unique and interesting person (in a good way, of course). You write some of the best posts on the forums. They are anywhere from thoughtful to hilarious to kind to random. These same adjectives can be used to describe your personality. We all appreciate what you do as a moderator and as a person. Same goes for all the other mods and admins of this forum! Thank you, James.
Jet, I can tell by your posts that you are nice, honest, friendly, creative, and thoughtful. You are one of the bravest members I know and the very bravest when it comes to speaking what you truly feel and believe. I know no other member who would be bold and courageous enough to say the things you have said, and with complete and utter honesty. These qualities make you a very exceptional person. I respect your beliefs and wish only the best for you. With candor do I say all of this to you.
 Jukka the Sling
Jukka, you are a very kind member… and it’s hard not to notice, honestly. You are constantly posting nice things for others to benefit from. You’re very selfless and as Mhera said in one post, you’re very mature and wise too. Though I don’t even know your age…whatever, you’re still mature and wise. Thank you, Jukka! (Insert cool LOTR saying here)
 Lady Amber
We may not be very close, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen your posts (And that rhymed…) You’re a kind member who seeks to make people’s days by being nice and funny. It’s truly great to have you on the forums :D Hope we’ll talk more as time goes on. Thanks for everything!
Leatho Shellhound
Leatho, you are one of my oldest friends. Thank you for being so loyal. You’ve seen my best and worst and stayed through with me, so truly thank you. You are nice, kind, thoughtful, loyal, considerate, funny, creative, original…and a lot of other positive adjectives. You’re a great person, Leatho. Really. You’re also very, very talented and express your art freely for others to enjoy and benefit from. You are a good role model. Thank you for being such a good friend to me ^^
Ash, you truly are a really great member to have on the forums. You’re nice, creative, and funny. I don’t know how old you are, but you manage to have the enthusiastic, childlike nature of a youth and the wiser, more intelligent mindset of an adult in you at the same time. That’s a huge compliment, by the way. You are very likeable, and I believe everyone would agree with me on that. Keep doing what you’re doing.
 LT Sandpaw
Sandpaw, you are an outstanding person. You have wonderful values and characteristics. You are funny and kind. I admire your patriotism and character in general. You are selfless and show your appreciation to those who deserve it. Now, I will let you know that another person who deserves appreciation is you. And I do appreciate you; we all do. You’re the bravest forum member I know for doing courageous and terrifying things. To you, life is adventure. Make the most out of it and enjoy it. Thank you, LT. You deserve a standing ovation.
We miss you, Mask! We hope you’re doing well. I want to let you know that the things you have said to me…are some of the things that have truly, really touched my heart and stayed there. You are amazingly kind and funny – a great combination that I believe you should take as a blessing and a gift. Take care, and best wishes.
Meadow, even though I don’t know you very well, I can tell that you are a very kind and considerate member. You truly aim to make this place a, well, better place (Repetitive diction but you know what I mean). You’re a great member, so please keep doing what you’re doing. It’s not a surprise that you were chosen to be last year’s Season Namer.
Mhera, you are one of the kindest members of this forum. You are always posting nice and encouraging things for everyone, even those who you don’t know. I personally think that means you’re a Good Samaritan. You have a lot going for you: not only do you have a wonderful personality, but you also possess great intelligence, work ethic, views of life, and insight. You’re well-rounded (that’s a compliment), and I’m glad and thankful I have you for a good friend. I really was sad when you first said you were going to leave the forums…and elated when you chose to stay. No matter what, keep being a great Christian and person.
Morg, as I have said before and will say again, you are downright cool. You’re a very original and creative member, as well as admiringly honest. You’re also friendly, nice, and kind. Not to mention funny ;D Thanks for being here and posting what you post.
Yours is the first one I wrote, Plugg. You already know how I feel about you. I just want to reiterate that you are a truly creative, insightful, deep, original, gifted, talented, smart, and contributing member of this forum (So many adjectives, but what can I say? That’s who you are). You really make your posts count, and you know how to be both serious and funny. I really like your poetry and art, by the way! Thank you for being such a close and good friend to me. And also, thank you for giving me so much more. The words from the balcony still rest peacefully in my heart.
You’re one of my oldest friends on here and you’ve seen my good side and bad… and tolerated everything…so seriously, thank you! Honestly, Rain, you are like the ideal friend. You’re complaisant and funny and loyal and honest. You’ve done a lot for this forum and you’ve always stuck around. As I remember hearing before, you freely share things about yourself for others to enjoy. You’re also a talented musician, drawer, and whatever else you do ;) You’re a weird person, and an amazing one.
Hey R, I wanted to add a message for you :) Thank you for being such a considerate and honest member. You're creative and downright COOL! You're interesting and I would like to get to know you better. Feel free to PM me if you need anything, big or small. And yes, I voted for you in Obvious Forum Crush.
 Russa Nodrey
Russa, you make posts that are literally laugh-out-loud funny. Your randomness and truly refreshing and brightens people’s days. You are funny as well as nice and kind. You are considerate about others. Thanks for all the things you have posted. You’re a creative and interesting (in a good way, of course) person. By the way, you are probably going to kill me in The Arena so kudos :P ;D
Rusvul, you’re nice and original and just flat out cool. Seriously, you are a very interesting (in a good way) member and you have a nice personality. You’re honest and express a wide variety of interest and talents. You’re very skilled, Rus. Thanks for everything; we appreciate you.
 Sagetip, the hare
Sage, you’re so nice to have on the forums! You’re a great, well-rounded person (in a good way). You’re nice and creative. You’re also a very good writer. I can’t even stress how creative you are, honestly. Do your best & keep calm and battle on. You’re a truly cool person to know and friend to have.
Sam, you are weird and I say that so candidly because I think you will take that as the compliment that it is ;) You are one of the most creative and random forum members on here, and you truly add diversity, spark, and just… even more improvement by being a member here. You’re nice and liekable and friendly. Thanks for being who you are.
 Soren the Warrior
Soren, you are a nice, funny, kind, honest, considerate, thoughtful, and interesting member. You are a very well-rounded person (that’s a compliment). Overall, you’re an amazing friend – a great kind of friend and person. Thank you for being here and thank you for your posts. We appreciate you. You’re an outstanding member and person, and I’ve have some cool times with you. I say all this with sincerity, Soren. Keep calm and battle on
 The Mask
Masky 2.0! :D I like you a lot, honestly (To anyone who may be reading this: Not in that way :P). You’re well-rounded in good qualities: you’re funny, thoughtful, kind, and honest. Overall, you’re the type of friend everyone should have. You’re one of the most likeable people I know – you just have this thing about you. I enjoy talking to you and am glad and thankful I have you for a good friend! By the way, the thing you do with Mr. Cuddles is one of the most laugh-out-loud, hilarious things on the forum. If you need anything, feel free to send me a PM.
 The Skarzs
So, where to start… how about your talents? You are a truly gifted artist, writer, blacksmith, and thinker. It’s almost unbelievable, actually, how much skill you have. Skarzs, you are an amazing individual with a winning personality. You are very kind and funny at the same time. You truly are a considerate and selfless person who looks to the needs of others, including those who you don’t know very well… and you’ve made me smile a lot behind the screen, so thank you for being a great friend as well as a great forum member and person. Do your best (you already are!) and keep calm and battle on.
Sierra, I really like you (Not in that way, in case anyone else is reading this :P). I’ve grown to be very fond of you. Thank you 1000 times over for, well, everything. At first, you helped me with Spanish - a language I need to be more fluent in for my academic life. And then you branched out and helped me with even more (like complimenting my writing ^^). I really appreciate and admire people like you who are genuinely kind and friendly and aren’t afraid to show it - you’re a truly great role model. I feel like I can tell you anything, and that’s what I have done. You are an amazing friend, and people like you don’t come around very often. Seriously…you are a treasure.
 Wot, wot!
Wot, you are actually one of the members who I really wanted to write a message to. You’re just so genuinely kind and friendly that I can’t keep my mouth closed. You are a member deserving of encouragement and praise for your personality and posts. It’s really nice to have you around. You are always making people’s days and just being the selfless fellow you are, and I would slap myself if others didn’t see the same. For being who you are…a big thank you to you, Wot. Keep being great ^^
 Wylder Treejumper
Wylder, we appreciate you and we’re all very sad to see you go. However, we understand that there exist things that none of us can control. You’re one amazing member. You have produced some very high-quality posts…I’ve seen them. You’re truly intelligent, insightful, and one of the best students on the forum. You truly care, and you care a lot. You are selfless and considerate – a member who cares about others and freely shows it. All this is candid. Best wishes; keep calm and battle on. Do your best, as I know you do. You’re in my prayers, friend.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Aww, thanks Sky. Your awesome too.
Dang, your tribute seems so much longer then mine...

I'm retired from the forum


Thank you, Soren! ^^

And that's cool ;)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I'm happy someone else did this, and I don't feel weird anymore about mine. ;D

I'm retired from the forum


Awwwwwww, thanks a lot Sky! You are going to make me cry :)
~Please be sure to join us if ever you are passing~.

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 I was mainly kidding about not liking compliments :P


Words do not seem to like me, it seems....
I am deeply touched. I sincerely thank you, Sky.


Quote from: Soren the Warrior on March 23, 2015, 02:41:17 AM
I'm happy someone else did this, and I don't feel weird anymore about mine. ;D

You're the one who inspired me. Thank you, Soren *applauds him* :)

Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on March 23, 2015, 02:43:08 AM
Awwwwwww, thanks a lot Sky! You are going to make me cry :)

You're welcome! ^^ And you are absolutely right. *sends Sierra an onion that is magically peeling itself*

Quote from: Izeroth on March 23, 2015, 02:48:00 AM
I was mainly kidding about not liking compliments :P

And I am relieved ;) I edited it.

Quote from: PluggFiretail on March 23, 2015, 02:50:45 AM
Words do not seem to like me, it seems....
I am deeply touched. I sincerely thank you, Sky.

What do you mean, words don't seem to like you? Haven't you read your own fine poetry? Words love you, for crying out loud.

And you're very welcome. All of my tribute is true, as I hate lying.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Thank you, that's an interesting description of me that I feel like I don't deserve. It's not really bravery, it's more narcissism that borders on sociopathy or at least that's what it is when I do it. I feel like my heavily opinionated posts are more a negative contribution than a positive one (in most cases, not all), all they seem to do is start or continue wars. I also get far too aggressive when defending my point of view *cough*VictimoftheMonth*cough* as I find it difficult to convey emotion over the internet (I was actually going for mild irritation in that case).

I find it difficult to articulate my thoughts on real people unless my view of them is negative, therefore I'll just be content with saying this: Sky, you are one of the nicest members on the forum and your essays are really interesting. Keep being awesome.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Well now, don't be too hard on yourself (I sound like a mom :P). I would call it bravery. And actually, I understand you. When there's something that I don't agree with or find not right, I just feel frustrated. Some things are just so unfair. But we all get into that mode, and you honestly have done a lot of good things for the forums. That far outweighs the few mistakes you have made - which, everyone commits errors anyway.

And thank you for the compliments! They mean very much to me ^^

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Why thank you so much. You know this is the third awesome complement I have received today You just made my cup run over.  ;D Thanks a trillion.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Yay, I'm glad ;D And you are very welcome.

EDIT: By the way, I'm with you. It's Skarzs' fault ;D

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


 That's.... very touching. I really wish I could say more than that... but I don't quite know how to put my gratitude into words.


Thank you, Izeroth :) and by the way, I like you pi-themed profile pic and signature.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Thank you kind madam! I shall be forever in your debt! ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.