A Thirst For Adventure

Started by ShrewsForever, March 23, 2015, 08:54:37 PM

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Where should our bold adventurers travel first?

I wanna do something else! (please specify)

The Skarzs

  Name: Onagen (Oh-nah-gen), but also goes by Ona
  Age: 20
  Gender: Male
  Species: Cougar (Mountain lion.)
  Weapons: Besides the triangular piece of armor he wears on his left arm (which is more or less a wide vambrace), Onagen also uses a battle axe.
  Appearance: Onagen is a well-built cougar, with broad shoulders and decently-defined muscles. His fur is the regular tan/grayish hue of his species, with darker ears and white muzzle. Though his is pretty young, he has seen battle enough, and the number of scars noticeable on his arms and face give testimony to that. His eyes are sharp blue, the kind of eyes that gaze without faltering, rimmed by serious eyebrows and prominent cheek bones. He wears a gray tunic with a hood underneath a half-sleeve chainmail shirt. His axe hangs on the broad leather belt strapped around his waist, and a pack dangles on his back.
  Favorite color: Um. . . gray?
  Personality: Though serious, he has a sense of honor and love of travel.
  History: Left his large family on an indefinite adventure; that was five seasons ago. Now that he has gone through battles on both the wrong and right sides, as well as forced his wit and endurance to the near brink of snapping, he is rather experienced. Has also been following the group for a day or two and has not shown himself.
  Strengths: Battle, observation, and much experience.
  Weaknesses: Frustration under high pressure, his size makes him an easy target, and a tendency toward stubbornness.
  Likes/Dislikes: Likes- Fish and meat; also enjoys good singing. Dislikes- Psychopaths (he has met a few), and heat.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: The Skarzs on March 25, 2015, 10:50:23 PM
  Name: Onagen (Oh-nah-gen), but also goes by Ona
  Age: 20
  Gender: Male
  Species: Cougar (Mountain lion.)
  Weapons: Besides the triangular piece of armor he wears on his left arm (which is more or less a wide vambrace), Onagen also uses a battle axe.
  Appearance: Onagen is a well-built cougar, with broad shoulders and decently-defined muscles. His fur is the regular tan/grayish hue of his species, with darker ears and white muzzle. Though his is pretty young, he has seen battle enough, and the number of scars noticeable on his arms and face give testimony to that. His eyes are sharp blue, the kind of eyes that gaze without faltering, rimmed by serious eyebrows and prominent cheek bones. He wears a gray tunic with a hood underneath a half-sleeve chainmail shirt. His axe hangs on the broad leather belt strapped around his waist, and a pack dangles on his back.
  Favorite color: Um. . . gray?
  Personality: Though serious, he has a sense of honor and love of travel.
  History: Left his large family on an indefinite adventure; that was five seasons ago. Now that he has gone through battles on both the wrong and right sides, as well as forced his wit and endurance to the near brink of snapping, he is rather experienced. Has also been following the group for a day or two and has not shown himself.
  Strengths: Battle, observation, and much experience.
  Weaknesses: Frustration under high pressure, his size makes him an easy target, and a tendency toward stubbornness.
  Likes/Dislikes: Likes- Fish and meat; also enjoys good singing. Dislikes- Psychopaths (he has met a few), and heat.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Made changes to my character sheet.

The Skarzs

Okay, so are both Gonff's character and Snap investigating Onagen?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: The Skarzs on March 26, 2015, 01:27:46 AM
Okay, so are both Gonff's character and Snap investigating Onagen?
Yes, they are. Or at least Snap is.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gonff the Mousethief

Well, Acirema is. Marshall is off chasing Nutt.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


I've been looking at this RP for a while and decided I would like to join, if that's fine with you of course :) It sounds very interesting. I've always liked traveling RPs... I possess "a thirst for adventure" myself. Let me know if I should make any changes to my character.

Name: Skyre the Blue
Age: Late teens, I guess
Gender: Female
Species: Badger
Weapons(s): Double-bladed sword
Appearance: Skyre is unusually small and petite for a badger. This means that instead of being bulky and powerful, she is about the size of another beast such as an otter. Her white fur is tinged a silver-blue and her tail is bushier than normal, resembling a squirrel's. Skyre is sadly not a very pretty beast to look at. It is evident that she has fought all her life. She has a scar across her face, and even has a stump instead of a left arm. Skyre wears a simple, torn vest and shorts and has an eyepatch over her (missing) right eye. Her teeth and claws are sharpened to lethal points.
Personality (the very basics): Skyre is not very popular and others sometimes find her odd and/or awkward. She is self-conscious and sensitive, but insightful and well-meaning.
Favorite color: Sky blue ;)
History (optional): Skyre grew up in an area that was extremely harsh for everyone who lived there. Life was rough, to say the least, and she received strict training that would prove useful later. After she managed to escape, she became a traveler and sets her heart on doing good. It's harder to do than want, though.
Strengths: Skyre was trained well. She is very fast and agile, as well as insightful. Has experience.
Weaknesses: Because of her size, Skyre was not born with the massive power and strength that usually come in her species. She also has Bloodwrath, but it isn't as dangerous as with others of her kind, due to her disadvantage. In fact, it tends to backfire. Also, missing an arm can prove to be a big burden.
Likes/Dislikes: Skyre admires people who feel the same way as her when it comes to certain ideas she holds strong. She dislikes when others are "pointlessly mean".
Other: Yes, she is based off of me :P I really can't help myself; it's more fun this way for me. Tried my best to not make her a Mary-sue.

Do you all mind if I ask your opinion of this character? I developed her a bit, and I'm worried that she's not very good, actually. Do you think she has too many wounds or is a Mary Sue or something?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Oh, by the way, I would like to make a slight change to Aaron, if it's alright.

This goes in the "other" section...

Other: Aaron has something akin to bloodwrath, however it does not make him invincible. Instead, he just becomes really judicous and overprotective of others.

Is that okay?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on March 26, 2015, 01:10:18 PM
Oh, by the way, I would like to make a slight change to Aaron, if it's alright.

This goes in the "other" section...

Other: Aaron has something akin to bloodwrath, however it does not make him invincible. Instead, he just becomes really judicous and overprotective of others.

Is that okay?
Of course.

Quote from: Skyblade on March 26, 2015, 04:24:22 AM
I've been looking at this RP for a while and decided I would like to join, if that's fine with you of course :) It sounds very interesting. I've always liked traveling RPs... I possess "a thirst for adventure" myself. Let me know if I should make any changes to my character.

Name: Skyre the Blue
Age: Late teens, I guess
Gender: Female
Species: Badger
Weapons(s): Double-bladed sword
Appearance: Skyre is unusually small and petite for a badger. This means that instead of being bulky and powerful, she is about the size of another beast such as an otter. Her white fur is tinged a silver-blue and her tail is bushier than normal, resembling a squirrel's. Skyre is sadly not a very pretty beast to look at. It is evident that she has fought all her life. She has a scar across her face, and even has a stump instead of a left arm. Skyre wears a simple, torn vest and shorts and has an eyepatch over her (missing) right eye. Her teeth and claws are sharpened to lethal points.
Personality (the very basics): Skyre is not very popular and others sometimes find her odd and/or awkward. She is self-conscious and sensitive, but insightful and well-meaning.
Favorite color: Sky blue ;)
History (optional): Skyre grew up in an area that was extremely harsh for everyone who lived there. Life was rough, to say the least, and she received strict training that would prove useful later. After she managed to escape, she became a traveler and sets her heart on doing good. It's harder to do than want, though.
Strengths: Skyre was trained well. She is very fast and agile, as well as insightful. Has experience.
Weaknesses: Because of her size, Skyre was not born with the massive power and strength that usually come in her species. She also has Bloodwrath, but it isn't as dangerous as with others of her kind, due to her disadvantage. In fact, it tends to backfire. Also, missing an arm can prove to be a big burden.
Likes/Dislikes: Skyre admires people who feel the same way as her when it comes to certain ideas she holds strong. She dislikes when others are "pointlessly mean".
Other: Yes, she is based off of me :P I really can't help myself; it's more fun this way for me. Tried my best to not make her a Mary-sue.

Do you all mind if I ask your opinion of this character? I developed her a bit, and I'm worried that she's not very good, actually. Do you think she has too many wounds or is a Mary Sue or something?
She isn't a Mary Sue, however if you dislike playing characters with large disadvantages then you can change her. Accepted.

it's better than mine at least  :P

Right, I added some action into the RP. Do you guys want a fight or should they find a better solution? I am not telling you the size of the threat; It may affect your RP. After this Snap has to do some stuff and then they can (finally) start moving.


Thank you. And no, your character is great. Trust me. I think it would be interesting to RP a character with such disadvantages, and she does have strong points to balance them out.

Anyway, I am now set to rambling. Probably nobody else is interested in this other than me (;)), but I am in "Try to be Inspirational Mode". The wounds that Skyre have are symbolic of the scars inflicted on real-life people during their lives - not just physical, either. People are hurt while they live. They go through much pain and their life reflects what they are inflicted with, just as Skyre's very skin manifests her own struggles. People lose precious things as well, just as Skyre lost her eye and then her arm. But the bit of motivation that I get from this is that it's essential to persevere and survive, to "keep calm and battle on". This is what Skyre has done. I hope to convey her as a badger who is so human that she could walk in our world.

Anyway, I hope that was at least somewhat helpful to at least somebody. I almost can't help these things - my heart was pulled and it took control of my fingers. Hopefully I am being more inspirational rather than, well, weird and awkward  :P

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Skyblade on March 26, 2015, 10:54:50 PM
Thank you. And no, your character is great. Trust me. I think it would be interesting to RP a character with such disadvantages, and she does have strong points to balance them out.

Anyway, I am now set to rambling. Probably nobody else is interested in this other than me (;)), but I am in "Try to be Inspirational Mode". The wounds that Skyre have are symbolic of the scars inflicted on real-life people during their lives - not just physical, either. People are hurt while they live. They go through much pain and their life reflects what they are inflicted with, just as Skyre's very skin manifests her own struggles. People lose precious things as well, just as Skyre lost her eye and then her arm. But the bit of motivation that I get from this is that it's essential to persevere and survive, to "keep calm and battle on". This is what Skyre has done. I hope to convey her as a badger who is so human that she could walk in our world.

Anyway, I hope that was at least somewhat helpful to at least somebody. I almost can't help these things - my heart was pulled and it took control of my fingers. Hopefully I am being more inspirational rather than, well, weird and awkward  :P
That was beautiful. No, you are not "awkward," you're far from it. Snap covers up the scar across her back with the tunic; the same way she hides her troubles with her personality and humor... I should really stop before I get into her history, which is supposed to be a secret.  :P


Thank you, Shrew :D That's very interesting; I didn't know that.

I have a feeling that the backstories of our characters won't be secrets by the end of the RP. Speaking of such, does the RP have a specific stopping point, out of curiosity? Is it possibly after the characters have seen everything, and have reached a higher depth of understanding and growth?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Skyblade on March 27, 2015, 01:20:35 AM
Thank you, Shrew :D That's very interesting; I didn't know that.

I have a feeling that the backstories of our characters won't be secrets by the end of the RP. Speaking of such, does the RP have a specific stopping point, out of curiosity? Is it possibly after the characters have seen everything, and have reached a higher depth of understanding and growth?
Not really- I might end it when people lose interest... but judging by how things are going, I wouldn't think it's going to be anytime soon. Until then, I'll just keep making up exciting new locations and plot twists.

One thing I'm worried about is school. When the RP started, I couldn't post because I was at school. This caused us to be held back a whole page in the beginning. (You can read through the RP if you want to see how it went) I made an excuse by saying Snap dozed off, but this is still a problem. Spring break happens after tomorrow, so thankfully I won't have to worry about it for a while.