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Cellar forum Fanfic

Started by Hickory, June 28, 2015, 06:14:53 PM

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Should I use crushes as part of the story?



I've posted segments of this in the Writer's Cafe but here's evrything I have so far. Make sure to check the end for the part I added.

Before homeroom on June 13th, a scuffle broke out in the main school hallway. A scuffle concerning Soren and Skarz, along with their seconds, Mhera and Faiy.

Skarz's face was red with anger as he yelled, "Aw, c'mon mate! Everybody knows I'm the better president!"

Soren raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Better? Tell that to your second place position."

"That's enough!"

As Soren leapt onto Skarz's rocky back, Faiy whipped out a frying pan and attempted to bash Mhera, who grabbed a corn dog from the back of her pants and countered Faiy.

Skarz had grabbed Soren by the arms and legs and was trying to snap his back on one craggy knee, but Soren had greased his limbs and slipped out of Skarz's grip. He slid on a banana peel left by a careless student and landing flat on his back. Mhera stepped over Soren, protecting him while Faiy and Skarz regrouped for another attack.

"Break it up, gents, break it up."

Matthias stepped in, holding out a hand to stop Skarz from moving forward. As he inspected the scene, his sidekick James shuffled into the cicle of onlookers. Matthias said, "Ms. Faiyloe, Ms. Mhera, I'll need to confiscate your weapons." Reluctantly, the two handed over the pan and corn dog. Matthias handed them to James, who handed them to Ash, who promptly took out a cheri katana and smashed the weapons.

"Righto," said Matthias. "Fight's over. Everybody, proceed to homeroom."

Soren sneered at Skarz as they moved off.

In homeroom twelve, renowned prankster Delthion, or Del, walked in to find only one other occupant: a boy holding a small, pet shark. A mako shark, to be exact. He was muttering under his breath, "Sharks are misunderstood creatures. Shark attacks are very rare. They are not brutal killers."

Del gave a skeptical look at the boy, Izeroth, before settling down at his own seat.

A rush of other students poured into the room, and it was several minutes of chaos until everybody was seated. However, the teacher had not yet appeared and people started to get bored.

Russa reached into her bookbag and pulled out a small froad. She laughed wildly when Sage tried to use the Killing Curse on Freddy, and she whispered to the froad, "Wook, Fweddy, he shwot your hologwam."

Boiling with anger, Rain slammed down Ouran High School Host Club and produced a broomstick, which she used to smash Russa's bag and desk until the bruised remains of the objects collapsed.

Before Russa could so much as breathe "fweddy" Corn snapped. She rummaged around in her Emergency Kit until finding what she wanted. Turning around, she turned on the flamethrower she had dug out and burned the desk and bag to a crisp.

Russa was still grinning.

In period 1 science, tensions were running high. Sage poured magnesium into his cup of chemicals, being the only one correctly completing the assignment. Eul was randomly throwing a pickaxe at Skarz, who let it whiz past, finally smashing into the wall. Sky attempted to negotiate an agreement, only to have Gonff steal the elaborate fountain pen she was using. Jet, Sage's partner, was staring uninterestedly around the room.

Sierra was conversing in rapid Spanish on the phone, deflecting oncoming projectiles with a oversized pipette. Del grimly concluded that Sierra's tool was a victim of Izeroth's grow-ray project, which, as usual, had gone horribly wrong.

Sam Squirrel, the nut of the entire student entourage, suddenly burst through the door. "They're here!" he cried, before keeling over on the floor.

Soren held up a small handheld scanner. "Uh, guys, I'm picking up high DDB readings here. Lots of issues."

The classroom door burst into matchwood as red eyed, crazy furred beavers burst in, wielding sticks and axes.

"RUN!!!!" screamed Corn as her flamethrower feel to the teeth of the beavers. The glass in the window behind her broke as Gonff, reequipped with a stabbing quill and The Poet's Book of  Poetry, broke through it and frantically started writing a poem in the book until-


Corn had stood up and was glaring at Gonff. "That's my fandom! I get to be an Inkheart character! I'm supposed to be writing the story, not you!"

Sage raised his hand. "Well technically-"


"'Revenge is a dish best served cold,'" quoted Izeroth. "Not that I really follow that philosophy-"

Corn had turned back on Gonff. "Get back to your hobbit hole!" 
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Well written! And I'm laughing, too ;D

QuoteSky attempted to negotiate an agreement, only to have Gonff steal the elaborate fountain pen she was using.

Sounds right there!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I'm retired from the forum

Cornflower MM

QuoteCorn had stood up and was glaring at Gonff. "That's my fandom! I get to be an Inkheart character! I'm supposed to be writing the story, not you!"

*Is laughing uncontrollably* That's awesome! You nailed it right there! This is awesome! I can't wait for an update. You're doing so well with your writings, Sagey. :)


Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on June 28, 2015, 06:14:53 PM
Jet, Sage's partner, was staring uninterestedly around the room.
That sounds about right.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Gonff the Mousethief

Sage, I have not laughed like that in a long time. The ending was just perfect!

Quote from: Skyblade on June 28, 2015, 06:18:49 PM

QuoteSky attempted to negotiate an agreement, only to have Gonff steal the elaborate fountain pen she was using.

Sounds right there!
Sowy Miss Sky...
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Russa Nodrey

Hahahaha! Heheeheehee! :D Awesome!


QuoteHe was muttering under his breath, "Sharks are misunderstood creatures. Shark attacks are very rare. They are not brutal killers.

That.... Is me.


I scoured seven pages of your posts before I found a suitable thing for you to mutter.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


QuoteEul was randomly throwing a pickaxe at Skarz, who let it whiz past, finally smashing into the wall.

That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with The Fall of the Cellars thread, would it?  ;D
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Lady Amber


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Jukka the Sling

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Chatper Twah

When Russa glanced in the cafeteria the first impression she got was not of a peaceful lunch but of a heated warzone. Soren manned a cavier mortar while Mhera provided backup on a french fry machine gun. Izeroth floated around on his aerial transport dodging Jet's black holes.

When Sage stood up and said, "C'mon guys, let's play nice-" Gonff made sure a pie found its way onto his face. Enraged, Sage conjured up some random fandom super-weapon (probably the Death Star) and attempted to blow up the entire cafeteria. With a flick of her finger Faiyloe crushed the weapon and smashed a table with a frying pan.

Corn had managed to gather several followers and they trooped around, chanting "We want better food! Down with soup and bread!"

When the bell rang all but one group of students rushed away for class. This one group had Combat Training with the sadistical Faiyloe. When they arrived at the class room, she smiled and the group, before using her pan to knock Soren to the floor. "YOU HAVE ONE CRUMB ON YOUR SHIRT!"

Soren glanced at the cornbread crumb. "Hey, it's just-"


Faiy shoved Soren out in the hallway an slammed the door.

"Now, class," she said, breathing heavily. "You will face your partner from yesterday and you will spar with them when I say draw. OK?"

As everybody got into position, Faiy took out a stopwatch. "Ready? Okay, three, two, one, DRAWbridge."

She split her sides laughing.

Izeroth raised a skeptical eyebrow. Uh, Faiy, do you even have a degree? You're just a student, like us. You eat with us. You food fight with us."

Faiy roared at Izeroth. "THAT'S NOT THE FREAKIN POINT! Now SHUT UP and fight Corn!"

Sage objected. "You haven't said the word yet."

Faiy's eye twitched.

"AWESOME!" said Mhera. "Your eye just twitched!" She pulled out her phone and started making a video. "Do it again! Aw, this is gonna get me so much followers on Twitter."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on June 30, 2015, 10:56:34 PM
Faiy roared at Izeroth. "THAT'S NOT THE FREAKIN POINT! Now SHUT UP and fight Corn!"
That was hilarious!!!!!

I'm retired from the forum