Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


Ava put a huge paw on Duncan's shoulder. "Calm yourself, Duncan. I trust these foxes, and we are bound to let them in by our rules of hospitality."

She turned to Mixy and Bracklew. "It's perfectly okay to come out from behind my back, y'know."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Ashenwyte

The Deathmaster looked up at the tapestry of Martin, noting with disgust the lack of dust on the ancient tapestry. He took one of his many knives, and cut the throat of the mouse. He then took the half eaten head of a otter from a pocket in his robe, and dropped in front of the tapestry. This message would be enough. He then took the horn of a nameless wanderer he had slain and blew a long note on it, and left the hall.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Ash you realize they were all in the Great Hall right.... Okay seriously what were you doing anyway. Sorry for sounding rude but how does it tie in with the rest of the plot? For right now I'm just going to assume that didn't happen. Sorry.


Her eyes widened, not only at the sudden unexpected appearance of a fox, but the idea that one of Redwall's hedgehogs was hurt in the cellars filled her being with horror. Not sure what to do Rayne stammered for a second caught between the urge to rush and help whoever it was, and distrust at the word of a fox. Duncan's voice floated up the stairs confirming what this strange new fox had been speaking truth.

"Up stairs first door on the left, bring my satchel fox, and hurry. Fergbar take Fang down to the Hall and then come help me." Rayne sped down the stairs taking them two at a time.


Silence reigned among the pirate crew. None were really sure who had actually eaten the pie. When his name was called Saltooth jerked his head around having not really been paying attention. Realizing what the captain had just asked the steersrat laughed shaking his head.

"Cap'n, I 'ave yet ta eat today. I didn't eat yer precious pie."


Bracklew smiled at Ava's kind words taking comfort in the large badger. Shaking off the last remaining dregs of fear he stepped forward. "I was being silly Mix, I'm over it now. C'mon lets hear what Grant has to say."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


One-Ear nodded his hand and scurried off. He called over his shoulder.
"Thankee marm, I'll be back soon as can!"
He rushed up the stairs and into the Infirmary. He snatched the satchel from a desk and  ran back down the stairs through the Great Hall, and straight into the cellars where Mortembell was waiting.


@LT Sandpaw
Woah there, thank for putting into words what I was thinking but didn't say because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  :)
A flicker of amusement passed through Rapshade's eyes.
He smirked.
"How do I know if you are tellin' the truth? I don't trust you, you're Blackclaw's best mate. Here, let me help you." The ferret grabbed Saltooth by the collar of his tunic and pulled him forward, dealing the rat a loud slap to the face.
Then he stepped back, nodded once, and singled Vadoma out.
"Vad, make me a new pie and bring it to me. I will be in my room!"


Duncan snorted and crossed his arms, lightening up only when his daughter and her friend entered the room. It was getting quite crowded, now.


One-Ear dropped the satchel at Mortembell's side.
"Mother. There's a mouse coming to help you, this is her satchel. I'm going to find father."
Mortembell removed herbs from the satchel and placed them on Muddle's wounded face.
"I would have liked it if you stayed and helped me, but I cannot stop you. Your father went north-east, into the woods."
One-Ear vacated the cellars and ran for Mossflower.


Threeclaw was still searching for Redfang, when he heard whispers in his ears.
"Mornin' foxy! What brings ye to my neck of the woods?"
Threeclaw whirled around to face the voice. It was Vix.
"You are you, Vixen?"
Vix gave a bow.
"I am Vix, this is my clearing. Why are you here?"
"I'm tracking a stoat that attacked Redwall Abbey. Have you seen 'im?"
Vix's eyes twinkled with delight.
"Yes. Yeeeees, Vix has seen the one you speak of. Follow Vix!"
Vix took off into the undergrowth, Threeclaw bounding after her.

Vilu Daskar

Fergbar had finally managed to bring Fang to the Great Hall. Practically draging Fangfang towards Ava he asked, "Do you know where the Father Abbot is?"
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


One-Ear ran blindly through the forest, in search of his father. He had to warn him, there were pirates in this area! He crashed through the bushes and brambles and entered a clearing. In it was a camp, that had been used very recently. He smelt fox, but it was not his father. He took off once more.


Redfang the stoat had reached the riverbank. He saw the pirate's ship a short walk away, and plodded through the mud towards it, axe in hand.


"Come on, nearly there." Vix called over her shoulder. Threeclaw wearily followed; the chase with Redfang had sapped his energy too. He unsheathed the katana.
"I'm beginning to think you're think you tricking me, vixen."
Vix raised a paw in mock shock.
"Vix? Tricking you? What makes you think so? See, there is the stoat, about to board that pirate ship."
Threeclaw licked his chops. He readied the katana and stepped in front of Vix. He was about to charge the stoat when he felt something press into his ribs. He grunted. Vix cackled and called to the stoat.
"Ee's all your's, Redfang!"
The treacherous vixen trundled off deep into Mossflower.
Redfang walked over to Threeclaw, who was kneeling on the ground. He grabbed the war axe from his belt and raised it.
"'Ello, foxy. Yew let me inta the Abbey, so I'm gonna give ye a gift. I'm gonna kill ye quickly."


One-Ear had seen the proceedings. He leaped from his hiding spot, grabbing the katana from the ground, and attacked the stoat before he could swing the axe. Redfang had never seen anybeast fight so fiercely, so he backed off, running towards the pirate ship. He would get those foxes, he swore it! One-Ear grabbed his father and inspected the dagger wound. He would have survived, had the dagger not been poisoned. He shook Threeclaw, but the one-eared fox's father had gone to the Dark Forest. One-Ear did what not many vermin had done before on that day; he wept like a frightened Dibbun.


Ava faced Fergbar. "No, I have no idea. Ask Duncan. And tell Fangclang or whatever his name is that he has no reason to run away, but he most definitely shouldn't do it again."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Muddle's face was bleeding bad. Mortembell tried desperately to bandage it but she couldn't do it alone. Grabbing bandages and poultices she bound them desperately to his ruined eyes. The vixen from the cold north was a terrible sight. Panicking and hasty, her white fur had been coated with dark red blood as she tried to treat the wounds. Hadn't One-Ear mentioned help was coming? Where were they? If they didn't get here soon, she wouldn't be able to do anything else for the hedgehog.


Redfang crept aboard the ship. Eyeing the crew, who had been forced to line up, he strode over to a ferret who was ordering them around. That had to be the captain.
"'Ey. You in charge 'round 'ere? A vixen told me 'bout this 'ere ship, said 'twas the place to come for killin' and plunder."


Rapshade glanced quickly at Vadoma before turning back to face the newcomer, still not releasing Saltooth.
He growled quietly at Redfang. "...Yes. I am. Who are you, how'd you get here, an' what do you want with me?" There was an edge to his voice that told that he was annoyed, though not with anyone in particular.


Grant stood up, raising one paw in the air.
"Fergbar, I am over here by the table," he said, looking exhausted.


Fang peeked out from behind Fergbar, gulping as he looked up at Ava.
"W-why shouldn't I do it again, what'll happen?"


The stoat grinned at Rapshade.
"Me name's Redfang, an' this fine skullsplitter's called Chopper. I jus' came from Redwall Abbey. Climbed the walls'n slipped in when the stupid woodlanders went off to open the gate. I got bored of attackin' abbeys on me lonesome, so I came 'ere to join up. In fact, I as a plan if'n yew want ta get inna Redwall.I found out 'bout this place from a vixen that lives in Mossflower, not too far from 'ere. She's pretty treacherous, prob'ly tell yer enemies where yee is, so I suggests ya kill 'er. In fact, I 'as a plan that can get ya inta Redwall and get rid o' that dangerous Vixen."

Vilu Daskar

"No time for that now Fang, Father Abbot can see you now, let's go."
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.

LT Sandpaw

Speeding down the stairs Rayne skidded to a stop beside the fox and Muddle. "Move!" She ordered dropping to here knees placing her paw on the hedgehog's wrist, her paw moved back and forth across the wrist.

"Hedgehogs, bloody slow pulses, give me a mouse any day. You can hear their pulse." Picking up her satchel the squirrel healer inspected the makeshift bandage on Muddle's face nodding at the work.

"You seem to know what you're doing. Unfortunately you missed a few steps." Pulling out a small wooden box Rayne popped it open, and small burst of fine white powder puffed out. Holding Muddle's face still she filled the wound, almost immediately it clogged the bleeding.

"Motherwort root powder, keeps away the infection, and clogs the bleeding. We'll bandage the wound again, and have him carried up to the infirmary by some of the brothers here." She unwound a length of white cloth looking the fox over again. Where the blood had blended in with her red fur it stained the white of the fox's.

"What's your name?" She asked as she bandaged the wound.


Biting back a curse Saltooth glared at his captain, anger radiating from his eyes. His paw strayed towards his dagger, however he stopped as the stoat Redfang hopped onto the ship. He hopped the creature would drive the axe it was carrying into Rapshade's back, instead it offered its services as a crew member.

Pulling away from the ferret's grasp Saltooth struggled to make his escape, and disappear back among the crew.


Sitting down next to Ava Bracklew looked around, in a few moments the hall had been cleared of foxes and only a lone rat remained. Narrowing his eyes the young squirrel tapped his friend on the shoulder pointing at the rat.

"Mix, isn't that the rat that talked to us, he's a pirate. Why is he here?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Rapshade halted and tilted his head a bit, wondering how on earth Redfang climbed over Redwall's, well, walls, and got inside. The walls were high, and that stoat was certainly no squirrel.
He grinned down at Saltooth when the rat started squirming. "You're so silly, Rat," he teased, letting him go with a shove as the rat tried making an escape.
He turned back to Redfang. "I have a plan of my own, but I can tell we'd be able t' use you t' get in." The ferret nodded at the stoat in a way that said "follow me", and led Redfang to where the captain's room was. He leaned on the door, and for the first time looked the stoat up and down.
"I don't care about yer silly vixen. Our enemies already do know where we are, an' that doesn't bother me in the slightest. If you want t' kill her, fine, but don't drag me into this. Still, you 'kin be of use t' get us inside. What do you say?"


Mixy sat down beside Bracklew, holding back a gasp when the realization hit her.
"You're right, it is him...I don't know, maybe he's a prisoner? They're telling him he can't run away and he seems scared beyond belief. I don't think we should worry."

Fang followed after Fergbar. He actually looked angry for once.
"Why not? And why does 'e have t' see me? I don't even know what I did wrong."