Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:

LT Sandpaw

"No, she isn't going to yell at you unless you keep dawdling." Rayne grunted in annoyance, pausing to let the rat and hedgehog catch up. "Hurry, I want to find out what's going on."


"Its not that," Bracklew hissed back keeping his eyes on the foxes, only just then noticing his hackles had risen making the young squirrel seem larger then usual. He flattened his fur quickly, letting Mixy lead the way into the hall. "They just reminded me of the fox that killed Brandon."


From the riverbank a frog was heard to croak. None of the pirates dared step forward, keeping innocent looks on their faces, like the professional cheats and liars they were.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Threeclaw's ears shot up.
"Did you hear that? Somebeast is screaming, something about a stoat. This is why you shouldn't have made me leave my sword outside."


Redfang leapt up with a start. There was a hedgehog screaming at him. He grabbed his war axe and swung it into Muddle's face. The hedgehog squealed and fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding face. Redfang panicked, someone must have heard the noise. He dashed out of the cellars and into the great hall. Running past the startled creatures he shoved a fox out of the way and scrabbled for the door. The stoat was out, he jumped on to the wall and was over in a moment. The stoat ran straight into Mossflower and did not stop until he could no longer see the Abbey.


Duncan's eyes flashed. "Creatures with bloodwrath kill everything in their path, so perhaps you, sir, were the one with his eyes closed! Badgers are much more honorable then that and you know it, you low-down liar, you great bally fibber, you..."


Fang whimpered and stood firmly in place, refusing to walk any more.
"What if she was? How do you know?" The rat stammered. "I think a badger 'urt me once, but I can't remember..."
When Rayne told them to hurry, he sighed and hurried after her as to not get left behind.


Rapshade's eye twitched.
"Don't lie to me! I will interrogate each and every one of you until you break, unless whoever ate it speaks up now. Go on, rat each other out, I don't care. It'll be worse fer you if you keep it a secret and I find out...Don't worry, I wouldn't kill somebeast over a pie."
He paused, letting his gaze rest on Saltooth.
"Was it you?"


Mixy looked downcast.
"It was a fox that did it?" She murmured.
"I never knew...I thought it was a rat."


Mortembell stepped between the hare and the fox.
"Can we PLEASE turn our attention to the fact that there was just a stoat in here? Shouldn't somebody go take a look in the cellars, I heard somebeast screaming."
With that she grabbed Threeclaw and dragged him away. When they were out of earshot she whispered to him.
"Threeclaw, these are woodlanders. They have badgers in their midst, they'll never believe what happened to us. Oh, and it probably wouldn't be wise to mention what happened at Salamandastron either. If you said anything about that, you would destroy any trust they have for us, not to mention they would never believe anything you said about our past ever again."
Threeclaw licked his paw.
"Of course, dear. I just hope they don't treat our son the same way. He's a goodbeast, never had to do horrible things like us."
All that could be said had been, and they loped back into the Great Hall.


"What are you talking about, I didn't see a stoat!" Duncan growled.
Grant sat at the table, trying to keep himself from interfering with everything until the right time. He cleared his throat.

LT Sandpaw

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Muddle got sick of looking for Fergbar so he went back to the cellars. (Where Redfang's been hiding out for about 2 pages.) Chaos ensued. (And to Ashleg, he isn't actually dead.)



Threeclaw looked at Duncan.
"We can debate philosophy later, I'm going after that stoat. You go with Mortembell and see if anyone's injured."
Threeclaw strode purposefully out of the Abbey, grabbing his katana out of the dirt and set off for Mossflower.


Just after Threeclaw entered the woods, his son emerged. One-Ear cast down his travelling cloak and walked through the open Abbey gates.


Redfang ran for his life through the shady undergrowth of Mossflower, pursued relentlessly by Threeclaw. He didn't want to face the fox, he'd be cut down before he could even get Chopper ready. And so he ran, leading the fox on a wild chase through the woods. Little did he know he was getting closer to the ship of Rapshade, and potential salvation.


Duncan scoffed.
"Excuse me? No, thanks. You're not in charge of me. Mortembell can go, and if she does she'll do so alone."


Duncan got no reply, because Threeclaw had disappeared. Mortembell scoffed.
"How do you expect me to help an injured creature on my own with no medical supplies whatsoever, I used all mine up on the road, so I need someone to help me, or whoever's down there won't be coming up."
Shaking her head, the vixen entered the kitchens and walked down to the cellars. Peering into the gloom, she saw the immobile, whimpering form of a hedgehog. She called back up the stairs.
"Its a hedgehog, I think he's wounded pretty bad."
The vixen peered over the hedgehog. He gave a sob. She carefully peeled his hands away from his face. The sight was awful. She had seen some pretty bad wounds, but this. The vixen gagged.
"Don't worry, 'edgepig. We'll help ye."
She withdrew from the cellars, emerging in front of Duncan.
"I mean it, if you want that hedgehog to live, give me some help."


One-Ear strode across the lawn, surveying his surroundings. He crept up to the main building of the Abbey and edged open the door. He peaked through the small crack and saw Mortembell arguing with Duncan. He pushed the door open further and walked in. He rushed over to Mortembell.
"Mother, I saw p-"
Mortembell held up a paw.
"Not now, One-Ear. Your father just chased a stoat out into the woods, but not before the scum wounded one of these Abbeydwellers. I need some medical supplies, and a place this big has to have an infirmary. It ain't on this floor, so head up those stairs and ask the first creature you find for directions."
The young fox obediently scurried off.


"I'm not a healer, so send somebeast who is..." Duncan trailed off when yet another fox entered the Abbey. So many vermin! Couldn't Redwall have chosen a saying that didn't involve letting everybeast in?
The hare groaned and stood off to the side, looking extremely unimpressed.
What an interruption. Grant seemed to think so, too, because he was frowning now.
Duncan shook his head, trying hard to stay as calm as he was when he walked over to the end of the room and called out: "Rayne, somebeast's injured in th' cellars!"


One-Ear climbed the steps and almost ran into Rayne, Fergbar, and Fangfang.
"Excuse me, does anyone know the way to the infirmary, a hedgehog's been injured in the cellars."


Redfang had triumphed. In leading the fox through Mossflower he had finally lost him. He stumbled, exhausted, into a camp. Another fox sat watching him. He chuckled breathlessly
"Heeheehee. Vix me ole matey! Dinna think I'd ever see you again."
The stoat gave a cough and collapsed in the dirt. Vix shook her head and dragged Redfang into a tent.


Threeclaw was lost, but he hadn't given up. He plodded through the forest, katana at the ready. Despite this, he did not notice the pair of eyes fixed on him from a nearby clearing.


OOC: Sorry about the double post, but this wouldn't make much sense if I edited the previous.
BIC: Redfang awoke. He was lying in a tent. He swiped at a beaker lying next to his head and drained the contents in a single swig. He crawled out and saw Vix sitting there.
"You're better, I see."
Redfang spat.
"Shut up, Vix. I'm not going to Dark Forest for running a bit. How long was I out anyways?"
Vix twirled a dagger in her paw.
"Long enough for me to take over Redwall Abbey, how long do you think, addlebrain?"
The stoat rubbed his head.
"Okay, okay, I get it."
Vix twirled the dagger again.
"So what brings you to my camp?"
The stoat gave an evil grin.
"I'm calling in the favor, Vix. First, point me in the direction of the nearest horde. I'm getting pretty bored attacking Abbeys by my lonesome. Second, the grey fox who chased me here. Kill him."
Vix stabbed the dagger into the ground.
"And with that we're even? We can go our separate ways?"
The stoat nodded.
Vix and Redfang spat on their paws and shook them. The stoat smiled.
"Then it's done. You kill that fox, and you never see me again. But if you do, I won't hesitate next time. I will kill you."
Vix grabbed her dagger walked off.
"Same to you, you slimy stoat. Your vermin camp's north of here, bunch of pirates. Have fun."
The stoat smirked, and the creatures went their separate ways.

OOC: Well, Ashleg, you get your wish. One of the foxes is going to die, but which one? :P


Next time just wait till somebody else posts... Please. :P
Vadoma crept over to where Rapshade was interrogating the vermin, and watched from behind him.
That ferret was always complaining about one thing or the other, wasn't he?
She decided to stand back and watch.