Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Haha, different perspectives much Ashleg?  :P ;D


Shaking his head confidently Bracklew hopped off the bed. "Naw, she winked at us. I bet it has something to do with yesterday." He stopped to consider, his tailed curled up over his ears as he contemplated the possibilities. "Actually if it is about yesterday we may be in trouble." He ears drooped at the thought. "They might be mad about how we kept it secret from everybeast but Brandon and Creekpaw."


The rat grinned, not stopping to tell the rest of the crew he fell to it consuming everything he could get his paws on. The others realizing they had been left out rushed up snatching at what they could dispersing into the corners to eat. The table was soon empty of everything, including the blueberry pie.


Sliding into place behind Jetfur, Saltooth had tackfully remained out of the rush for the table. His dark eyes gleamed as he laid a paw on his sword. "I 'eard ye saved th' Cap'n last night mate. Y'know Blackclaw was me matey. I 'ad nothin' ta do wit' th' attack last night O' course, though ye still were involved in me matey's death. Wot ye got ta say bout it Jetty?" Saltooth murmured, his voice deadly serious.


Running up beside Fergbar Rayne held up a paw, holding her side. "You're, a, fast runner Fang." She gasped out. "We wont hurt you, we just want to talk."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Muddle was confused. He wondered where everyone was. After checking the great hall, he headed up the stairs. When he passed the infirmary, he bumped into Bracklew and Mixy.
"Hey there, you two. You haven't seen Fergbar or the Abbot, have you?"


Very. ;D
Mixy nodded nervously and started towards the door, when the hedgehog bumped into her and Bracklew. She ran a paw through her fur and looked him up and down. "Fergbar was in here a while ago tryin' to get Bracklew to drink something. I don't know where he is now, though. Oh, and I haven't seen the Abbot yet..."


Fangfang fidgeted hesitantly, curling his tail around his legs.
"Yeah, I guess I'm fast, an', err, I guess we 'kin talk." His voice faltered, and the anxiety grew.
"A-about what, Marm, why'd'yer want me?"

Duncan walked up to the door that led inside.
The March hare grinned and wiggled his ears. "Here, you can come in. It's nice, eh?"

Rapshade chuckled and turned towards the table, and his eyes hardened.
The pie. It was gone.
The ferret, fuming, felt his face turn red with anger underneath his fur as he raised his voice above those of the crew. "Alright, that's it, I'm tired of bein' messed with by me own crew! Everybeast, line up!"


Muddle nodded at them and trundled off, back down the stairs.
"Maybe I just missed 'im, 'ee's probably back at the cellars drinking our hard work away!"


Redfang was watching the scene in the Great Hall. Two foxes, flanked by a hare had entered the room. Foxes...How did they get in? Maybe he could try the same thing if he ever needed to get back in here. Of course, they must have been the ones who had provided the distraction necessary for him to get inside the Abbey.
"Hey, Chopper. Those foxes 'elped us in. Remember our promise. We'll kill 'em quickly!"
With that the stoat blended back into the shadows of the cellar.


The foxes were in awe. They stared around the Great Hall, taking everything in. Mortembell turned to Duncan.
"Is there anything we need to do while we're here?"
Threeclaw piped up.
"How long are we allowed to stay here, anyway?"


"Well, I'll have to talk to our Abbot about that," Duncan said, continuing down the hall like there was nothing to it. "I personally wouldn't want you here for very long at all, but that's just me. As for what you need to do, I'll also ask the Abbot what he thinks. Come on."


The foxes loped after Duncan, but on the way, Threeclaw spied the entrance to the kitchens.
"How long is it 'till vittles? I'm 'arf starved!"


Duncan giggled like a Dibbun.
"Vittles have already been served, wot! Ya can't expect 'em to last long in a place that houses two hares!"


The foxes went ballistic. They scrabbled over each other in the rush to get to the food. In the melee, Threeclaw jumped straight into Muddle, knocking them both to the ground. Covered in food scraps, the Celler Keeper's Assistant began to giggle like a Dibbun. Licking bits of scone and pastie off his spikes, he glanced at Mortembell, who had somehow got her head trapped in a massive deeper'n'ever pie.
"Heehee, hungry are ye?"


Redfang was also hungry. He slunk back into the kitchens, demolishing everything in sight. Foods scraps piled up upon the crumbs of the pasties he had devoured when he first arrived at Redwall. The floor was covered in so much food that it looked like a massive stew. The bloated stoat burped, and fell asleep on Muddle's haversack, down in the cellars.


Duncan frowned and slapped a paw to his forehead, watching in disgust as the vermin freaked out and went crazy on the food.
"Goodness, control yourselves. By the way you're actin', you'd assume you'd just come out of a long famine!"


Mortembell pullied the pie off her head.
"We have, sire. That's why we left our home in the North. Our crops failed, and what we could scavenge was stolen from us by a badger, he claimed that the food was not worthy for our lips, and took it to satisfy his own hunger. We nearly never made it through the winter, another reason why Threeclaw hates badgers, know, what happened before we met."
Muddle was curious.
""What DID happen before you met?"
Hurriedly the vixen scrabbled after Duncan, cursing herself under her breath. Threeclaw fixed her with a stony glare.
"S-sorry, I've said too much, I-I really should be going."
Muddle was still curious. Shaking his head, he wondered what happened to those foxes, and retired to the cellars.


Ava entered Great Hall and was about to sit down when she noticed the foxes. "WHAT IN BLAZES IS GOING ON HERE?!" she yelled, glaring at Duncan for an explanation.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Following Ava down into the Great Hall with Mixy the young squirrel felt his fur stand on in. He jumped slightly at Ava's loud voice, swallowing nervously until he realized it hadn't been directed at him, but at the foxes. Bracklew's heart fell and his stomach began churning. The whites of his eyes were clearly visible as he stopped in place.

"Mix," he rasped, eyes boring into the white fox's back. "I can't go in there."


Waving a paw Rayne straightened up gaining control of her breathing. "Its alright Fang, just come with me and Fergbar and don't wander off again. You're slippery as a river eel." Nodding to Fergbar Rayne led the way downstairs keeping slightly ahead of the hedgehog and rat.


OOC: Do you want me controlling most of the crew right here? I'm assuming you do.


Rushing into place the crew formed more of a gaggle then a line. Some of their number was still eating some tidbit or another, some shouted useless advice succeeding in only making the Line even worse then before. Saltooth found a place near the edge, laying one paw on the hilt of his sword, he watched the captain steadily. His eyes never leaving the captain for a moment. For the first time, the steersrat accepted just how dangerous and cunning Rapshade was. If Saltooth ever wanted to return to the sea alive, he would need to be just as cunning.

Surviving whatever Rapsahde was planning, was as the first step.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Duncan scowled at the foxes.
"By the fur! A badger would never do that, you filthy liars. Typical vermin, always antagonizing the Badgers...With the way you portrayed him, you probably murdered him and are trying to cover your tracks--" He stood up rigidly when Ava screamed.
Flinching, the hare dipped his head, ashamed with himself. "They're not part of the pirates...I let them in, but now I'm starting to regret it. They're makin' up nonsense about a badger."


"Why not?" Mixy hissed.
"My dad said they're not pirates."


Fang nodded and trailed silently after Rayne, still looking concerned although he decided not to voice it again. When Ava screamed, he could hear it all the way up on the second floor where they were.
Her voice trailed up his tail and practically reverbarated through his bones.
The rat wailed and dropped to the ground, shaking in terror. "G-g-great feathery seabird! Y-yer not takin' me t' get yelled at b-by th' badger, are ye, Marm?"


Yup! You're doing fine. ;)
Rapshade paced back and fourth, glaring maliciously at all the vermin.
He eventually stopped in the center of them and pointed his sabre at them, grinding his teeth together in annoyance.
The ferret kept his voice level and calm as he spoke. "...Anybeast who ate the blueberry pie, line up on the other side of me. Go now."


Threeclaw whimpered at the sight of the badger, cowering behind Duncan. Mortembell stepped forward.
"Hello maam, and sorry to surprise you. I am Mortembell, a healer, this is Threeclaw, he is a warrior. We were told you had a pirate problem and thought we may be able to help. We also have a son, One-ear, probably the same age as those two over there, (she nodded towards Mixy and Bracklew) but he insisted on coming a different way, I expect he should be here soon enough."
Threeclaw got to his feet and whispered to Duncan.
"If you don't believe us, then you didn't keep your eyes open when you were in the Long Patrol, because bloodwrath changes a beast. Add on to that the fact that nobody trusts us simply because we're foxes. If you were starving, you'd much rather take food from vermin than woodlanders, wouldn't you. We were starving, and that badger took our last scraps of food. I tried to fight back, but he took that as typical vermin behavior. My son lost an ear to that badger's bloodwrath, and I got the scars to prove it."


Redfang was still snoozing when the cellar door opened. Muddle trundled in, stepping over some food scraps that had fallen all the way down here, and reached for his haversack, only to discover a stoat lying on it. He screamed.
"Aaaaaargh! THere's a stoat in the cellars! Ee's scoffed just about everything in the kitchen, 'ave a look fer yerselves!"


One-Ear was following the river Moss, taking a different way to Redwall Abbey. He stopped in his track, he could hear the shouts of vermin. Typical. He crept up towards a large ship, the seafaring kind. He wondered why it had come so far inland, then realized. Redwall! He could see the peak of the Abbey building through the trees. His parents had to be there, he had to tell them about the ship! One-Ear stole away through the undergrowth, heading towards the Abbey, and safety.

Vilu Daskar

Fergbar, who had been walking behind Fang and Rayne, pulled Fang up on his feet. "Calm down Fang, I don't think Ava was yelling at you. Don't you think so Rayne?"
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.