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Mountain of the Fire Lizard

Started by Groddil, November 16, 2015, 01:10:18 AM

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Snipper shivered excitedly and hopped alongside Marshalpaw.
"Oohh! Have you ever fought a real vermin army, Sah?"


Marshalpaw winked.
"It's how I became the first general since Dotti Dillworthy herself. First, and only 'til now, campaign o' Stripepaw's rulin'. He was younger back then. Anyway, the opponent was a big band of ferrets. They outnumbered us about six to one, so we dug a trench. We came outta the mountain, charged, then turned around midcharge and went back inside. Confused the blighters, so they charged us...Straight inta the trench. We took out the stragglers who were too thick to run, then marched 'em right outta Mossflower. We didn't suffer casualties, though 'is lordship would 'ave taken a javelin t'the face if I wasn't on the scene. Case in point, 'ere I am."

Lady Ashenwyte

"First of all, I have done my best to keep clean, but do try to wash yourself with five gulls trying to peck your eyes out.  And second of all, I've come here to retrieve something of mine, and leave as soon as possible. Your hares and those scum sailing to your fine establishment here have most unfortunately entered my quest." He said. "So, I would like entry into your mountain and a meal. A tent outside your mountain will be fine as well, on the condition that you open the gates to me when the horde comes. A deal?"
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Stripepaw shook the gates in rage.
"How DARE you? You come to MY mountain and demand things of me, wretched pirate! What do you seek, and why do you need access to my mountain to do it?"
The badger lord scoffed.
"Provide a meal, pfft!"

Lady Ashenwyte

"A sword, gleaming like the sun at noon. And, even one as skilled as I cannot hack my way through a thousand foes, as much as I regret to admit it. Of course, assuming that you don't secretly live on magical mushroom, I assume you would have better defences than a few dunes and the sea. I do have... some unfinished business in your mountain." He said, drawing his sword and cleaning it.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"If such a sword existed within these walls, I would know about it. I am not going to let you in here just so you can murder whichever hare you think has done you wrong!"

Lady Ashenwyte

"Never said the sword was in your mountain, did I? That sword's with the fleet. None of your hares has done me wrong, and murdering some poor sod has never quite been my style." Io had finished cleaning his sword and gave a few experimental swings with it. Good. The blade would not fail him.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"That'," Said Snippy, skipping along.
"How much longer 'till we're there, do you know?"


Stripepaw folded his arms.
"Oh really? Then what is the unfinished business you supposedly have here?"


The tunnel suddenly went dark. Marshalpaw grabbed one of the wall torches from its socket and led the way.
"Shouldn't be much further. Hear that?"
The sound of the sea filled the tunnel ahead. Marshalpaw was listening intently when he saw something from the corner of his eye. A ferret, clad in rags and brandishing a huge polearm leapt at him. The general thrust the torch at the ferret and stabbed at another with his spear. The tunnel was instantly filled with a swarming mass of other ferrets, carrying an assortment of pikes, spears, javelins, and other pointy stick-like objects. Marshalpaw was surrounded.
The tall hare took a slash across his leg and a jab to the arm before he was lost to sight amongst the vermin.


Snipper's eyes widened in shock and he began pushing through the swarm of ferrets to try and find the older hare.
"Marshalpaw! Marshalpaw, where are you? Ouch!" A ferret had slashed him across the arm with some kind of blade. Before the rest could get to him, he held back a sob and turned and began to race back the way he came.


Marshalpaw kicked back at the ferrets, pushing them away. The general looked around for Snipper, but saw nothing.
"Snipper! Where are you?"
The hare struck a ferret in the mouth with the lit torch, buying a short reprieve. He vaulted over the masses of vermin and found himself back in the tunnel from where they had come from. Marshalpaw threw his spear, taking out one of the front runners. He retreated back towards the cellars, unaware that Snipper was right in front of him.


Skipper heard Marshalpaw's footsteps and screamed, putting on a little extra burst of speed. He thought a ferret was coming after him!
"Somebeast heeeeelp!"


Marshalpaw heard the screams. He threw the torch over his shoulder and ran to catch up.
"Snipper! It's me! Get to the cellars, hurry! There's two huge barrels of oil, light 'em on fire and push 'em down 'ere!"


"Right, 'n' sorry I fled, Sah!" Snipper leaped up and snatched one of the torches off the wall as he ran, then began sprinting as fast as he possibly could. Being a hare, it didn't take him long to get to the cellars. He rolled the two barrels over to a good spot and lit them with the torch, then looked up frantically at Marshalpaw.
"N-now I push, right Sah?"


Marshalpaw looked over his shoulder at the ferrets packed tight in the tunnel, scrabbling to catch up. The general yelled.
He dived out of the tunnel into the cellar, kicking one of of the barrels into the tunnel as he jumped over it.