Redwall Isn't Safe Anymore! (Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Part Two) OOC

Started by Ashleg, February 18, 2016, 01:42:12 AM

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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Name: Gruddil
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 56
Species: Shrew
Rank: Senior officer in the Guosim
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Gruddil is getting on in years and has more than a few grey furs. Wearing the traditional colorful head bandana, he wears a tough shrew jerkin and wields a custom made rapier.
Personality: Gruddil is accustomed to ordering around younger subordinates and is a shrewd right hand to the Log-a-Log. Best described as a grumpy elder with a few tricks up his sleeve.

Name: Gillpaw
Nickname? (Optional): Gill
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 23
Species: Otter
Rank: Otterclan member
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Gillpaw is a strong young otter, good with a sling. She has a stone pouch hung from her belt, which is also where she keeps her sling and anything else she takes with her.
Personality: Gillpaw isn't afraid to throw her weight around. A jolly otter, she is also highly skilled in combat and doesn't hesitate to do the right thing. A recent addition to the otter crew she has proven her prowess with the sling and is well on her way to being a key member of the crew.

Gillpaw's very much a Mary Sue, but I'll stick a blade twixt her ribs soon enough. ;D
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Gruddil sounds an awful lot like Groddil, don't it? :D

They're both accepted and I'll add in their names to the front page in a moment.


I default to changing the vowels for NPC names. And Gruddil rescued them in the first RP!
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Added them!

I'm going to be drawing now so I may not reply for a little.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Okay, I've redone all of the originals, plus made extras.

Good Guys (in order of importance)


Name: One-Ear
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult (18 seasons)
Species: Fox
Side: Good (Vigil)
Role: Founder of Vigilance, Commander-in-Chief of the Vigil (formerly), Champion of Mossflower (formerly)
Appearance: Gray coat with white patches. Only has one ear (duh) due to a badger attack in his youth. Has a large scar around his stomach region from a fight with Redfang in Part 1. One-Ear now has three long scars running down his face, and is missing an eye, due to being wounded by Seacloak. Wears a suit of light chainmail over a tough woven tunic emblazoned with the symbol of the Vigil. He fights with a small crossbow and his father's blade, a katana from across the seas. Having lost the katana, One-Ear now uses the curious weapon of The Governor.
Personality: One-Ear was initially kind, forgiving, and acted very mature for his age. Now he's shell-shocked with a rough exterior, determined on hunting down and destroying all vermin bands within Mossflower at any cost.
Other: One-Ear founded the Vigil, a group of woodlanders that roam the woods protecting Redwall Abbey. He is the son of Threeclaw and Mortembell.
Head smashed by Seacloak, deceased.

Name: Charm
Gender: Female
Age: Adult (26 seasons)
Species: Otter
Side: Good (Vigil)
Role: Vigil Soldier, Acting Commander-in-Chief of the Vigil
Appearance: Charm is tall and quite strong-looking. Her golden-brown fur is remarkably scar free, and she wears a Vigil Tunic. Charm's eyes are a vibrant (charming ^-^) green. Charm has a javelin and dagger when in combat.
Personality: Charm is intelligent and quick thinking, not being one for small talk, but always wanting to make new allies. While not the most competent fighter, she is a far better tactician than One-Ear.
Other: Charm's brother Rivertail was slain by the Horde.

Name: Mortembell
Gender: Female
Age: Middle-Aged (43 seasons)
Species: Fox
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Redwall Recorder
Appearance: Mortembell is an arctic fox from the Land of Ice and Snow. As can be expected, her fur is white. She has a nick in her ear and a scar on her arm from the battle with Rapshade's crew. She swapped her tattered healer's clothing for a Redwall robe in her time at the Abbey. Mortembell uses a broadsword from Redwall's armory whenever she is forced to fight.
Personality: Mortembell warmed up greatly during her time at Redwall. She is very friendly with other Abbeybeasts, but when she makes enemies, she REALLY makes enemies.
Other: Mortembell is Threeclaw's widow and is One-Ear's mother.

Name: Shadomay
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Age: Young Adult (18 seasons)
Side: Good (Vigil)
Role: Wetlands Prisoner (formerly), companion of One-Ear
Appearance: Shadomay has brilliant orange and white fur, which is matted with dry bloodstains. Her eyes are a deep blue, and she wears a leather tunic. Although difficult to see, much of her flesh is covered in small wounds having been tortured in the Wetlands. As a result of being starved, Shadomay is very thin and frail. For defending herself, Shadomay is a good archer, and keeps a shortsword as a backup plan.
Personality: Whatever Shadomay's personality once was, it has been changed severely after her time in the Wetlands. Now, the vixen finds it difficult to trust others, and is quite sarcastic. She prefers to keep to herself, and will not indulge anybeast about her past.

Name: Celio
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult (22 seasons)
Species: Mouse
Side: Good (Vigil)
Role: Vigil Lieutenant
Appearance: Celio is of average height, and average weight, with light-brown fur. He wears a Vigil Tunic and wields a crossbow and a waraxe.
Personality: Celio is wary of the horde, but is still quite trusting. He is friendly, but if betrayed, will go to any length to obtain his revenge.

Name: Gukom
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (27 seasons)
Species: Hamster
Side: Good (Vigil)
Role: Vigil Scribe
Appearance: Gukom has golden fur, with a white underbelly. He is small, which is not helped by his timidness, and wears a robe emblazoned with the Vigil's symbol. Gukom has a dagger, but never uses it.
Personality: Gukom is very quiet and timid, which makes scribing the perfect job for him. Gukom has been known to have outbursts, but these are very rare.

Name: Drubble Cellarmole
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (28 seasons)
Species: Mole
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Abbey Cellarmole
Appearance: Drubble is a mole with black, velvety fur. He has a gray streak that runs down one of his arms, but is pitch black besides that. Due to the hands-on nature of his job, he swapped his robe for thin, sleeveless tunic and a belt. The closest thing to a weapon he has is a mallet for cracking open barrels.
Personality: Drubble is like many other moles; sensible , good-hearted, and always willing to get the job done. He is also quite shy; whenever compliments are made about his drinks, he tends to withdraw quietly back to the cellars. The mole often holds conversations with Rapshade, although they tend to be one-sided.
Other: Drubble is the Redwall Cellarmole.
Name: Stumbly
Gender: Female
Age: Dibbun (5 seasons)
Species: Mouse
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Dibbun
Appearance: Stumbly is a mousebabe, especially small for her species. She has curly golden fur impossible to comb. She wears a small blue dress and (obviously) has no weapons.
Personality: Stumbly is a troublemaker. 'Nuf said.
Or, click here for some better information
Stumbly is the bane of Ava's existence. Cute but deadly, this sweet sounding mousebabe takes it upon herself to spread chaos throughout the Abbey with a gang of like-minded Dibbuns. Mortembell tries to teach her to act more responsibly, but to no avail.
Other: Stumbly was orphaned at a young age. Since part 1, Mortembell has taken to caring for her. During Mortembell's long absence, Stumbly has been assigned to Drubble's care.
Amaline and Narzle

Name: Amaline and Narzle
Age: Middle-Aged (40 seasons) {Amaline}, Dibbun (6 seasons) {Narzle}
Species: Hedgehog
Side: Good (Wanderers)
Role: Woodlanders
Appearance: Amaline is very large, in both length AND width. She wears a short dress and wields a large spiked club. Narzle is small for his age, and wears a tunic. Both hedgehogs have standard brown coloring.
Personality: Narzle is carefree, often focusing on fun and not noticing the danger he gets himself into. Being the super-protective mother she is, Amaline is very wary of strangers, and will do anything to keep her young one from being injured.

Bad guys (in order of importance)


Name: Seacloak
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (46 seasons)
Species: Badger
Side: Bad (Wetlands)
Role: Lord of the Wetlands
Appearance: Seacloak is massive, which in turn makes him slow. The badger's fur is dark grey in some places, and white in others. He commonly wears chainmail when needing to move quickly, but changes into full plate armor if he can before battle. Seacloak's body is covered in numerous scars from his younger days, when he would charge into battle like a madbeast. For his weapon of choice, Seacloak uses a battleaxe.
Personality: Seacloak has no soul. Lacking any morals or real personality, Seacloak is always in a bad mood. Having spent almost twenty seasons lying to his people about how he was wounded, which he says was due to a horde (but was actually Threeclaw), the badger strives to kill One-Ear's family and bring back their heads as proof he has destroyed the "horde." The Wetlands now knows of Seacloak's lies, and any control he still has over them is due to fear. Seacloak has a strong pride, which is why he refused to let Threeclaw's family go unharmed, but has no honor whatsoever, always turning to treachery for what he cannot win with brute force.
Stabbed through the heart by Grenlik, deceased.

Name: Grenlik
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (27 seasons)
Species: Weasel
Side: Bad (Horde)
Role: Horde Chief Scout (formerly), Spy for Fury.
Appearance: Grenlik is short, and his dark brown fur has a faint green tinge to it. This makes him harder to spot in the woods, which is useful for the scout. He wears a reinforced tunic over a light set of chainmail, and wields a spear and cutlass.
Other: Grenlik does not trust Rapshade in the slightest.

Name: Daxian Claw
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (39 seasons)
Species: Stoat
Side: Evil (Wanderer)
Role: Horde Chief Strategist (formerly), Wanderer
Appearance: He is often seen wearing chain-mail armor, with a brown tunic underneath Daxian wears rags, due to being a prisoner for some time. His fur is mostly brown and he has a white underbelly. This does little to hide his many battle scars, the most notable one is a missing half of his left ear. Daxian also wears a Sallet Helmet during battle. His weapon is the Halberd, which he carries at his side or on his back at all times. For close-quarter combat, carries a single-handed sword. Daxian wields a dagger and a crossbow stolen from the Vigil Camp.
Personality: Daxian is a strict and purposeful leader, but he is also very wise when it comes to disciplining soldiers and forming battle strategies. He works well with others, often turning a simple idea into a better one. In terms of loyalty, he believes in his cause, and will fight alongside his leaders through thick and thin. You will find him in the forefront of the battle, throwing everything he can at his enemy. After being disgraced, and spending time as a prisoner, Daxian now harbours great resentment for Alfhild. He is also... not quite right in the head.
Drank poison in an attempt to kill Alfhild, deceased.

Name: Muddle
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (32 seasons)
Species: Hedgehog
Side: Bad (Eyeless One)
Role: Leader of the Eyeless Ones
Appearance: Muddle is a hedgehog with many, many scars, missing spines, and a hideously grotesque face courtesy of getting an axe to the face from Redfang. As a result, he is blind, although still sees through his visions. Muddle's green Abbey robe has been shredded, and the remaining rags are the hedgehog's only clothing. He attacks his enemies with sharpened claws and a long knife. Muddle has now come into possession of One-Ear's katana.
Personality: Muddle is completely insane. He has changed in every way since he was attacked and blinded by Redfang one season ago. He tore out Begskin's eyes and the two of them terrorize the woodlands. One-Ear's attempts to find and kill them have failed.
Other: Muddle was once Fergbar's Assistant Cellarhog. After being attacked by Redfang, he went insane, killed Fergbar, tried to kill everyone else in the Abbey, and fled into the woods with Begskin.

Name: Damien Branchsnatcher
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult (20 seasons)
Species: Squirrel
Side: Good (Vigil) Bad (Eyeless One)
Role: Second-in-Command of the Vigil (formerly), Eyeless One
Appearance: Damien is a sturdy red-squirrel and a friend of One-Ear's. He carries several scars from his life at the Vigil and is blind in one eye. Damien is now completely blind, and has an extremely scarred face. He wears loose Vigil tunic and a pair of woven climbing gloves. He fights with a sling and dagger.
Personality: Damien believes in One-Ear's cause, but not his methods. While the squirrel agrees that Mossflower should be safe, he doesn't approve completely of the fox's "Kill 'em all" policy. He is also very stubborn Damien is completely mad.
Other: Damien is One-Ear's second-in-command at the Vigil. He was once a Redwaller, but could never take the hustle and bustle, so he left as soon as he could. Damien is currently being kept as a prisoner by the Vigil, due to his madness.
Will die first chance I get.

Name: Begskin
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (30 seasons)
Species: Stoat
Side: Bad (Eyeless One)
Role: Eyeless One
Appearance: Begskin is a stoat with the standard stoat coloring. Due to an extended period of time in Rapshade's now defunct pirate crew, Begskin is scrawny, thin, and dirty. Unfortunately for him, siding with Muddle meant becoming like Muddle. The hedgehog ripped out Begskin's eyes, and the stoat is now irredeemably insane just like his partner-in-crime. He wears the same rags that were his "uniform" as a pirate, and carries a rusty cutlass.
Personality: Begskin was once a rather dim, if not entirely willing, member of Rapshade's crew. When he was captured by the Redwallers, he escaped with Muddle, which led to his descent into insanity. He is now just as crazy as Muddle.
Other: Begskin was once one of Rapshade's Pirates. He now assists Muddle in murdering travellers.



Name: Unknown
Nickname: Filargo
Gender: Male
Species: Watervole
Age: Adult (34 seasons)
Side: Neutral (woodlander)
Role: Woodlander
Appearance: Filargo is small yet plump, due to travelling by boat. His fur is a chestnut brown, and he wears a cloth bandana atop his head. He also wears a short kilt and a snakeskin belt, which several daggers are thrust into. His other weapon is a small blowpipe made from a reed, which many do not suspect as being a weapon until it is too late.
Personality: Filargo is a carefree beast, with no real friends, nor enemies. He is content to sail his large raft up and down the streams, ferrying travelers, woodlander or vermin alike, along for a small fee of food or other supplies. If you walk near a stream and hear a whistling noise, it could be a bird, or it could be Filargo, just paddling along. Be warned; however, for threatening the vole, or refusing to pay up, will leave you with a knife 'twixt your ribs, or a dart in your neck.
Other: Filargo is not this watervole's real name. It means "Fill 'er up an' go", his personal motto (Fill [the raft] up [with payment] and go [on it]).




Also, I won't be on tonight, I'll be at my Grandma's house. SAWWY!



I know that the Guosim have their own mission right now, picking up One-Ear, but @LT Sandpaw is there anything that the otter crew will be doing soon?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Not really, they're mostly just patrolling the walls, and helping out in the Abbey. I could come up with something for them to do if you want. Like a scouting mission, or some such thing.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro