
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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To Save a World

Started by James Gryphon, April 20, 2016, 09:51:30 PM

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Here's my ballot.
8. Minkowski
7. "Totally not a Cylon" John
6. Tropy the Wonder Alien (Ty)
5. "Fixer"
4. Jerkon
3. Cheeto
2. Catalea
1. Dier



   Ambassador Minkowski, I must ask- What leads you to distrust me so? I am curious as to your thoughts.

   - Catalea


I ranked my fellows randomly, just like you, Ambassador Catalea.



   Ah. A prudent decision, with as little information as we have. I shan't hold it against you.

   - Catalea


John here,
Quote from: Cheeto on April 22, 2016, 11:38:41 PM
My first impression of most of you is that you are extremely inconsiderate in the typing of my name. Although I've been extremely clear that my name is written Cheeto,
I apologize, Cheeto, It won't happen again.
Quote from: ty on April 22, 2016, 10:07:10 PM
It is my belief that anyone incapable of filling out paperwork has to be a filthy shapeshifter.
Seems like a silly thing to think...

You can trust me!


Quote from: Anonymous on April 23, 2016, 03:26:39 AM
Quote from: Cheeto on April 22, 2016, 11:38:41 PM
My first impression of most of you is that you are extremely inconsiderate in the typing of my name. Although I've been extremely clear that my name is written Cheeto,
I apologize, Cheeto, It won't happen again.

Thank you, Ambassador John. I appreciate your sincerity.

- Ambassador Cheeto


8. Dier.
7. Ty.
6. John
5. Fixer.
4. Cheeto.
3. Jerkon.
2. Catalea.
1. Minkowski.



Cheeto: Pah. How do we know you aren't just a shapeshifter, attempting to hide your true form behind the impenetrable wall of "culture." Using the excuse that "my name must be written in red" is pathetic. How do people say your name in conversation? You can't convey that a spoken word is red. Preposterous.

Dier: I'm ashamed that you do not trust Minkowski. I have known them for several years, and if they were indeed a shapeshifter, it would seem like a little too much effort to be blending in all that time.




Shapeshifters would do just that. They are detestable scum who would gladly ensure the destruction of their species for the destruction of ours. What's to say that Minkowski is not a shapeshifter who sought to find an opportunity to harm us by befriending you?



Whats the delay? Who are we waiting on?


James Gryphon

"Let sir remind the honorable ambassadors to take the utmost care in filling out their ballots. One of them was not filled out correctly, listing the name of one ambassador twice, and another name not at all. Given the urgency of this situation, I have interpreted the ballot to conclude that the missing ambassador should be in one of those two positions. Happily, which ambassador is placed where doesn't seem to impact the results."

"The vote tally, according to our adding machine (which has been known to malfunction, but has been subjected to recount) is as follows:"
QuoteDier: 41
Tropey the Wonder Alien: 36 + 3 or 5
Jerkon: 38
Minkowski: 36
"Totally not a Cylon" John: 35
Catalea: 34
Cheeto: 29 + 3 or 5
Fixer: 31

"Ambassadors Dier, Tropey and Jerkon, please make your way through that blue door. Upon entering, the door will close behind you. There will be a hatch at the end of the hallway that will unseal to allow you entry into the Imperium meeting capsule. The best wishes of our planet go with you."

--- OOC:  (Here's where I give y'all time to chat until either any shapeshifters that are on the mission reply with their intents, or I decide that there's been enough of a time interval for you to conclude that shapeshifters could have replied, even if none of them were actually on the mission.) ---
« Subject to editing »

James Gryphon

Time passes...

After some hours, during which the remaining team settled into an uneasy repose, the door finally opened to reveal the returning ambassadors. After noting their entry, the secretary checked something on his message reader, and smiled.



After celebrating through the evening, and making the best of a simple victory meal consisting of nutritionally balanced gruel and purified water, the ambassadors were awakened from their night's rest by a loud alarm klaxon. Their aide, who was already up, smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about the noise. The planning office wanted to make sure nobody overslept; said it wouldn't do to risk any lack of preparation for these meetings."

"After you're done with breakfast, I recommend you start thinking about who you want to send tonight. You have a whole day to figure it out, so it isn't urgent, but the earlier you decide who's going to go, the better they can get ready for their meeting. Jenster is said to be a harsh critic, so you'll need all the help you can get."
« Subject to editing »


Quote from: Anonymous on April 22, 2016, 08:04:25 PM
   My apologies, Fixer, I know nothing about you. As I said, I assigned the other ambassadors in an essentially random fashion. Though I do think it suspicious that you would place another before you... Another who we know so little about, no less. Dier has spoken but one sentence.

   - Catalea

I've known Dier long enough to know he's no bug. My name was low in the rankings; by placing him higher than myself I elevated the probability that one of the two of us would be selected, and it seems I have been vindicated (bugs are no match for my leet stats skills). The rest were mostly random choices.

As for my name: Clones have no "real" name, the serial number you see is my designation. My squadmates call me be "Fixer". You can call me RC-1140, Fixer, or 40 if you like.

|RC-1140 "Fixer"|


How did you know Dier? The shapeshifter know each other, according to our hosts. I find it odd you two know each other...


This is John
Quote from: Jerkon on April 25, 2016, 08:27:59 PM
I find it odd you two know each other...
Everyone has known one other member of the ambassador team for long enough to know if they're spies.  The fact that you haven't is slightly suspicious...  Perhaps it's because there's no such person as Jerkon?

Personally, I think Tropey's a sniik.  His constant accusations based on irrelevant details is unhelpful and could be an attempt to throw suspicion off himself.

You can trust me!