
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Treasure Hunter RP

Started by Morgazath, July 24, 2014, 01:27:25 AM

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Cornflower MM

Arya stopped, and smiled mischieviously. Then she went over to Ruffgar, stole hus pouch that was on the table, and up - ended it into Vrak ' bowl o's so u p. "Enjoy.''She said sweetly. "Ruff, I'll get you more soon, promise." She added.

The Skarzs

Ruffgar didn't notice Arya take his small bag of hotroot because his he was too busy picking up his jaw from when he saw the large bag that Slaysen had produced. "The heavenly fire. . ." he mumbled in awe. Snapping out of it, he winked at Vrak. "Oh, you're on, mate!" Despite not smiling, he was quite pleased.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Captain Snowfire

Vrak chuckled, he looked absolutely delighted. "You've got yourself a challenge matey!" Vrak said as he sat down at the table and stirred the hotroot pepper that he saw Arya dump into his bowl. He took a spoonful of the fiery soup and ate it. He sat there, eating his soup with a large smile on his face. "Thanks Matey!" He said Winking to Arya. After barely half a minute, there were tears flowing down his cheeks, but he did not seem to notice them. He just kept on eating as if there was nothing wrong with him. "I say Silver, what did you put in this soup? It's making my sight all blurry." He asked Slaysen.
Prom! Here I come!!!


 Slaysen looked at the soup. "Just the usual vegetable soup we always have. I didn't add anything new. The only thing I can think of is I added a little bit of hotroot. Maybe there's just a little too much in there for you. Better watch it, Ruffgar."
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

Arya was flabbergasted, and then started plotting. What about bugs in his bed? Or mud and thistles?

The Skarzs

Not to be outdone, Ruffgar gulped down his soup straight from the bowl, which contained more hotroot than what Vrak had in his. Setting it down, he held his burning lips tightly closed. His eyes began watering profusely, and his right one started twitching. The otter's ears turned bright red as he held the burning sensation back. Ruff opened his mouth a bit, and a he began making a sound as his mouth hung open. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . ."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Arya simply rolled her eyes, hoping he'd figure out that he needed something sweet. Then she pushed the sugar bowl over to him.

Captain Snowfire

Vrak Finished his soup his eyes still producing tears that flowed down his face, which started to soak his clothes. "You can't beat me at everything you know Ruffgar." Vrak said. Then he stood up and poured himself another bowl of soup. This time, turning it into a thick stew due to the amount of Hotroot he had added into it. And proceeded to gulp it down. As Arya pushed the sugar bowl towards Ruffgar, he paused his eating. "No cheating this time Ruffgar. There cannot be anything eaten to help you last!" He said with a huge grin on his face and continued eating.
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

Arya huffed. "You guys are so stupid." Then she went out of the kitchen, and went outdide.

The Skarzs

Ruffgar knew he had lost; the sable had such a strange resistance to pain. He kept his mouth closed, then he thought of an idea. "Alright," he gasped. "You might have no feeling, but that doesn't mean you can't taste. So. . ." he grabbed the bowl of sugar and dumped the entire thing into Vrak's bowl. "Now THIS. . . is gonna be gross."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Arya ran up a tree, and rested, sitting on a branch, leaning her head as gains the trucknk.


 Slaysen looked aghast at Vrak's bowl. Then at Ruffgar. "Remember you have to do that too." Then he poured the same amount of sugar into Ruffgar's bowl. "Enjoy."
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

Vrak looked horrified at the sugar that Ruffgar dumped into his bowl. Then Ruffgar's comment hit home in Vrak's mind. No feeling. Vrak's face went straight for a second. Then his customary grin was back on his face. "Really? Your going to have me eat all that? You must be trying to kill me with all that sugar. Alright then! You'd better bring lots of water!" He said merrily. And proceeded to eat the sugar/soup/hotroot pepper mix.
Prom! Here I come!!!

The Skarzs

"Boy, this is strange stuff. . ." Ruffgar muttered as he ate his bowl grudgingly. "I only hope I don't start twitching from this."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Captain Snowfire

After some time, Vrak finished his bowl of sugar mix. And even licked the bowl clean. His grin was as wide as a full moon on his face. "So! Looks like you lose again matey! Vrak grinned at Ruffgar. "Tut, tut. An otter who can't win a hotroot pepper contest? Simply unheard of!"
Prom! Here I come!!!