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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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  Oh, hey, look, my brother gave up his computer for an hour so I could upload art.  Thanks, Froyo!  :D

  I wasn't sure if Kosume and Jasper were a couple, but I drew them holding hands anyway.  It felt like it might fit.

  I have a billion drawings, and most of them are sketch dumps, so... yeah.  :P

  Let's start this off with my first ever chibi drawing, which just happened to be Tani, the adorable folas.

  Then I decided I really liked chibi, so I drew myself.

  Then some Adam doodles, most of them just playing with outfits and hairstyles.  (Bigger image)

  After that, some doodles of two characters of mine, a mysterious assassin dude named Korrin and the annoying dwarf, Hannah, who keeps following him around.  Also, me fangirling over my painted nails, and the Outsider's Mark.  (Bigger image)

  And yet another character, Lynne, going through a survival crash course because she's a wimp and really needs to work on building muscles and learning how to fight.  (Bigger image)

  Here's four characters that go to an exclusive school that only accepts non-humans (the setting is during a time when many humans are extremely racist and oppress the other Intelligents), yet somehow accepted Amaya, a human.  The whole plot so far revolves around the fact that the only person who knows she's a human is Ghost, and they're both trying to hide that fact from everyone else.  (Okay, the plot does have a teeny bit more than that, but I don't really care to type it out.  :P)

  Kana, the thieving little squirrel from Skyblade's Hunger Games RP.

  OC challenge day whatever where you're supposed to draw your character in casual/street clothes.  I drew Adam in modern clothes because why not?  And I inked him, simply 'cause I wanted to see how well that'd work.  I liked how it turned out, but inking it is so hard when you're in a bumpy car!  Dx

  And finally, as I've been reading a lot of manga recently (Drifters, Tokyo Ghoul, Alive: The Final Evolution, and Ouran High School Host Club), I decided to do really terrible little copying doodles of panels.  It says in the picture that they're funny, but not all of them are.  There are a few that are just the characters' faces 'cause I thought the particular panel was cool.  But, yeah, they're kinda terrible quality 'cause I didn't put much effort into it.  :P  (Bigger image)

  Oh, and if anyone wants me to draw anything as chibi, I'm totally cool doing that.  Chibi is so stinkin' fun!  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


D'aw, they're adorable. And yes they're a couple which is originally a problem because Kos is an incubus and Jasp is pretty much just prey but then he starts to develop actual feelings for Jasp and that's the premise of the story they're from.

I particularly like Kana and the group picture of your story characters. Speaking of that, if you've got any of it done, would you mind doing a story exchange? So while I'm sending you BR, you'd be sending me one of your stories?

Could you draw Ambren from BR chapter 6? When it says his hair is stylishly messy it basically just means David Tennant Tenth Doctor hair. He looks about twenty.

I might request a chibi at some point, not sure.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I really want to have a natural talent in art. Really.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

The Skarzs

If the "thieving little squirrel" with the knife is actually intent on using the weapon, then they're a robber, not a thief.

Oh yeah, nice art.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on May 18, 2015, 04:50:16 PM
D'aw, they're adorable. And yes they're a couple which is originally a problem because Kos is an incubus and Jasp is pretty much just prey but then he starts to develop actual feelings for Jasp and that's the premise of the story they're from.

I particularly like Kana and the group picture of your story characters. Speaking of that, if you've got any of it done, would you mind doing a story exchange? So while I'm sending you BR, you'd be sending me one of your stories?

Could you draw Ambren from BR chapter 6? When it says his hair is stylishly messy it basically just means David Tennant Tenth Doctor hair. He looks about twenty.

I might request a chibi at some point, not sure.

  Glad you liked 'em!  It was pretty fun to draw, although rather painful to edit because the shading smeared across the page at some point between me drawing it and uploading it, so there was a huge black cloud all around Kosume.  Dx  (I really like that emoji.  Such emotion.)

  Hehe, Kana was really fun to draw.  It's really fun to draw ratty clothing with patches all over it; so much you can do with it.  :D  Amaya's story?  Oh, gosh, you may have to wait awhile.  I'd definitely be fine with showing you some of what I've written, but I haven't really written anything yet.  I'm more of the architect type of writer, so I'm still building the plot first; trying to figure out where I wanna go with the story before I start writing.  But as soon as I actually start writing, I'll be sure to let you know!

  Shoi!  I'll add it to the list!  :)

  Do iiiiiiitttt.  Chibi is so fun and I want an excuse to draw it more often.  ;D

Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on May 18, 2015, 04:51:51 PM
I really want to have a natural talent in art. Really.

  Dude, trust me, I have no natural talent.  When I started drawing, I sucked.  But I kept at it and taught myself (with the help of a bunch of art books and the occasional bit of advice from other artists I know), and look at me now!  (Okay, that really made me sound like I'm tooting my own horn.  I mean to look at what I can draw now compared to when I first started this thread.)  My advice is to just start drawing.  You improve as you go, which'll be cool in a couple of years 'cause you'll be able to look back and go, "Whoa, I'm actually pretty good compared to what I was like years ago!"  This is what I do every time I decide to look in my art file.  (I have a file in my room that holds all my uploaded drawings since the first drawing I posted.  Well, all except the few I keep in my clipboard so I can show them off to people who ask to see some of my drawings.)

  Yeah, just start drawing, and maybe find some reason to keep yourself invested in it.  My reason was the art request thread.  I'm five billion percent sure that if it weren't for this thread, I woulda had no reason to keep improving, and my art would still look like this:

  What the heck is going on with her head?  And her shirt?  Why is her shirt so weird?

  LOOK AT HIS LEG!  *Shudders*  I don't like the first pages of my thread.  :P

Quote from: The Skarzs on May 18, 2015, 05:19:38 PM
If the "thieving little squirrel" with the knife is actually intent on using the weapon, then they're a robber, not a thief.

Oh yeah, nice art.

  Nah, she's just an armed thief.  Totally not a robber.  Being a robber would mean that she's one of those beasts that runs up to someone, points a weapon at them, and screams, "GIMME ALL YER MONEY!"  Nah, she sneaks up behind people and pickpockets them, but has a knife just in case.  Because knives.  (Also because I needed to give her something to do with her hands.  But don't tell anyone that because I need to seem like I know what I'm doing.  ;))

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


That's some amazing art, Rain.

Very adorable :)
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  Thanks, Sierra Mist!  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Nice work on Kana! Your perspective is awesome!

I was wondering if..... you could draw my character?

Keyroy the Kestrel

She has blond hair, fair skin, brown eyes, feather tunic, brown tights, fur boots and a kestrel head shaped war hammer.

Here is the drawing I had done of her awhile ago, she's from the book I'm writing.

    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

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  Thanks, Leatgo!  :D  And sure, I can totally do Keyroy.  I'll add her to the list!  :)  (Whoa, my list is pretty long now.  I haven't had this many requests at one time in I don't know how long.  :o)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound


Oh... sorry about that, I didn't realize you had a lot of requests. But now you can look forward to long car rides, at least I hope.
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

click the banner


  No, no, I'm not complaining.  Exactly the opposite, actually.  I enjoy having requests; I'm just surprised that I got this many in such a short amount of time, since for the past few months I've been getting very few requests.  :P

  And band actually just finished up for me, so there won't be any more regular car rides until next autumn.  But whatever.  I can still draw at home, and the art will probably look better 'cause I'll be able to have a mostly steady hand the whole time.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


  Double post with a little update on what I'm working on currently.

work in progress
  So, I've been talking a bit (mostly to Jet-kun) about my highschool characters, Amaya, Amanda, Ghost, Eren, and Rayner.  I decided to, since they're supposed to be the school's photography club, draw them taking a group selfie based off of the picture I have as my profile picture:

  So, without further ado, the drawing that is probably gonna take awhile to finish, because I find that when I'm not drawing on a specific schedule (in the car on Thursdays), I don't draw too much:

  Starting from the left of the top row, it's Eren, Ghost, and Amaya, and in the front row are Amanda and Ray, who's taking the picture.  (Even though he can't see them, he still enjoys taking pictures of his friends.  He explains at one point that he likes to develop the pictures, then he'll take out a box of essential oils and some cotton balls, sit down with someone who can see the picture, and apply a bit of the oils to the faces of the people in the picture.  He has a specific scent for each person so that he knows who all is in each picture.  I'm thinking that Amaya's gonna be cocoa, Eren's orange(?  Still not sure about that), Ghost's lemon, and Amanda is mint (or vanilla.  Haven't decided which I think fits her more).

  So, yeah, no requests have been done yet, but I'll get to them!  Eventually...

  I should probably announce that I won't be doing as much art until autumn, because as I've said before, band has stopped, and band day was my day to do art requests because I had the time and was thinking about it.  I'll try to do as many requests as I can, but don't be expecting a lot of art until September.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

James Gryphon

When you have the time, would you like to make that gryphon holding a taco picture that you wanted to do way back when?
« Subject to editing »


Quote from: James Gryphon on May 26, 2015, 01:33:59 AM
When you have the time, would you like to make that gryphon holding a taco picture that you wanted to do way back when?

  Sure!  You may be waiting awhile, but I'll definitely do it.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


  Okay, I don't have any requests to upload at the moment, but I am working on them.  I have a bunch of sketch dump thingies I did on Thursday and Friday, though, 'cause I was shown a good way to use guidelines for bodies, so I was practicing.  Also, shocker of all shockers comin' up right here in the art stuffs, so better stay tuned for that.

  To start it all off, I have a sketch dump I've been adding to for a week or two.  (Bigger image)

  Then is the photography club's group selfie, taken by Rayner, who, surprisingly enough, was able to get everyone's faces in the picture without too much trouble.

  And here's the shocker to end all shockers:  COLOUR.  AMAYA IS IN COLOUR.  (Not in her uniform, but whatever.)

  And if you thought that was it for the colour, YOU WERE WRONG.  I ALSO DREW EREN'S GORGEOUS HEAD.  (And also Amaya and Amanda in a couple different poses because I was testing out using guidelines for the whole body.)  (Bigger image)

  Aaand then back to black and white with a bunch of doodles of background characters at Newman Academy.  (Bigger image)

  In case y'all're wondering what's up with the colour, I bought an art lesson at my music program's auction, so I did that on Thursday and got to hang out with this awesome girl who not only was an amazing artist, but SHE HAD COPIC MARKERS AND LET ME USE THEM.  :D  So, yeah, I really want Copic markers now.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!