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RP: The Iron Horde

Started by Morgazath, April 29, 2014, 07:56:32 PM

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Rourke stopped and turned to look at Arya and sighed. "Could you not shout? I do have sensitive ears you know." Rourke complained, putting a paw to his ear closest to Arya. "What is this important business that you have with me?" Rourke asked lazily.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

"there is no time for your laziness Sloppy!  Just follow me, if you can keep." The squirrelmaid hissesed, before setting off at a fast pace to look for the Abbess/Abbot.


Rourke followed Arya around, as she looked for someone, his long legs allowing him to easily keep up with Arya as a fast walk. "Look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Rourke muttered to himself. "Probably going to try to report me for being lazy." Rourke continued muttering as he followed Arya.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

At that, Arya snapped. ''OH, I wish it were that easy! Well, guess what? It's time g or you to wake up and smell the raspberry coedail! Because, news flas! The world doesn't revolve around yo u! "She snapped all of this while walking, increasing her pace,

Captain Snowfire

Holly smiled briefly as he peeked out one of the windows and saw the vermin's ships ablaze. "About bloom'in time wot!" Holly said cheerfully to the Hares at the window. Holly stared long and hard at the form of Zeekra. There was something about that vermin that Holly didn't like. Holly shivered slightly. "Alright chaps and chapesses! Down to the mess hall with ya!" The young Hares looked up hopefully at Holly. "That's right me bucko's! It's time for suppa!"
Prom! Here I come!!!

Captain Snowfire

Lieutenant Holly watched as the young Hares were relieved from their posts by other Hares and quickly ran to the mess.

Poor mites. Holly thought to himself. Then an idea hit him again.

"You there!" He called over to one of the passing Hares that was replenishing the arrow supply.

"Yes sah?" The young Hare asked while give the lieutenant a very elaborate salute.

"Once your done filling up those arrows, go 'n fetch the Sergeant will you?" Holly asked the Hare.

"Yes Sah!" The hare replied in fine military fashion. His foot paws smarting slightly as his smacked them together a little to hard and turned to go find the sergeant.

Hiolly was not long in waiting. In a relatively short time period the sergeant arrived panting slightly. But before the sergeant had time to reply or even salute Holly was talking.

"Sergeant, I need your opinion on a certain matter."

And once again he was talking before the sergeant could do or say anything. After he had explained his idea to the sergeant the sergeant pondered it.

"It might work, provided the vermin of course went follow through your plan. But Hi'll make the arrangements sah!"

The sergeant replied and marched briskly off to go and find some willing beasts.

Holly then had misgivings about the whole idea. it was very dangerous for them to try it. After all, who knew if the vermin leader might be spying...
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC: I really don't know what to do. Guys, this is practically hopeless.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Hmm, it is a slight problem indeed. Because two of the main people are not in too good attendance. I'll try and contact Givanell again, see what's going on over there.
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC: Thanks, Snow.MORGOZATH!


 OOC: You screamed, my friend?
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

Captain Snowfire

Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM