RP: The Iron Horde

Started by Morgazath, April 29, 2014, 07:56:32 PM

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 OOC: Me too. I love roleplaying. ;D
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Okay, just as a heads up. I am currently visiting my Grandfather in New Mexico, so I will not have much internet access. But I am planning on writing my retaliation in Wordpad so I can still write my post and then post the post later when I have internet. ANd it's going to be long! ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!

Captain Snowfire

OOC: I'm going to assume that they are charging towards the front door, so I shall write my post as such.

Lieutenant Holly Redpaw stood at one of the windows of the Mountain Fortress of Salamandastron, waiting for a chance to take a quick peek at what the vermin were doing. The vermin archers were keeping the Hares pinned down, they could not retaliate much other then a few shots at a time. And that was because they were firing in random patterns, never letting the Hares know what might come next. "Sergeant! Come over here!" Holly called over to the sergeant. The sergeant, a large burly Hare with a missing ear tip on his right ear. Hurried over to the Lieutenant, "Yes Sah?" The sergeant stood to attention and asked. "Hurry up to the higher levels, and get me a report! For all we know, they could be heading straight-" Holly was cut off by a young Hare that took a chance to peek out one of the windows right after a volley of arrows had landed. "Holly! Their headed for the front gate! It looks like their going to try to burn the flipp'in thing! They are using their smaller boats for cover from arrows, and possibly for a blooming battering ram!" Holly looked at the young Hare. "Well done young'in! Now close that window before you get shot!" Holly ordered. The young Hare quickly shut the window, and not a second to soon. As yet another volley hit the window, it was smaller then the last one, but just as lethal. Holly thought for a second, then an idea hit him. "Sergeant! Would you and another Hare be able to tote one of those large Badgers shields up to the platform above the gate?" The sergeant's eyebrows rose, seeming to just appear onto his forehead in an instant. "Sah?! It would take an 'are like the Giant Rockjaw Grang to lift one of those blighters!" The sergeant replied. Holly thought for yet another precious moment. "Very well, would you be willing to take a few Hares with some tall shields to the platform above the gate?" Holly asked. The sergeant nodded. "Yes Sah!" The sergeant then paused for a moment. "But what are the you planning for the vermin Wot?!" Holly smiled grimly. "Just going to give leave a little surprise for the blighters! These are your orders sergeant!" Holly gave his orders to the sergeant, the sergeant smiled happily. "I'd be more then delighted to do it sah!" The sergeant replied before dashing off to follow his orders. Holly waited for a moment, yet another idea forming inside his head. It just might work! "Yes, it might bloom'in well work!" Holly muttered happily to himself. "You there! Come here for a tick!" He called over to a Hare that was helping to refill the archers quivers. He ran over and stood to attention, his legs trembling visibly. "Y-Yes sir?" The young Hare asked, his voice quivering slightly. "I need you to give these orders to Captain Fleetear." He whispered the orders into the young Hares ear. "You got all that young Sir?" Holly asked the young Hare. He nodded and took off, the fright of the battle giving wings to his speed. Captain Fleetear stood at one of the windows on one of the upper levels, firing arrow after arrow in rapid succession at the vermin snipers. Trying to pick them off one at a time, with little success. The young Hare came charging into the room, his paws making loud thumps as they pounded against the stone floor. Fleetear saw him coming and quickly shut the window so none of them would get shot. "Captain Fleetear Ma'arm! Orders from Lieutenant Redpaw! "He said your to begin your operation!" The young Hare gasped out standing to attention. Fleetear snorted. "About blink'in time!" Fleetear said. Her attitude not improved by her failed attempts to pick off the snipers. "You take it easy and rest for a few minute, regain your breath and then report back to the Lieutenant informing him that the operation is underway!" Fleetear said to the young Hare before bounding up to the higher levels, her paws pounding on the smooth stone floor and her heart thumping. What is that lieutenant thinking?! she thought to herself. Well, at least my idea came in handy wot wot! The captain thought. She made it to one of the highest levels of the mountain, a short distance out of the vermin's Longbow range. There was a small fire on the platform, hidden from view by several large rocks. The captain stopped just short of the edge of the platform. "Ready as you are chaps! Let's get going Wot!" The two score Hares scrambled into position, their longbows in their leather gloved paws. "Ready your shafts! Pick your targets carefully!" The captain ordered as the Hares drew back on their bowstrings. Fleetear pulled two large brands from the fire and quickly lit the oil-soaked shafts on fire and shouted. "Fire!!!" In an instant, two score flaming shafts flew into the night sky. The flames trailing behind them before thudding into the boats (Or Ships) providing cover for the archers. The Hares kept up the volley's of arrows that thudded into the boats (Or Ships). Causing the vessels to catch fire. While all of this was going on, the sergeant that Holly had ordered to the platform above the front gate had collected several willing Hares. And had waited until several of the vermin boats and horde beasts had gathered in front of the gate. "Right me bucko's! Let's show these lily-livered scum what we can do if they think they can try and burn down our front door!" The sergeant said, poising himself to dash outside. "Let 'em have it! EULALIA!!!!!" The Hares Dashed outside, their shields providing cover from the vermin arrows. And they dashed behind a huge mound of rock and rubble. Dropping their shields, they used their combined strength and pushed and shoved the pile. At first, the pile did not budge. But a second later moved and the whole pile toppled on top of the vermin, slaying every vermin that was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of the gate. Quickly grabbing their shields, the Hares dashed back inside. But not before three Hares were felled by vermin shafts trying to make it back inside.

OOC: Now, for the fire-arrows. I did the research and it is possible for them to shoot the ships while being out of the vermin's range. Because they have more height, then can shoot farther then normal. but only if they are shooting downward. So, this is my retaliation. How do you guys like it? I do hop that I did not make it too long.
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC That's fine, Snow.....But remember shiny Modify button, eh?


OOC can someone send me a link to the OOC

Cornflower MM

OOC Dude. Go into the OOC Discussions childboard. Look there.


OOC: Morgazath, when will Martin the Warrior be contacting Arya and Rourke? There has not been to much that I have been able to do other then sit here? I hate to bug you, but I'm getting kinda anxious here. :D
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

OOC Oh, geez! my bad! I'll do Arya's dream immediately.

BIC Arya was back in her room, writing something down, when she froze.
images flooded her mind: Salamandastron, ships in the beach, hares dashing out. Others were there, but those were the prominent ones. Salamandastron was under attack. The mountain needed help. Then, one word, or rather, name, sprang into her mind. Rourke.
The squirrel maid blinked, and looked down. Her quill pen had snapped, and there a big mess of ink on her desk. She bounded out of her room, to look for Rourke.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Jovani would like to know what dialect of English you are using Mizz Corny! ;D it's "Into" and "Of" Rather then "Inti" and "If". ;D Just thought I'd point those out! ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC I'm using a touch screen....Harder to type, you see.


Rourke sat at one of the tables in great hall, he was the only beast still eating. Those who considered themselves champion food-scoffers were sadly no match for Rourke's mighty appetite. He sat there eating all of the remaining food still left on the main food dishes, seeming never to stop as with absolutely no bulge for his stomach, he rose after finishing the last of the breakfast. Patting his stomach, Rourke stood and yawned widely. His eyelids drooping slightly. "I think I'll take another nap." The young badger mumbled to himself. And laid on the bench and started to doze off.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

Arya burst into the place where they had breakfast, scanning everywhere. Aha! There he was. She ran over, and stopped by hid head. "Rourke! Wake up! It's important!"


Rourke rose with start, his eye's wide in surprise. He looked around and noticed Arya standing there with an expression of extreme importance stamped on her features. Rourke then relaxed, and sat more comfortably on the bench. "Don't tell me, one of the dibbuns got out the east wall gate again. I'll bet it's that Mouse-babe and his two accomplices again. Well, don't worry your head to much, i'll get the little scamps." Rourke said as he stood up. "The bench was getting a little too uncomfortable anyway." Rourke muttered as he started to leave the Great Hall.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.


 The soldiers screeched as the pile of dirt fell on them. Very few survived that attack. The boat barricade was another matter, the flames roared in fury as they licked across the boat barricade, sending the snipers running for cover.
Zeerkra just glared at his plan being foiled by these inpudent hares. He rubbed his chin as he ordered his troops to make camp and rest, setting watches.
Zeerkra had to get those hares out of the mountain and attack him head-on. Zeerkra's army excelled at hand-to-hand combat. Once the hares met his force, he could drive them back and burn down the gates if they weren't open.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

"NO, YOU SILLY BEAST! THIS IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT!" Arya roared, near snapping point.