
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Overlord's Orders - Forum 10th Anniversary Special

Started by Matthias720, June 08, 2021, 11:08:32 PM

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Russa Nodrey

*Russa is typing*

With input from the others, I wrote up the announcement and posted it. At this point, I was feeling pretty good. We'd accomplished our goal and all was well. I scooted over to the staff chat to tell the others that I'd completed the post, and Booklover quickly responded.
Quote from: BookloverAlright, whatever. Wouldn't it be hilarious if I edited your announcement post to include that argument that Corn, Lass, and Ally had last week!
I replied:
Quote from: Russa NodreyThat's not a good idea. Please don't do that.

Apparently she didn't take my advice.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"Hey guys, I have an idea!

For this weeks Mattias day, lets post an announcement that everyone most speak in puns! since our dear Lord Overstator likes puns so much it would be the perfect opportunity! And I think it would be a really fun event. What do you guys think?"
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Ally is typing*

"Didn't you go back and look at your announcement at all?!?!
That argument isn't what's on it!
While, yes, Bookie did post that in staff chat, she either followed your advice, or her edits been replaced.

The exposed quotes are from you, Russa.  Here, these are the quotes in the announcement:
Quote from: RussaThat's not a good idea. Please don't do that.
Quote from: RussaI don't agree, no offense, Lass.
Quote from: RussaLass, I don't mean to sound harsh, but can you please let the experienced people handled this one? :-\
Quote from: RussaSeriously? Have you no sense at all?
Quote from: RussaPlease, Lass? *Pat, pat*
Quote from: RussaLass!  We've been over this!  And unless you want me to petition against your ability to mod while having the extremely childish and impulsive tendencies you have, I suggest you go take a break from this one. ...please!

While I said 'exposed' I'm not sure of the validity of these quotes...
I recognize very few, and even those seem to be slightly...adjusted.
By this, of course I'm referencing the minor changes in word choice, punctuation, and emphasis(italics).
It is also strange that the link for the quotes was removed...
Another obvious, yet important point is that most of these 'quotes' seem to specifically target Lass...

The whole scheme seems to be in pourpose to make our own, beloved, Russa Nodrey appear negative, black-mailing, and cruel.
This would forever mar the reputation of our great overstrator,  a black mark, association with those of foul notoriety!

However, upon viewing the announcement, I received a small shock, the 'last edited by' line said that Bookie was the last to edit the aforementioned announcement.
While there is no solid proof that Bookie posted these questionable 'quotes', she certainly didn't edit them out.


So, who is to know...who deserves blame?

Upon viewing this post,as I hope you can find a spare moment to do, noble overstrator, let me warn you...not all may be as it seems.

Was Lass upset by the exposure of the argument, and decide to post something to shift the peasant view?

Was her post edited?

Did Bookie, or... I suppose me... cause the mystery by making seem as though we were uninvolved?

Did Russa edit the exposures in, making it seem she was a victim?"
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco

Russa Nodrey

*Russa is typing*

The first quote is real, but I'm not sure why one word has been italicized. All the others are either fake or lack context. Perhaps Booklover was upset after I told her not to edit my post to include the argument, and instead decided to add fake quotes to try and make me look bad. If this is true, it's very upsetting.


Received mostly negative reviews.


(I will do my best, though I can't promise anything. Doesn't help that I came in late.)

*Booklover is typing*

After all the years I've known you, I'm amazed that you could have thought that post was me. I allowed Corn to temporarily log in to my account as she was having problems with her own (apparently Ally had done something to restrict her mod powers) and was too embarrassed to ask anyone else for help. Or so she claimed, and I would never have allowed her access to my account had I known what she'd do. I didn't realise anything had happened - any messages she sent while one my account were edited or deleted on my end - so I assumed everything was fine and Russa was doing a great job writing out the message. A few days later, Corn told me she'd been having problems again. As nothing had gone wrong the first time as far as I knew, I allowed it. She must have edited the post then. Afterwards, when checking again, I discovered that the message had been sabotaged, so I went in to edit it, and discovered that I was unable to. I asked Corn how to fix it, as it sounded exactly like the problems she'd had, but she just responded with a laughing emoji. I did my best to inform other people, but no one was on at the time. I was unable to do anything and the Overstrator discovered the message only a few hours later.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"On the log it says that Corn took your perms.."
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Ally is typing*

"This is rather disturbing, I'd have never thought Corn to be the type for all of this back-stabbing and lying business...rather sad.

However, I can tell you with certainty and truthfulness, that I did not do anything to sabotage or edit Corn's ability to mod, or otherwise function on the forum."
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco

Cornflower MM

Bookie's right - I was having trouble with my account after an argument with Ally. She says she didn't do anything but the timing is REALLY suspicious, although Lass was also on. we were the only three on at the time, plus if you look at the mod logs something got deleted around the time my permissions got all messed up.

So I did message Booklover and ask if I could borrow her account to check into the changes and fix everything, since I was blocked from doing anything on my account and I knew that she was busy and didn't really have the time to check for me. I was too embarrassed to ask anyone else - I was thinking about Lass, but her and Ally are such good friends, you see, I didn't want to accidentally start any squabbles especially after the drama last week. I was able to fix everything after an hour or two untangling the damage and that was all I did on Bookie's account that first time. Fast forward a few days, I said something that apparently offended Ally somehow because she sent me a message asking why on Earth I said the awful thing I did, and when I asked her what she meant (because I truly had no idea what I did) all I received was "YOU know!" and then my account went all haywire again. . . Except this time Lass and I were the only two on.

I once again reached out to Bookie for help and she obliged (such a wonderful person, Bookie, really can't thank her enough). It was while I was busy figuring out what had been done to my account that Russa's announcement had been posted and the subsequent editing done. I forgot that I wasn't on my own account and went to quickly attempt editing everything out. Note the keyword: Attempt. For some reason, none of the edits I tried (even correcting a typo!) saved at ALL but it showed that I (as Booklover) last edited the post. I'm still trying to figure out what happened with that, but I think it was my Internet - I was having troubles at the time because it was storming, you see.

Quote from: lass of something much on June 29, 2021, 01:01:43 AM
*Lass is typing*

"On the log it says that Corn took your perms.."

Now, to address this and the laughing emoji.

What Lass has OH-SO-CONVENIENTLY left out here is that I took away Booklover's permissions and RESTORED THEM, which clearly shows in the mod log. After she messaged me for help, I immediately answered back. It was raining again - I think my message got a bit chopped up from my internet because it DID have a laughing emoji in it, yes, but there was way more and I tried to tell Bookie I would take a look for her. Unfortunately, part of the process of fixing whatever it is Lass and/or Ally have been doing in the backend with our permissions involves taking them all off and putting them back on in a complicated manner, so that's what Lass saw.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"I think there's a bit of a hole in your story there, mom.. For one, I knew nothing of you and Ally's argument, secondly, I am closer to you than just about any other member short of Teer Rosie and Scott... So I dunno, man, doesn't make much sense why I would do that.. And there's more.. I haven't been on.. I got a drawing request from the great overstrator, and, naturally, I was thrilled. I then proceeded to pour all my time and energy into making it, only coming on to post in aches and pains.. I wasn't on and I didn't do it.. I don't know what went on, but the overstator comes first, so I had to get it done.. I an only assume someone hacked into my account.."
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


"I am getting a headache from listening to the squabbling of my staff. This must be because I have such wonderfully incompetent lackeys! Only the most dedicated failures for me! Aren't I lucky?"


"Must I go over the basic staff rules AGAIN!? Rule #1: I'm in charge and you do as I say. Rule #2: If you have a problem, I can fix it. Rule #3: Failure to follow Rules #1 and #2 are grounds for immediate punishment."

"Now let's take a look at who had the most problems over the last few days, shall we? Account issues? Check. Breaking Rule #2? Check. Improper borrowing of another staff member's account? Check. Using said account to attempt to fix the issue without my knowledge? Check. Possible abuse of that account's abilities for possibly personal gain? Check. I think it's clear who holds the most responsibility here."

"Cornflower! You have failed to bring to my attention the issues you were experiencing. Your use of another staff member's account provided you the opportunity to carry out the crimes you are accused of, and, by doing so, you are unable to disprove any of them. I have no choice but to remove your role and demote you back to a basic member. As for your punishment, for the next 720 days, you may only post in acronyms of my name, or in acronyms that are compliments of the forum. May it remind you to never cross me again."

"Now, with that out of the way, let's get back to business. The celebration needs a bit make it work. I want the four of you make a special set of celebration boards for the anniversary. We need to make more room for the party, so I want each of you to make one board that you feel will make the forum members more inclined to party. You have four day,!"




"Why is my forum a broken, shambling mess? Why are there ONLY the four party boards? Where is the rest of the forum? AND WHOSE THE POOR EXCUSE FOR A MOD THAT IS FORCING ME INTO ANOTHER WEEK OF EXCRUCIATING BACKUP RESTORATION!!??!? I want answers! NOW!!!!"

OOC: And with that, we wrap up round 5 and begin round 6. Sorry Corn, but you were written into a particularly rough corner and you couldn't get yourself out. Thank you for playing, and better luck next time!

Things are getting down to the wire! Only four players left, meaning we only have a few rounds to go before a winner is declared. I haven't decided on whether or not the final round will be at three players or two players, but this next round will be very important in drawing this game towards a conclusion. Good luck everyone! I look forward to reading whatever you come up with! Round 6 will run through July 3rd.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"Didn't Russa say something about hiding other boards cause no one was using the party boards? Now we have angry members spamming horrible things like: End the overstator, death to Mattias, and worst of all: Overstator's are worse than even Lass herself.
All of these are HORRIBLE things, and I was going to ask if I could ban them all for saying such awful things, but then I realized....Bookie was among the spammers...In fact, she was the worst of them all... I'm trying to delete the posts, but I can't keep up.. Ally, could you help?"
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Ally is typing*

"Way ahead of you, I already started on my own party board. But yeah, I'll help when I'm done.

And actually no, it was Bookie who suggested that, and she mustve followed her own advice..."
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco


*Booklover is typing*

I suggested reducing our own posts in other boards and increasing them in the party boards in order to encourage people to post in them. Russa then went the extra step of suggesting that all other boards should be hidden, which I objected to.

I was the mod who deleted the most spam posts and banned the accounts doing it (I'm not certain, but there were times when another mod was on and not doing anything). The account you're referring to was actually called BookIover (note the capital i), and according to Russa, Lass was the one who made it. As for the other spammers, I regret to inform you that I was informed by a trustworthy member that they had been told to spam certain boards by a mod but they refused to say which one. As I didn't want to alert the perpetrator that I knew what they were doing, I immediately informed the Overstrator. Despite attempts to investigate (which took up the time not spent deleting the posts and banning the spammers), all I could discover was that whoever it was had attempted to bribe some members with art.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Russa Nodrey

Quote from: lass of something much on June 30, 2021, 01:54:32 PM
"Didn't Russa say something about hiding other boards cause no one was using the party boards?
Quote from: Booklover on June 30, 2021, 04:35:25 PM
Russa then went the extra step of suggesting that all other boards should be hidden, which I objected to.

*Russa is typing*
I made a pretty awesome celebration board and was happy that I'd been able to fulfill your orders without any problems. I noticed all our new celebration boards were somewhat lost amongst the other boards, though. Some people hadn't even noticed they were there. With this in mind, I proposed the following:
Quote from: Russa NodreyHow do y'all feel about hiding all the boards except the celebration ones for about twenty minutes? That way everyone will know they're there and we can really start celebrating. What do you guys think? Also, if we decide to do this I'm gonna need some directions because I have no idea how to do anything.
Booklover objected, but Lass and Ally said it was a good idea. Ally even said she knew how to do it and would give me the directions I needed. With Ally's assistance I hid the other boards, and then left for about ten minutes.

When I got back I found that spammers had begun posting horrible things about our Overstrator. I assisted in deleting these posts and gagging the spammers. The worst of them all was an account called "BookIover". Just before I gagged this person they sent me this message:
Quote from: BookIoverIt's your good friend Lass!
I'm so very disappointed...

I was unsure how to bring the other boards back so I asked Ally for help. She refused, citing "personal reasons". I'm genuinely confused. How could she have any reason to not assist me in restoring the boards that she helped me temporarily hide?