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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Saxon lands in front of them and spreads his wings wide putting him self between the warriors and the other beasts letting out a loud squak like sound.

"Oh cut it out all of you!" He turns to the one that ventured forth from the skiff. "Did none of you listen to any words I spoke about staying on the skiff un till I properly scouted the area." Sighs and walks a bit closer to the other beasts to judge there reaction to him and waits on Galin to land and assist.

"I found your ship by the way it been dragged in to the forest and from what I could tell they were we small scrubby weasel sorts. It was taking deep into the forest the cover was a lot but I managed to spot a few of them."

He keeping his eyes on the chanting beasts.

"Now if you would not mind but your weapons away and stop scaring them or causing more trouble I don't fell like explaining to Oakpawn or Shelly as to why the locals are have fried otter with a side of albatross."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

"Who the heck are you? and i know this place better we need to wait until the chanting dies down a little then back away slowly!" Seamusic said through gritted teeth.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Ringald sighed as the albatross landed and started issuing orders. He shook his head slowly, watching the bird try to issue orders. When he was finished Ringald spoke up.

"Saxon, I think this otter knows what she's talking about. She's been here on Tonnet for a long time. As to leaving the skiff, you were supposed to be back hours ago and we never saw you. Can't sit around forever. We're otters, and warriors. Sitting and waiting is not in our nature." He paused in introduced Seamusic to their avian friend. "This rouge is Saxon, he is a friend to us. Helps us to scout and that sort of thing." He turned to Saxon. "This is... well then! Haven't even asked yer name properly miss!" He began to walk backwards towards the skiff as Seamusic had suggested. "What is yer name eh?"

Both otters warriors seemed nonchalant. It took more than a little chanting and some weasels to frighten them.

Mad Maudie

"Not yet! Wait till the chanting dies a little!" Seamusic reminded them sternly. "And my name is Seamusic, We'll get introduced later... they've slowed down. Now move quickly but do not take you eyes from these trees! and do not at any cost turn around!" she hissed as she backed away still looking at the trees.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Both otters stopped in their tracks. Reefrudder twitched his whiskery face as he spoke. "She's got us there brother. Forgot about waiting' fer the chantin' to stop."

Ringald smote his forehead. "Aye! Forgot already! I must be distracted by these lovely otter maids." he spoke quietly as they backed into the shallows. "Seamusic eh? Lovely name that." By now they were half way up their legs in water. Ringald vaulted back onto the skiff. He noticed the slaves as he spoke to Shelly. "Shelly, this is Seamusic. Perhaps we'll save further information for when we are safely back aboard the Blue Star. Got some chaps coming to pay us a visit if we don't hurry."
It was not too long before the Reedbind 2 held been tethered off the hull of the Blue Star. Everybeast boarded the ship including the slaves. The twin warriors passed on the news of the Tide Dance's discovery and word of the small weasels. Shuffer was quick to begin a meal for everybeast. He took special care to prepare food the slaves could enjoy. After being long on short rations large amounts of the wrong kind of food could make them sick.

The otter cook passes a wooden bowl full of shrimp, cress, and hotroot soup to Seamusic. Shuffer and Searose had been sharing captain duties so that Oakpaw could heal. The cook adjusted the sling that held his injured shoulder still.

"We must get to the Tide Dance and find what happened to her crew. Seamusic me beauty could you tell us how you came to be here on the island, what you know of the Tide Dance, and any useful information about these weasel chaps?"

Troy Troodon

Gailen lands, Next to Saxon. And follows the crew.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


After making it back to the skiff and seeing the slaves and raised a brow at this but turned his attention to Seamusic.

"Greetings miss I am sorry for landing and possibly giving you a start but I felt you were in trouble and may needed assistance."

He then turns to the 2 warriors and his face expression and tone goes very stern.

"If either of you think that because you sail the seas in any way I have no authority to tell you for your own safety to stay putt then you better not think I will not flog the living snot out of you after you be comes the locals stew."

returning his attention back to Seamusic

"I am sorry I was not aware that you lived here."   Bows.

"Pleases forgive me mlady."  Kisses her hand gently.

"Now back to what we came to do. The ship has been dragged in land pretty far so I am guessing that the little vermin made it a home or worshiping it as a god or some thing like that. I don't underestimate them but there ways usually are some thing way out there and simple in there mind. What do you think Seamusic."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Oakpaw staggered out hearing Saxon's remark he said 'you'll do no such thing, or else!' Oakpaw felt better, well enough to get out and his head was not aching he walked to the rail and breathed in the cool air

Redwall Musician

OOC: I know I haven't been posting, but I was waiting for you guys to get to the island.
Gerard returned back to his home to find that Seamusic was not there. He was frantically looking around for her, when the noise of chanting hit his ears. He ran as far as he could from it. He needed to think. Where could Seamusic be? Could those crazy vermin have her? The thought was too much for Gerard to think about. He turned his head towards the sea and was surprised to sea a ship. Sea vermin? He had to know for sure. Silently he slipped into the water and swam towards the ship.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Troy Troodon

"Maybe they could be lost to." Gailen assumes; "Sureley they are not like the ones we faced so I could go ask and see what they are up to."

OOC: Am I doing it right?
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Mad Maudie

OOC are you talking about the vermin?
Seamusic looked at them all, her eyes went huge when the bird kissed her hand "I Do not know how i came to be here, i was raised by a hermit who died i have a brother well he seems like a brother to me but her took me after the hermit died i have lived with him ever sense we need to find Gerard i called him when i was in my cave but he did not come." Seamusic said worried
Searose was helping oakpaw worry on her face to but worry for oakpaw he was doing better but it could change as drastically as the sea "I'm sure we'll find Gerard until then are you hungry?" She asked and seamusic nodded her head she had not touched her stew until Gerard came, "I am searose first mate on board the blue star have you seen a ship besides our two?" "No not besides your two" Seamusic said.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


OOC: I don't remember asking you to have your character speak with the vermin. However if you want him to try that sounds fine to me. I was hoping we would need to fight them for the Tide Dance. We also need to discover the Tide Dance crew.
Ringald and Reefrudder nodded as Oakpaw spoke. There was no way a bird who just happened to be working with the Blue Star was going to give the twin warriors orders. They took their orders from Oakpaw and Searose.

Shuffer went to stand beside Oakpaw. "Are you feeling better Captain? You look a little better." The otter watched Oakpaw to see if he was still showing signs of begin ill from his injuries. He hoped Oakpaw was better. Shuffer sensed that they would need him in the near future.  "Captain, do you feel well enough to help to help our next steps in planning?"

The cook voiced his thoughts. "I don't think any contact with those weasels is a good idea. I have heard our new friend Seamusic say they are dangerous therefore there is no reason to risk interaction. I think we should take the Blue Star to the other side of Tonnet. We can anchor off the coast where we are safe and send in a part of our crew to check for survivors from the Tide Dance. I don't think we should try to save the Tide Dance unless we can do so without risk."

In a rocky outcrop near the tide line a small group of otters were huddled. The survivors from the encounters on Tonnet. Captain Durlang and six of his crew were stranded. They had bravely fought off the Garjangs, weasels that lived in the trees on Tonnet, for over a half season. Not knowing if help would ever arrive the Captain spoke bravely to his crew.

"Now mates, I know things are tough. But we've come this far and not let those vermin get us. We can hold out until help comes. I'm confident Shring will send help!"

Troy Troodon

Gailen walks into them while the others stay where they are. "Greetings Commrads!" he says, then he bombared with arrows, and made back to the bushes; "Okay that didn't work."
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Oakpaw smiled slightly 'Stop frettin like an ol mouse-wife, i'm fine, i just need some fresh air to clear me lungs' Oakpaw stretched and scanned the island 'Aye, the sooner we're done the better.'

Oakpaw made his way to the tiller whilst shouting to the crew 'No interaction is to be made with the vermin unless they attack us. We've come here to rescue any survivors from the tide dance, i don't want to return to the Holt and report anyone to be dead'

Oakpaw was feeling marvelous, he could barely feel his wound, he skillfully sailed the boat though the reef and made for he other side of the island.