Official Role Play Contest

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 02, 2012, 09:08:59 PM

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As soon as the Foxes back was turned Kodlak swiftly unsheathed his sabre out and whacked the hilt just below the skullAUTO> You cannot move other player's characters without their permission, he kicked the healer over and tickled the neck with his blade, he bent down smiling 'Tuttut, what did i tell you, leave us alone or i'll use force'
Kodlak looked back at the others slightly and looked at Haley where he had lain her on wide, flat rock. Kodlak still had the sabre point at the back off the healers neck and looked at her whilst commenting to the others
'It seems strange how this vermin wants to help us soo badly' He smiled dangerously at the fox and spoke
'Now you ragheaded fleabag, you have our awnser, begone or the insects will be picking over your worthless carcass before long.


Dawnflower noticed something strange about the fox's speech, "How did you know Menzy's name?"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Taking the wack to the head he fell to his knees and stayed there felling the saber point at his neck.

"You are a fool floppy ears, I offer my help I am not part of the other group if I have to use force on you I will. I knew that I should have not been so brash to show my self to the long patrol. I should have known I would not be accepted as nothing more then vermin. A waste."

Menzy watched the fox as he was heald by saber point.

"Sir I think we should listen he has not tried to kill any of us not saying I trust him but he didn't ask that and he sounds as if he really wants to help wot. I am not saying that we bally well take orders from the blighter chaps but he has not been a threat yet."   
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Phireem, troubled by the fox, disagreed with Menzy. "Excuse me, sah, but I don't think we should trust any vermin. It's blinkin' impossible to tell if they have a second plan, especially foxes. I think we should just take his weapons make him go away without injuring him further. "


Dawnflower takes a deep breath trying to keep down the frustration that has building up through out the entire conversation before saying, "I agree we should take his weapons, but may I point out that the General still needs help? And then there's your leg to think about Seargent. How are we going to take care of that?"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Kodlak stood tall and so that the sabre point was still at the foxes neck and he could still see the others .
'If you haven't noticed we are salamandastron hares and we form the long patrol and the long patrol does not take help from vermin!'
swivelling his head to Dawnflower he spoke calmly and confidently
'My leg is fine, its just a scar, can't see what all the fuss is about and about the general, i know a bit of healing from my training, and I'm sure that if we help Daniel take his belongings back from the vermin then maybe we could look after her there Wotwot! But of course there is still the problem of the foxes, maybe this time we can send in more force.'
Kodlak stroked his moustache and pondered if there was anything else he needed to tell them he smiled slightly
'Er Daniel that is if your willing to let us look after the genearl there?'


Menzy shrugged and turned to listen to the sergeant thinking to herself.

I have never heard of a vermin so willing to help but i guess now that we have treated him like this most likely not see him again. He will stay hidden away from the long patrol. Sad really he perhaps was trying to make things right in some way.

"I never said to trust him Phrieen and don't imply that I do." says this as she steps up to him with a bit of anger on her face then turns her attention to the sergeant.

"Sir what are we to do with him? I mean he came on his own free will wot with those fleabags out their in search of us we can't just leaving him here no weapons if he calms not to be there chaps. No telling what they might do, not saying that if he is being a sneaky blighter with a plain he will get what is coming to him for his fail wot wot."

In the distance you can hear voices and orders being called out.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Dawnflower has to bite her tongue to keep from joining Menzy's protests. She knows she couild get in major trouble for arguing with her officers, but the stress of the situation is doing funny things to her nerves. Hearing the voices, she walks over to where the General is lying and puts a paw on her sabre. "It sounds like we don't have much time to sit here and argue. Are we going to try to get the General out of here or are we going to stay here and fight?"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!

Redwall Musician

OOC: Am I missing something? I believe the recruits were back aways. But since most of you have posted where you are talking to Kodlak, we'll just say you all strayed away from Wildpaw.

After Menzy had cried her battle cry, she was running up to the general and sergeant. A few others, eager or impatient, had strayed towards the general and sergeant, too.

"Guess there's no choice now, wot! Come on, chaps, let's go give the general some help." Wildpaw started to run towards the location where the fight had taken place.

The foxes had retreated for a few moments, but their murmuring could be heard behind the bushes. From a far, Wildpaw had not seen the fox. His eyes were sore from sleeplessness, causing him not to notice many things. But when he reached the fox, all the hares were arguing over what they should do to them. Suddenly, his head was clear and decided to oppose Kodlak.

"Quiet! Quiet in the ranks! What is all this about killing the fox? Have you know honor? We should let it be. He's offered us help, and you doubt his words. Pay attention to the way he speaks. He is not lying," Wildpaw hoped it was so. He had no idea for sure, but he had to take a chance. "We should let him cure any wounds we have or shall get."

The voices of the foxes got louder, and now they were closer. Wildpaw's eyes narrowed, "Because it's too late to get these recruits out of the way of a fight."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Kodlak nodded even though he didn't agree with Wildpaw, but since he was a highe rank he had no option and said
'I wasn't gonna kill the blighter just stop 'im fom following us Don'cha know?'
Kodlak  strode towards the General and said helpfully
'How about i take one of the recruits and the fox and get he General somewhere safe, then the rest of you can fight those rascally vermin Wot!'


Danel hadn't been seriously injured in his fight, but all thoughts of injury left his mind as the shouts grew closer and closer. Standing up and grabbing his sling from beside him, he started whirling it in as a practice. His well-trained eye had come from his many years of hunting his own food; hitting birds in trees or smashing fish that strayed too near the surface. But firing shots at the foxes seemed as natural as any bird or fish.
His keen hearing picked up the sounds coming from the nearby bushes. The foxes were just within firing range now. Madly, he screamed out to the foxes, "Come take what's coming for you!"
He then fired a stone in the general direction of the foxes, before throwing back his head and yelling the time-honoured warcry of badgers and hares. "EULALIAAAA!"
Received mostly negative reviews.


The General awoke with a throbbing pain in her head. She tried to reach up a paw to hold her painful wound but she didn't have the strength yet. Haley groaned quietly and let her eyes flicker open.

There was a fox nearby! Her patrol obviously had not seen the vermin or he would have been dealt with. Her ears picked up Daniel's war cry from not too far off. They were battling vermin and her she was, not even able to lift her paw!

"Sergeant!" She tried to speak loudly but the word came as only a whisper. "Sergeant, there's a... vermin! Right there!" She reached for her weapon but her head lolled back. "Eulalia! Kill the foxes!"

After this she fell back into unconsciousness.

Tirzen had sent his band into the fray. There were so few hares, how could they possibly win in a battle? After a few moments, Tirzen discovered that hares were not beasts to be trifled with. He growled and clawed Yuewl to his side. The fox cringed as his master gave him orders.

"Get in there and fight you worthless lump!"

Tirzen watched has a hare felled Yuewl with a swift thrust.

"Never send others when you want something done."

The fox trotted forward and laughed when he saw Daniel. The vole was so small, how could he possibly win in a fight with a fox?

"Well then, how did this little baby end up fighting with hares? Come on, show me how you fight." Tirzen mocked Daniel. "We should have killed you when we had the chance. Yer food was very good by the way."


Krookid paw saw the one they called general wake and try to move.

"Will some one go after that vole before I have 3 to care for instead of just this one. Hey floppy ears the one with the cut leg lets go. Sargent Wildpaw is it? think you can manage to keep them from following us and keep you patrol alive while we make it back to my den?" The fox hefts up the general putting her on his back and waits for Kodlak to follow.

Menzy saw Daniel take off yelling out his war cry and head off after him to try and stop him from getting hurt or worse. "Oi! you get back here before you get yourself in to a fix wot." 

As she rounds the trees she sees the vole fire a shot which may or may not hit a vermin but there leader stood laughing at him and making fun of eating his food. As he reloaded another stone over his head flew Menzy's Javelin straight at laughing leader and she charged in to the group.  Menzy was a whirlwind of paws and feet as she jumped and used the momentum of her charge and land both feet to hit the closed vermin in the chest.

"You chaps could fight your way out of a spring rain wot. My compliments to your boss... Now I be collecting my weapon. Give'm blood and vinegar, wot!"

OOC: post adjusted and to be clear I didnt kill the leader or state I did he was hit and fell over. he could do as you wish with him. he is NPC.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


(use this post for judging)
Kodlak advanced on Krookidpaw and pointed his sabre at him, there was no emotion showing as he spoke through gritted teeth
'Call me long ears again and you'll find what colour yer insides are you mangy fleabag and me name is Colour Sergeant Kodlak Longblade Don'cha know?'
Kodlak hastily grabbed a few javelins throw by the foxes and hurriedly took a cloth out from his haversack, he bound the cloth to the javelins to make a basic stretcher
'Put the General on there, I'll take the back end and you take the front.'
Kodlak looked back longingly and charged into the vermin dealing out a few kicks and punches before leaping over the leaders lifless body and back to the stretcher, sand sprayed from his paw as he avoided the main body of fighting.


OOC: RatBane, I actually wanted to fight the fox leader. And also, I don't think you asked for permission to kill off one of BrookSkimmer's characters. Can you edit your post please? I have to go for the weekend, so I'll just put up what I wanted to say. BrookSkimmer, if you want to change this post feel free. Otherwise I'll change it any way I can when I get back.

Daniel circled with the fox leader, laughing at his comment. "Yes, perhaps you should have killed me. Be warned, I make up for my size with other things." At the confused look on the foxes face, he followed his answer up with another answer. "For instance, I don't go around stealing food from the defenseless, coward! And yes, my food it good, it always is."
Daniel then swung out with his sling, hoping the loaded rock will strike the fox on the head.
Received mostly negative reviews.