
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Griffen, May 29, 2012, 09:28:26 PM

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the two slowly crept into the woods heading back to where Eveth was captured hopping that they could find the others.


"going somewhere?" said Silverstorm, sudddenly appearing behind them

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"no, we aren't going somewhere, we are just walking because walking magically builds ships." Eveth replied with not so subtle traces of sarcasm.
OOC: post didn't happen.


Almel (who was standing behind Silverstrom) stepped up, "Keep a civil tongue in your head when talking to your elders'n'betters young'n! As for boats, we have some little fishing boats, you can have your pick if you apologize, wot wot!"


OOC: Silverstorm is thirteen, and Eveth is at least twenty, Eveth is officially at least seven years older than Silverstorm.  but i suppose that almel doesn't know that.


OOC: Almel is saying that as a whole, and you're right, Almel doesn't know that


OOC: and i did discover a problem my sign-up, i copy-pasted from a different RP that shared a lot of character, and this took place a few years later, so the age in my sign-up is inaccurate.  He is at least two years older than stated in the OOC thread, just so you know.


OOC: wonwill your charactor is not any where close to Eveth and Ferien so that doesn't matter. also sliverstorm is in the village with wonwill's character, Keen and Redwaller's character.

so just so every one is clear that never happened (the last few post.)



the ship was bright and colorful. "lets see if anyone is still here!" Ferien said while running up to it.


OOC: and psybox just take it a little easy on them if they mess up. their new to RPing. so when they mess up just correct them. :)


OOC: what ship? i thought they all crashed/are too far away to reach.  Or are you ending the RP soon so you can start the summer solstice?


OOC: the ship that you and Martin the third came on washed up on shore. the one that every one else (besides the natives) came from sunk far out in the sea. and no im not ending it short for the summer solstice. that RP will start on the 20th (aka the summer solstice)


OOC: i give griffin permission to auto Eveth for one reply, and one reply only, since I'm out of ideas.


OOC: kk



Eveth walked up to the ship, it was tilted a little to the side. he went port side and climbed up. once on top Eveth let down the ladder and Ferien followed. the two ventured down below deck to the armor room where he gave Ferien a slingshot. Eveth put on some armor he found. the cold of the armor brought goose bumps across his skin. "Eveth!!!" Ferien yelled up on the deck, seventeen natives rushed at the boat.


OOC:I don't really know what's going on here, can I drop out of this one and just be in summer solstice instead?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: your aloud to be in both at the same time. but if your too confused to don't have to play in this one, i'll just play as your character.


OOC:You can go ahead. Thanks

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!