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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, May 31, 2012, 05:47:12 PM

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start the second book?



 Name Wicked black
species Stoat
Age 17 seasons
Gender Male
Description Cannot be seen at night because he is black furred. A born slayer.
Nickname Blacker
Armor A black cape
Apperence Black
Personality Wicked and deadly
Weapon a black sword.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


axe and sword is a good, keep them :)

AbbotAlf0805 please read the whole OOC because i have said there will be no good guys/galls.

PS: when making your character please dont let him/her/it be related to or have fought/been with anyone in the Redwall series, thanks :)

PSS: AbbotAlf0805 you character isn't accepted.


You should put a little more information about him, dannflor. In my opinion.


 Ok born in the south and escaped from a band of Otters in night and went north
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Dude he is bad but becomes good. When he becomes good I'll make a new guy.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


@dannflor: Add the stuff to your profile so when I look at the profiles to see which one I will accept I can see the whole thing clearly.

@AbbotAlf0805: Every one who goes to the academy is truly evil and will never turn good. Also I have said that your character can have no relations with anyone in the Redwall series.

@redwaller: do you mind if i draw your character?

@everyone: look at redwaller's character's profile, thats how i would like it ruffly, thanks :)


Quote from: Griffen on May 31, 2012, 08:12:05 PM
@redwaller: do you mind if i draw your character?
No. I don't mind.

You want to draw my character? Awesome! Are you going to post it?


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


I will send it to you through email (PM) and let you take a look at it... but it will be when he is a adult.

NOTE: after the academy and a few missions we will skip some time (a couple season) so every one will be older and bigger.

@Redwaller: your character is accepted


Dude please can they by related to the Redwall series?! Please I got a good one
Name, Devilrat
Race, rat
Rat type, Sea rat
Weapon, claymore sword
Appearance, black fur and paws, red eyes, sharp fangs
Armor, rusty iron plates
Background, nephew of Cluny the scourge
Attitude, solitary, calm, smart
Gender, male
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Great profile... but take out being a nephew before I consider it, thanks :)


can i join

Name: Vater Dreswalt
Age: 15 seasons
Gender: feamle
Species: ferret
Weapon: throwing swrods
Description: jet black with brown patchs
Other: deadly aim wiht the blades and will do anything she is ordered. super sly and ready to take revenge at any beast that disrespects her
Fun. is a fantastic band.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Fine then I'm not cluny's nephew. I'm a mercenary from the north.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


@AbbotAlf0805: please repost your profile with the new info, thanks :)