
Started by Rainshadow, August 11, 2012, 09:27:43 PM

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The hare looked up at the abbey, he hated all buildings, especially castle-like ones, like the one he had grown up in. He sighed, then raised his paw and slowly knocked.


  A Dibbun had heard the knock at the gate and shouted out, "Sumbeast's at da gate!"  Joy heard his little cry and wheeled her chair to the gate.  "Who's there?  Friend or foe?"
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"Wouldn't you know?" He asked.


  Abby ran to the battlements and looked for the creature at the gate.  "You!"
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He raised his eyebrows, "You."


  Abby looked to the Abbess.  "It's alright, Ma'am, ye can let 'im in.  He won't hurt nobeast."  Joy opened the gate.
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He stepped in briskly.


  "Sorry about that," said Joy.  "I just like to make sure.  We've had a lot of trouble in the past.  Might I ask what your name is?"  She held out her paw for him to shake.
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He eyed her coldly and didn't take her paw.


  Abby leaned over and whispered to Joy, "He don't tell nobeast wot his name is.  Touchy fella, he is."
  Joy nodded.  "Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Hare."
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"I'm here for provisions."


  The Matthias and Methuselah bells rang out the evening hour.  "Well," said Joy.  "You came at just the time!  It's suppertime!  Shall we go to Cavern Hole?"  She steered her chair into the abbey and was followed by Shade and Abby.
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He shook his head furiously, "No, no, not inside!" He backed away as if the abbey was going to grow fangs and pounce on him, fear in his eyes.


  Abby looked at him in confusion.  "Wot?  Ye afraid the roof's gonna cave in?"
  Shade followed the Abbess.  She didn't want to stay with the hare.  He was weird.
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"No," He mumbled, barely audible. "It's just...it's a lot like...never mind." He absently touched his face, where a long scar traced his cheekbone.