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The most random thread ever!!!

Started by Icefire, July 04, 2011, 04:53:18 PM

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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Ashenwyte

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


My top 3 favorite things to see in the who's online page:


Posting in Forgotten Evil (CLOSED RP)


Posting in Redwall Isn't Safe Anymore! (Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Part Two)


Posting in Presidential Mafia


I made a complete profile change today. It's a bit more positive than usual.

James Gryphon

I see it; not bad!

The first few shoutbox logs I have right now (three or four) in a Word document amount to 575 pages and 559k+ word of material.
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Thanks. ^_^

That makes me a bit self-conscious. I posted a lot of self-hate there.

James Gryphon

Well, something like 10-20% of the length is probably me.

(So now we find out the subconscious reason I really wanted it dead: so I would quit spending so much time on the forum. ;) )
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Why is it that so many new members make an account and immediately sign out, then don't actually post or anything until a long time after?

James Gryphon

I'm not sure. Maybe they're really bad spambots.

958 pages, 900k words! Something at like the 60%/70% mark.

How many pages do y'all want to bet it'll be at by the end?
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Quote from: Groddil on July 29, 2016, 05:34:51 AM
"If you have a dream, chase it. If you love someone, let them know. Your time is too precious to be wasted."

- Kitsune

I love you all.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

The Skarzs

If people are still allowed to pronounce GIFs as "jiffs", then I should be able to call Jet "Get".
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


@James Gryphon: If you click the Thanked symbol (after you thank someone), it takes you to the top of the page. Or refreshes it, I can't tell on my Kindle.

James Gryphon

Interesting. Not sure what causes that... maybe I'll look into it.

Though, the only reason why someone would do that would presumably be to try to unthank someone, which seems rude. ;)

The shout box log is basically done; it's something like 35 megs. It includes everything but stuff in spoilers.
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I was trying to see if it would work. ;D

Interesting. I suppose because spoilers are supposed to be secrets? ;)

Did you do images? I would imagine that the Wylder Robin Hood Escapade would have been a nightmare. :P

James Gryphon

I think unthanking actually came in the mod as a default setting, but I turned it off for the above reason.

Well, not exactly. ;) The grand log is very, very long (something like 1,000+ pages). And while I've read through virtually all of that before, when it was being written, and while I'm up to reading through large parts of it again for a good reason, there was no way I was going to go down and click each and every spoiler box, one at a time, to open them up to show what was inside, which is what I'd have had to do to get it all to Copy everything. I'm going to trust that the 99% of the stuff that's not in spoilers is enough for people to get the idea of what went on. Most spoiler stuff was Youtube videos or silly pictures, anyway, so I'm not sure it's a big loss.

Images are included. It was, but it's so small in comparison to the rest of it. Like a moon of Jupiter.
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