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Yo ho, yo ho, to kill the pirates we go!

Started by W0NWILL, September 23, 2012, 02:49:36 AM

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Ash winced, her paw-or where it used to be was throbbing, she rubbed at the bandage that covered the bloody stump. A sliver of a moon hung overhead, making it hard to see. She squinted, there was a darker blob along a shoreline, a town. Perfect. She staggered toward it.

Coal ran through the streets, sobbing quietly, there was pirates abroad, and his mother had died, an arrow through her throat. He would never forget the sight, blood splattering his face, an archer at the door. A mouse had killed the archer, Coal had ran before the mouse could say words of sympathy. She was dead. Nothing would change that.

OOC: If you're a pirate, you can be attacking. Other than that, have at it mateys.


  Kale ran through the streets, roaring in frustration as she failed to find any vermin to smash.  This would be one of her first battles in a long time.  She didn't want to miss out on any of the fighting!

  Randy was running through the village beside his fellow crew members when he thought he saw something.  He carefully sneaked up to where he thought the thing was, and he thought he saw a hare!  Randy readied his cutlass.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Listening to 4:13-5:07 of "Tip of the Spear" while writing this... lol. BIC:

Covesite took the jump... and made it easily... "These houses are far too close together for their own good," He thought aloud, "Lets take a look see for some goodies shall we?"

OOC: He's not working for Pirates yet... But will soon enough.

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Dry fear rose in Coal's throat, and squeezed out his eyes. His breathing was rasping. He tripped, and blood squirted from his nose.

Cap'n Birata grinned, watching the murder and mayhem around him with satisfaction. He grabbed his sword and started chasing a squirrel, laughing maniacally.


  Kale ran into a pirate and brought the hammer down.  She smiled with satisfaction as the vermin crumpled underneath the weight of her blow.  After making sure that the creature was good and dead, Kale ran on.

  Randy watched the hare and smiled a cruel smile.  He would soon be dead!  Then, to his horror, Randy realized that he had crouched behind a barrel filled to the brim with hotroot pepper dust.  He sneezed loudly.  Immediately after that he jumped up and started rubbing his face, trying to get the sting off.  He was too dumb to realize that it was in his nose, not on his cheeks.
  Giving up on that, Randy held his cutlass aloft and ran at the hare, shouting, "YAAARRR!!!  Come at me, 'are!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Anaka bowled the larger, tattooed, otter over. Avoiding the pirate's slashing cutlass, she yelled to the squirrel, "Run!"


A loud sneeze behind Coal made him twist around, in time to see Randy charge at him. His paw instinctively scrabbled in the street around him for something to use as a weapon.

Birata snarled, "Git offa me!"

OOC: PPing is majorly affecting someone's character without their permission. I'll let it slide since this is a first.


  Kale saw the smaller otter try to tackle the larger.  "Go on!"  She ran into the scene, waving her war hammer around.  She thought she might have clipped a vermin on the jaw, but she wasn't sure.  All she knew was that it was hard to keep the Bloodwrath from taking her over.  She did have a lot of control over it, but sometimes she couldn't stop herself.  This wasn't one of those times.

  Randy continued running and shouting.  "'Ey!  Somebeast!  Get o'er 'ere!  I founds meself an 'are ta kill!"  He waved his cutlass as he drew nearer and nearer to the hare.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Coal's paw fell on a chunk of rock, he flung it wildly, hoping against hope that it would hit.

Birata snarled as the hammer flew inches from his face.


  Randy grunted and fell to the ground as the rock hit his face.  He was unconscious.

  Kale continued to swing her hammer, sure that she would eventually hit the otter.

  Meanwhile, somewhere just a little ways away from the village, Gasp was taking a midnight flight.  He heard the commotion in the village and abruptly turned around.  He didn't live this long to get killed in battle!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Anaka scrambled away from the badger, not wanting to get smacked with the hammer.

OOC: Sorry, won't happen again


A clip to the shoulder spun Birata around, flooring him.

Coal cautiously inched closer to Randy, startled that it had hit.

OOC: Good! :)


  Kale stomped her footpaw on the ground.  "Ha!  That'll teach you to fight someone your own size!"  She swung her hammer, preparing to deliver the final blow.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Birata kicked upward, intending to catch the badger in the stomach.


  Kale fell back, clutching her stomach.  "Oomph!"  Her hammer fell out of her paw as she hit the ground.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!