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Started by Wisteria Wild Cat, October 01, 2012, 09:44:13 PM

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Wisteria Wild Cat

A cool early spring breeze stirred the semitransparent leaves, and cast sun-dappled shadows on the forest floor of Mossflower. Birds chirped their sunny aria in the treetops, and all was peaceful. At the current moment...
Mal Swiftdeath, a large, lumbering rat, burst through the foliage, causing all nearby birds to take off in frenzied flight. Mal grunted and bent over, paws on knees, gasping for air. After he caught his breath, Mal gazed around the area. He had emerged in a small clearing in the forest, and a small creek ran through the center. Under normal circumstances, the clearing would have been a wonderful spot for an afternoon picnic.
Mal cupped his paws around his mouth to emphasize what he was about to bellow, "Oi! I found a good spot ter camp!"
A few miles away, sat Redwall Abbey, tall and serene. The Abbey bells tolled to welcome the afternoon, and therefor set off a dreadful scurrying of Redwallers preparing for lunch.
Abbot Turbut, a jolly otter, walked slowly along the lawns, paws in his sleeves, and chuckled as a mole rushed past with an armful of carrots and beets and vanished into the red building. "Ah, youngbeasts these days." he said with a wistful sigh as he turned his gaze to rest upon Wisteria.
The wildcat set dejectedly in a handmade, wooden wheelchair by the pond. Her sharp green eyes were glued to a large shape in the depths of the pond, her claws digging into the wood of the contraption. Wisteria tensed as the large shadow rose to the surface, but not close enough to be identified.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


  Firefly was competing with some of the young beasts at the Abbey.  "Ha!  See wot Ah just ded theere?  Cartwheels are very fun, if'n ye ken 'ow ta do et."  He did yet another cartwheel around some of his younger companions.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Wisteria Wild Cat

Juneberry, a pretty young mousemaid, clapped with glee at Firefly. She had never been around creatures of her age, and it was obvious she was happy. "Wonderful! That was fantastic!" She exclaimed, a giant smile on her face.
Wisteria turned just long enough to see what was going on, before then turning to stare at the rippling water, as if it held the answers to her questions.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!

Dalek Fur

Arrow was shooting at a tree to see if he still had his talent.
"Why are ye shooting at a blooming tree, wot wot?" Furpike asked watching Arrow.
"Testing me blooming abilities, wot wot," Arrow replied, retreiving his arrows. "Wanted to know if I still had me blinking marksmanship."
"Markmanship?" Furpike asked. "You don't need the blooming practice. You shoot and arrow and it always hits your designated target, wot wot."
"So, how many more days until we get to Redwall Abbey?" Arrow asked.
"Couple of days," Furpike said, unslinging his sack and eating a pear.
"Eating again?" Arrow sighed.


  "Thank ye, Juney, mah deah!"  Fire bowed for the pretty mousemaid.
  Ember gave a smile - or as close as an owl can get to a smile - to Firefly.  It was obvious that he was very good at flattering other beasts.  He was also talented at cartwheels; something that Ember couldn't do for obvious reasons.  Instead she took to the sky and did barrel rolls.
  "You think that your cartwheels are good?  Ha!  Try and do this!"  She showed how agile she was with all sorts of aerial tricks and stunts.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dalek Fur

"And what's wrong with eating? A chap's got to have strenght y'know," Furpike said.
"I hope the Abbot you've been talking about will take me in," Arrow said, getting out some lunch.
"Hmm, he probably will, he knows me," Furpike responded. "Just wait until they have a feast with all the food you can eat."  Arrow snorted and they continued eating lunch in silence.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Quote from: Rainshadow on October 01, 2012, 10:09:24 PM
  "Thank ye, Juney, mah deah!"  Fire bowed for the pretty mousemaid.
  Ember gave a smile - or as close as an owl can get to a smile - to Firefly.  It was obvious that he was very good at flattering other beasts.  He was also talented at cartwheels; something that Ember couldn't do for obvious reasons.  Instead she took to the sky and did barrel rolls.
  "You think that your cartwheels are good?  Ha!  Try and do this!"  She showed how agile she was with all sorts of aerial tricks and stunts.
Juneberry grinned and laughed quietly, "Ember you're amazing! What's it like to fly?"
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe Blackflight had started to get used to Abbey life, it was a hard change for him, settling down from his fast-paced life. He was waxing his various bowstrings when he heard the dibbuns exchanging show-off time. The black squirrel smiled at their antics and answered for Fire, "Quite an amazing thing I would imagine, plowin' through clouds and what not."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Dalek Fur

Sometime after lunch, Arrow and Furpike packed up their supplies and headed off once more to see how many miles they could go before dark.
"If I'm not mistaking, there should be a road around here somewhere, wot wot," Furpike said as they both sprinted.
"And it should lead us right to Redwall?" Arrow asked.
"Yes, if memory serves," Furpike replied.
"Ha! The only thing your memeory remembers is that food you just had!" Arrow laughed.
"Poor form! Poor form, wot!" Furpike laughed back.


Quote from: Wisteria Wild Cat on October 02, 2012, 01:19:03 AM
Juneberry grinned and laughed quietly, "Ember you're amazing! What's it like to fly?"

  "Oh, it's very hard to explain," Ember began.  "It's a very amazing experience.  Something that, if you're born to do it, you never want to stop!"  After she said this, she took off again, flying very high and spiraling in flight.
  Firefly glared at her and shouted, "A showoff, ye are!  Noo one else can do tha', so yer just gonna show off, aren't ye?  If Ah had wings, Ah'd bae doin' tha' much bettah than ye."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Tully walked out to the britly lit lawns of Redwall Abbey. Seeing where the merriment was she storde over, always erady to join in the fun.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Dalek Fur

When Arrow and Furpike saw the road they stopped short to catch their breath.
"You think we should walk along side of it, wot wot?" Furpike asked.
"Yeah," Arrow replied. "When should we get there again?"
"We must have been traveling faster than I thought," Furpike responded. "Either by tonight, before supper, or tomorrow morning."
"I look foward to seeing my first glance of Redwall Abbey," Arrow said excitedly as they continued following the path that led to Redwall Abbey.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Juneberry just stood and smiled, folding her paws in from of her.
Wisteria rolled away from the pond, the tip of her tail dragging out behind her, gently flattening the grass in it's wake.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!

Dannflower Reguba

"Hey Tully!" Ashe called to his best friend in the place, he almost chuckled thinking about that since she had nearly killed him the first time they had met. "We're talkin' about flying! What do think about the subject?"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  "Oh!"  Ember flapped her wings in excitement.  "I remember a song that a good friend of mine once told me!"  She cleared her throat and stood in a very elegant posture, opened her mouth and began to sing.

  "Flying so high in the sky,
  I've never felt so free!
  Oh, I'm so glad I'm a bird
  'Cause it's a marvelous thing to be!

  When you're flying high in the sky,
  There's so many things to do!
  You can dance, you can sing
  You can do anything in the blue!"

  Firefly clapped his paws.  "Bravo, birdae!  'O taught tha' song tae ye?"
  Ember bowed and said,  "Thank you, Fire.  This song was taught to me by another owl named Adam.  He was like a father to me when I was younger."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!