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Desert Survival

Started by W0NWILL, December 17, 2012, 12:01:09 AM

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"So... who are you guys and why are making a fuss over a wildcat? I only met the ferret, kinda." said Detheurim.


Raj turned and spoke to the sand cat, who also knew how to speak the language of the desert folk. "We won't harm you. We're just trying to get out of the desert, and we're a little lost. Don't be frightened of us. If you could help us, that would be great. I have some idea of how to survive in a desert, but we don't have much. Any help would be gladly accepted. Would you mind joining our party?"


"Is he the only one in this party who can speak our language besides us?" Detheurim asked the ferret. "Also, I live here, so I know where water supplies are, towns, rocky outcrops, and where some of my friends live. I'm sure the cat does, too."


  Dusk glared at the ferret in annoyance.  He then rolled his eyes and said, "You know, I can speak in the common tongue.  I'm not an idiot.  My mother taught me!"
 Peregrine looked at the cat in surprise.  "You don't have to be so rude."
 Dusk hissed at the owl.  "Don't talk to me, kit eater!"
 Peregrine took a step back.  "What?  Kit eater?  I don't eat kits, I eat fruits and bugs!"
 Dusk grunted, clearly annoyed still.  "Whatever.  Anyway," he continued, looking back to the ferret, "why should I help you?  If you die, there wouldn't be as many mouths to feed.  What would I get out of helping you?"
  "Maybe you'd learn some manners," Peregrine mumbled.
  Dusk flashed a glare at him, but said nothing.
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"Yeah, learn some manners, kitty. Even if you think that you have a reason to be mean, we didn't cause that, right?" Detherium asked. "If this senseless banter goes on any longer, I'm going to set up camp here and have some kafay." He declared. "Anyone want to join me?"


  Instantly forgetting his anger, Dusk cocked his head to one side.  "What's kafay?  Is it yummy?"
  Peregrine rolled his eyes.  "Children."  He turned to the ferret and fox, saying, "Well, I may as well introduce myself.  My name is Peregrine Sandstorm, but my nonexistent friends call me Pip."
  Dusk looked at Peregrine.  "Pip?"  He giggled.  "That's a funny name!  Mine's Dusk."
  Peregrine, still not overly fond of having the boy around, mockingly said, "Dusk?  That's a funny name!"
  Dusk rolled his eyes and walked closer to the ferret.  "So, what is kafay?"
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"Kafay?" Detheurim sighed. "Well, it is a pretty ancient word, but in the common tongue I think Coffee, I think." He then unpacked a bag full of black powder and a pot. He also got out his flint and steel, and went to look for some firewood after asking, "Anyone want to come with me?"


OOC: If W0NWILL doesn't mind, I'll play the other reptiles.

BIC: A few miles away, a group of frilled lizards were basking in the sun. In the midst of them, a huge komodo dragon that was the leader looked in the direction of the sounds, for he had extraordinary hearing and eyesight.


OOC: I hope my character doesn't search for firewood in their direction! LOL


  Dusk followed the fox, skipping along.  "So," he said, "what's your name?  Mine's Dusk, if you didn't hear earlier."
  He stopped skipping and scratched his head.  "Wait, what's a 'coffee'?"
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OOC: Lol! Dusk is hilarious!  ;D

BIC: Shirle, the komodo leader gestured to the others to follow him, it was time for dinner...


Detheurim sighed. "Your nasty one minute, then innocent the other." He chuckled "I'm Detheurim. I'm not sure what it means, I think my parents named me after something in the ancient desert tongue, before it got its certain flare. *pause* You don't know what coffee is? It's ground-up coffee bean, then you pour it in hot water and stir it until it is hot and all the clumps are out. I haven't had anything in my life that tastes like it, so I can't give you any comparisons. It's quite good, though. A little bitter." They neared a spot that a couple weak or dead little desert trees and some twigs on the ground. "Keep your eyes out for anything odd" he said "enemies take this opportunity to sneak up on you while you are bent over. Stay here and keep watch." He then started collecting sticks.

OOC: I know that coffee requires a filter, then it drains into the pot, but what my character is describing is what we call "instant coffee".

Tiria Wildlough

Shona watched the others from a distance. She didn't want them to see her, but at the same time, she needed help. The ferret crouched behind a rock, wondering what she should do.
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  OOC:  Which "others" are you talking about?  Plugg and I or the larger group?

  BIC:  "Hmm, so that's what Mother and Father wouldn't allow me to drink!"  Dusk nodded.  "Now I get it.  Father let me have a sip once, but not more than that.  He said it'd... um...  Oh!  It'd stunt my growth, or something like that."

  "Keep your eyes out for anything odd, enemies take this opportunity to sneak up on you while you are bent over. Stay here and keep watch."

  "Okay," Dusk said, taking out his blowpipe and holding it at the ready, spinning in circles at a snail's pace.  He had learned that from his father before the... accident.  Father had told him to never stay in one spot, looking in one direction.  Keep your eyes open for any movement, he recalled, remembering his father's deep voice.

  "But Father!" he had protested.  "I'll look silly!"
  His father had shaken his head.  "You won't look silly because no one can see you.  Your fur is the same color as the sand."
  Dusk had sighed and started spinning, very irritated.
  "Not so fast," his father said.  "Go slowly, so you don't miss anything."
  Dusk slowed his pace.
  "Good.  Now, what can you see?"
  Dusk had peered out into the distance, rotating in a clockwise circle.  "I see... a lizard!  I see a lizard!"
  His father had a look of alarm as he had spotted it.  "Dusk, get back inside the dune.  Go warn your mother."
  "But I want to fight it!"  Dusk had pulled out his blowpipe, putting it to his lips.
  Dusk had quickly yanked it away, looking fearfully at his father.  Then, the larger sand cat had pushed him into the dune.

  Dusk shuddered, not wanting to remember any more than that.  His thoughts returned to the present, and he continued his slow circle.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: Um, the larger group.
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I'm not a hipster.