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Redwall Zombie Survival (late joins are welcome, read OOC)

Started by Griffen, December 17, 2012, 09:37:51 PM

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Because of how this game works, late joins are welcome, just  make a profile and wait for my say to join :)

Jine looked over the walls. The crawler was still there. "Brother... I promise. I will find a away!" he told it, just loud enough for it to hear. The deformed creature looked up at him. "answer me... brother answer me! Brother answer me!" Jine cried, upset about how things unraveled. A rat saw him near the edge and approached. "It's to late, its... to late. You must stay quite or the others will hear you." Jine embraced the rat in a hug, "I.. I understand" he replied while still holding on. "good" the rat said while letting Jine hug him.


Hise sat on the stairs in front of the abbey doors, thinking of everything that had happened in such a short time. A young shrew, little more than a dibbun had died, and the Guosim had left that area to come to Redwall. But the young shrew's mother had seen the young'un come over the crest of a hill and ran to him, proclaiming it to be a miracle. What happened couldn't be explained by any. The little shrew had grabbed his mother's skull and had taken a bite out of it. That was terrifying, and the Guosim had ran most of the way to Redwall in terror, chased by the little shrew and his mother. Now Hise, Log-a-log, and the other Guosim shrews stayed at Redwall, but they had lost their weapons in the chase.


Dranfor Rofnard sat on a barrel of October Ale in the Orchards. He was pondering at what had happened to him as he was coming to the Abbey:

He and his brother were running away from their den because of the zombie invasion. So as they came in sight of the Abbey, two shrews had jumped out of the bushes and attacked his brother, shredding him to pieces, Rofnard had barely time enough to slip in the Abbey before the three deformed corpses jumped on the gate.



he looked around the abbey, thirteen in total. "too much?" he asked himself "or too little?" it was day outside, he walked to Dranfor "how are you holding up?"


"Well, I'm still shaken with what I've seen. Can you imagine what it can be like to see you brother shredded into pieces?" He said, sighing sadly.



his moral lowed even more. "no.." he said while patting him on the back. "sorry to ask so soon, but do you have any supplies on you?"


"Well, I have a few carrots with me and a branch of celery."



"alright, keep them close." he told him "oh hey, im going out of the abbey for supplies soon, if your up to it... you can come if you wish. i can't promise your protection however."


"I'll come, but do you have any weapons to protect us?"


OOC: my aunt is over here from CA so i will post later. have a good day all :D



Hise watched the conversation, the steps he was sitting on where close to the orchards, and, not one to be left out he stood up and walked over, "What're yew doin'?" He asked in his naturally rough voice.



"eh, i have this one dagger" he pulled out a bronze dagger. looking over he saw hise step up. "well, to tell you the truth, we are running low on food, water we have unlimited of it from the well. but little to no food. will you join us?"


"Join you where? And that water's probably not clean." Hise said.


"Just tell me when we leave. Meanwhile I'll go explore."