Redwall Zombie Survival (late joins are welcome, read OOC)

Started by Griffen, December 17, 2012, 09:37:51 PM

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"wait, what? we've always drinking out of that well? of course we boil it first. but still. and ok dranford, i will look for a couple more people first."


"Ok, I'll be back in half an hour." Rofnard stood up and walked away towards the Abbey.



Shine had told him to count the food, again. They were running low, too low. even he knew what was needed.


Rofnard entered the now abandoned Great Hall. He walked towards a dark corner, hoping to find something useful.

OOC: I'm now waiting for Griffen to post what happens.


A cold drift, a evil sent, both hit Rofnard before the zombie. after 10 hours the zombies had dug under the abbey and into the room. the hole was covered by darkness. the zombie tried to stay quite while attacking its food. but the smell of flesh was over whelming "zwaaa!!!" it screamed while clawing.


Rofnard turned around and leaped to the other side of the Abbey. He jumped out and knocked the door back in place.

OOC: What can kill zombies?


OOC: decapitation and starvation work the best. It is possible to kill a zombie with bare hands, but i would recommend for you to have enough experience with zombies first.

BIC: the walker (make sure you know what zombie you are fighting also) moved towards the door and started hitting it. trying with ever ounce of power to push it open.


OOC: Ok. Can fire kill them too?

BIC: "SHINE!" Rofnard yelled. "Bring your dagger over quickly!"


OOC: if it destroys the brain of course :)


Shine was up on the wall when he saw him yelling. knowing time was short he threw the dagger and it unfortunately landed just out of reach of the fox.



BIC: Rofnard saw the dagger fall on the ground, just out of his reach. He jumped and picked it up, readying himself to kill it.


The cries of the zombie brought more in through the tunnel. When the door opened eight zombies pilled out the door, flesh was the only thing on their mind.


He should have thought about a plan in case zombie got in, but this was all he had "Zombies! Get in the trees! Go to the orchards!" he yelled out as survivors ran and climbed to safety. Halfway down the stairs he jumped then rolled to make his landing safer. He was on his way to Rofnard.


Rofnard lashed out at the nearest zombie. The headless bodie fell to the ground, lifeless for good. Rofnard then jumped up and lashed at another one, this time he only succeeded in cutting it's hand.


Hise ran to the orchards, jumped up, and attempted to grab a low branch to use as a weapon. However, as the shrew didn't weigh very much, it didn't snap. He bounced up and down for a bit, trying to break it. Finally, he gave up and went to a thinner branch, the one snapped under his weight and he charged toward the abbey with a much too long branch as a weapon.



He reached out and grabbed at the fox pulling him back "Flee you fool!" he yelled.*

The zombies cared less about the dead, or even the cut but continued on for flesh.

*i could change that so i didn't powerplay, but since you have no experience with fighting you would %90 die from infection or being turned into a zombie.

Dannflower Reguba

Quop was waxing a string for a bow if and when he could find the right branch.
The squirrel looked up as Flash called out, and shortly after he saw a shrew having some issues with a branch. He rushed to help with the eight unwanted arrivals.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This