Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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"I think this hamster knows the way to Redwall. We'd be safe there. But... what about her?" He said , indicating the unconscious form of Slatter.



OOC: sorry posted twice for some reason
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Rainshadow on February 11, 2013, 09:46:05 PM
  Vigelem still held her bow at the ready.  "How would you know this, beast?  How do I know that you aren't a spy from this ship?  You know, I could kill you for trespassing.  I could kill you all for trespassing!"

"I saw them" replied Sasam "and do I really look like a wave vermin? If you would like proof that I am not part of their crew you would have to go over ten thousand miles away to the jungle of Javilak and speak to my parents Kaijo the Caracal and Misak the Lynx, if you wanted more info you could talk to my brother Asol and twin sisters Ulan and Jesil. As for trespassing, I am Sasam the wanderer, I do what I want and go where I please, and really does one creature own the whole of Mossflower, if it belongs to anyone, it belongs to whoever is abbot or abbess of Redwall, they put enough work into it. Also, if you shoot that arrow anywhere near me, I will take it as a threat, jump into that tree and hurl you to the forest floor below and I warn you, I don't make idle threats" 
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Daisy was trying desperately to snap out of her fear and confusion. She finally found her voice, "YES! Yes! I AM from Redwall Abbey, they are my friends. If I am among friends now, I'd gladly show any friendly beast back to the abbey! But, please don't point your weapons at me, I was only exploring in the woods. I meant no harm!"


Now Mask showed his face two knives in each paw. He aimed one paw at the form in the tree and the other he aimed at Sasam."You,"he said indicating he was talking to Vigelim,"If you shoot ANYBODY you're dead," he threatened, "And you if you're from that vermin crew you talk about, well I might not kill ye I'll just cripple ye fer life."


  Vigelem nodded to the hamstermaid, saying, "Thank you."  She then turned back to Sasam.  "I do not own all of Mossflower, nor does the Abbess or Abbot of Redwall.  This," she nodded to the small clearing, "is my home.  Therefore, it is my territory.  You are trespassing.  Trespassers can and will be shot, if they don't have a good reason for trespassing.  These beasts," she gestured with her head to the injured foxes and their friends, "were allowed to stay here because of injuries.  She," Vigelem nodded to the hamster, "has just trespassed, but she clearly is lost and needs to go back to her Abbey.  You, Sasam, are a wanderer.  Not only are you a wanderer, you threatened me in my territory.  If anyone is to be killed, it would be you."

  "You, if you shoot ANYBODY you're dead."

  Vigelem laughed a short bark of a laugh.  "I'd be gone before the knife ever left your hand, raccoon.  Don't even try.  You've never messed with a Ranger of Mossflower before, and likely, you'll never see me again.  Now, if all of you would leave now, I'll forgive you for trespassing.  Anybeast who stays in my clearing will wish they hadn't."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"I only threatened you because you were threatening me, probably the hamster too before she said she was from Redwall" said Sasam "In any case, just because you live here does not mean you own the place oh and by the way Caracals have very keen eyes, you keep your face hidden so I don't know for certain but you look like you have a bushy tail and black squirrels are quite rare, so I'd guess you are a chipmunk eh?" he whirled on Mask "As for you Raccoon you remind me of someone I used to know so you're probably a decent creature, but again if you put that knife anywhere near me I will kill you. To cripple a Caracal is a huge offense to our entire species, we love to jump high into the air, we can jump over twelve feet high, if you cripple one of us, the rest will be after you like the hounds of hell, just a warning"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


"Haha you think I'm afraid of Carcals whatever that is you wouldn't be able to see me if I was in your face.And you Wanger o mossfwower I'm soooo scared of a baby chipmunk who lost her home."


Cole heard noises not very far away. He woke up halfway and tried to listen, but he couldn't stay focused. His right arm was too stiff to move anymore, and the pain was almost to his neck. He continued to drift it and out of consciousness, with the vague thought that the arrow might have been poisoned.


Now that Daisy was out in the open, she was feeling a bit more brave, but who in the world were these GIANT creatures? Most of them looked as if they could eat her alive! Could she trust them? One giant creature seemed to be protecting a....FOX? Was that a fox? Daisy had never seen one, just had heard from her abbey friends not to trust them. But she heard the creature moan in pain. Daisy decided not to get too close, yet at least.


(But most forest creatures have never seen a real wildcat.)

cregga rose eyes

Emerald remained silent as everything took place. Why was this happening. She was hoping everything would settle.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


  Vigelem sighed at the fact that no beast was leaving.  "Fine, how about everybeast puts away their weapons and is sensible, eh?  Would that be better?"
  To strengthen her suggestion, Vigelem lowered her bow and put away the arrow.  She slung her bow over her back, climbing down a branch to get closer.
  Seeing the fires, Vigelem got slightly irritated.  She hated fire, especially when it was in her territory.  She looked back to Sasam, saying, "Why don't you stop gloating, Caracal.  Just because you come from a different species than the rest of us doesn't mean that you're higher and have more authority than the rest of us.  I don't gloat that I'm a rare beast or the only Ranger in Mossflower, now do I?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Tranquility sighed, turning and heading for the river.