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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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Daisy held her breath. OH NO!, she thought,...someone had heard her and they were coming her way with intent. Friend or foe, friend or foe??? In the dark, she couldn't make out what type of creature was coming towards her. As quietly as she could, she reached into her pouch, grabbed a stone and loaded her slingshot.


  Vigelem had her bow out before anybeast could do anything.  Of course, no beast knew she was there, so that was a slight problem.  How could she get them to stop?
  "Stop, beast!" she cried out, aiming at the intruder.  She couldn't tell what species they were, but she saw that they were loading a sling, and she didn't want any injuries in her territory.  At least, no injuries that weren't made by her.
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OOC: Tiria asked me to take her character.

BIC: Slatter woke up with a pain in her head. When she got up, she realized her jaw had caught a root when she fell. Hard. She touched it and staggered with pain. Her head was spinning. She needed help. She saw a light of a fire in the distance... actually two! She headed for the bigger one, hoping she wouldn't lose consciousness again for every step brought painful vibrations to her jaw.

Sothen stopped at the voice. Remaining stock still, he waited to see if the command was at him.


  Vigelem remained in the tree, still holding her bow at the ready.  She watched one of the beasts, a squirrel*, looking around.  "You, squirrel, stand down.  And beast with the sling, drop it!"

  OOC:  *Sothen is a squirrel, correct?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Daisy gasped! What had just happened? All of a sudden she felt surrounded! Who was the creature up in the tree? The point of the beast's arrow shined and glimmered from the nearby fire. Daisy knew she had better obey and hope there was a thread of kindnesss in the beast. Daisy yelled out, "Don't shoot! I'm a hamster-maid from the abbey!"


  Vigelem hesitated.  The Abbey?  "Redwall?" she asked, still pointing the bow, but now aiming it slightly to the left of this hamstermaid.  Of course, it was such a minor change in direction, it would still look like she was aiming at the beast.  That way this hamster wouldn't get any ideas.
  "What are you doing away from Redwall?" Vigelem asked in a gruff voice, trying to make herself sound masculine.  She didn't want anyone knowing that she was a female.  Other beasts tended not to be as afraid of females.
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The Seawraith came sailing up the river moss, Barbas Asmim the water opossum stood at the prow, paw on cutlass. "Drop Anchor!" he called. He waited until he heard the anchor hit the water and strode over to the cabin at the back of the ship "We've arrived sir" he said. "Excellent" said a voice from inside.


Whiptail the jaguarundi stepped out of his cabin into the night of Mossflower. "Cap'n" called one of the crew, a sea rat called Gringe "Why did we come 'ere?" Whiptail's tail swished behind him as he talked, the deadly tailblade The Ripper pointed at the rat "Legends speak of a great abbey in Mossflower made of red stone, the thing is nigh on impossible to attack and their food is said to be the best for miles around, can't you just picture us as lords of that abbey?" The vermin began to cheer and shout as their captain smiled evilly.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Sothen stood up slowly and his ears pricked. What was that! It sounded like a ships bell... and angry shouting cheers in the distance! He scampered up the nearest tree and saw a jolly roger floating in the wind, a couple miles away. It was still to close to be dangerous, he thought. He had to go warn the others. But first... "You said you were from the abbey, right? Would you be able to take us there?"

Slatter stumbled up to the camp. She had made it! She was able to make out two foxes, a wildcat, and a... cat-ferret looking thing* before co lapsing to the ground from exertion.

OOC: *Mask



Whiptail watched as the crew leaped off the boat into the river, weapons drawn. He waited until Barbas had followed and vaulted over the prow, landing deftly on his feet. "Barbas" he said "get the crew lined up in ranks of ten, pike and spear beasts at the front, archers at the back, I want this crew ready to attack the abbey immediately. Trathur, go back down the coast and bring the scouts back here, we need every beast we can get!"

Trathur scurried off to do his captain's bidding, about half a minute after he had gone they heard a high-pitched scream of terror.


Barbas whipped around as a huge adder came slithering out of the bushes, half of Trathur was dangling from it's mouth, Trathur was Barbas' brother. Barbas drew his dirks and charged the thing, it swung it's head and caught him in the side sending him flying into a rock. His dirks shattered on contact with the rock and splintered everywhere, one of the shards stuck in his shoulder. The adder began to slither towards Barbas and the vermin crew fled before him. Barbas raised one of his axes and hefted it at the beast, it glinted as it flew through the air, it hit the adder in the eye and the beast writhed and screeched in pain, it reared up into the air, Whiptail swung his tail at the adder's soft underbelly, the serrated edge of the ripper tore through it's flesh and it slumpled to the ground. Barbas grabbed a fallen pike and jumped on the thing, thrusting the pike downwards. It screamed again as the pike pierced it's brain before closing it's remaining eye.


Sasam heard the commotion from his camp to the side of the river. He stuck his head out of the bushes and took in the situation. He ran back to his camp and kicked out the fire. He grabbed his staff and began walking as fast as he could towards Redwall, the creatures there needed to be warned of the vermin presence. He was walking so fast that he didn't see where he was going, tripped over a root and went tumbling into the camp of the strangest assortment of creatures he had ever seen, a squirrel, two foxes, a duck, a huge bird and a cat who was slightly smaller than him "Oh hello there" he said lamely.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Vigelem remained high up in the tree, unseen by most.  She saw the newcomer stumble in, and she immediately aimed her bow at him.  "Friend or foe?" she demanded, still trying to keep the gruff, masculine voice.

  Tharn was hiding in the ferns a short distance from where everybeast was.  He was trembling slightly, but not enough to make the plant life rattle.  Of that he was glad.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Sasam looked up at the speaker "Foe if you're with the vermin crew by the Moss"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Vigelem tensed.  "What vermin crew?" she asked, coming slightly closer.  Most of her body was hidden by the cloak, including her face.  She was very grateful that the beast who had made her cloak had put a large hood on.  This way she could look mysterious.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Tranquility was watching this all, and she slowly sat up, using her teeth to gently take her cloak back. She always walked on all fours, though she was still enormous enough on all fours. She had visited a small village that lay within sight of Salamanastron once, and had stood on her back legs at the request of a sickly dibbun, who had promtly stated, with childish innocence and ignorance, that if she ever stood before the badger lord, he would bow. This of course, was not true. She looked at the newcomers, silent.


(You know a Savannah is actually a breed of domestic cat about the same size as a sand cat right, yes they are the size of a small dog but quite small in relation to a wild cat, which is the third biggest creature in Redwall and tiny compared to a badger which is the second biggest, Redwallified she would be about the same size as an otter)

"They came in a huge ship called the Sea wraith they are captained by a Jaguarundi and they plan to attack Redwall, we must warn the abbey creatures" Sasam replied
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Vigelem still held her bow at the ready.  "How would you know this, beast?  How do I know that you aren't a spy from this ship?  You know, I could kill you for trespassing.  I could kill you all for trespassing!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!