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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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"Many people think so, that it fits, my name that is. And you," he said talking to Sothen," What's got your tail in a bunch?"


Tranquility smiled a bit. She might like talking to this raccoon. She flicked her tail up to avoid getting it wet, knowing the forest creatures would probably not understand cat-tail-speak.

cregga rose eyes

 Emerald felt a pain in her head. I'm alive! She thought with excitement as she peered out at her surroundings. She was lodged in a tree that had fallen not long before, and laid half submerged in the river. Carefully moving her arms. She felt like she might have enough strength to pull herself to the shore. Pulling herself forward weakly, Emerald made it to the bank.
Not caring if anyone was near or could see her, Emerald crawled into a space between two tree roots. She closed her eyes and slept.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Pi watched on as the fox pulled herself out of the river. He slightly admired the fox for holding on and pulling herself out. He crossed the river to the tree where she had crawled under. He sat not far away and laid his head on the ground like a dog. He closed his eyes, but didn't sleep.


Tranquility let her tail swing just above the water, not liking to hold it up unless she was signaling.


"Well are we going to get moving or are you just going to stand there gawking at me. Let's go!" he yelled over his shoulder as he ran along the river.


The large black cat instantly darted ahead, sending up short bursts of water in her wake.


"Haha, first one to find her gets to eat all the vittles they want!" he said putting on an extra burst of speed to beat the cat.


Pi listened to them from his place. Seemed like he'd get the food. He stood up and went to center stream, not far from the fallen tree. They'd probably stop short at him. The ostrich smirked, he couldn't wait to see their expressions.


"... my 'vittles' are probably something you don't want to see me eat," she replied.


"Well then cat of great size,"Mask jumped in the river looking for her. Then he saw a large duck down stream. He ran to it. "You there, who are you?"


Tranquility stopped, her ears pricked. ".... what a large bird," she commented softly, not seeming threatened. Well, considering she was huge, and had claws and teeth. But still, her calm nature helped.


"I get the food." Pi said simply, "I believe you are looking for a female fox that was washed downstream?"


Tranquility nodded. "Though I don't think we have said food on hand... at least, probably not anything in your diet..."


"What do you mean, 'not in my diet'?" Pi snarled, "Are you saying that you won't give me food when I found your fox?"