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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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"Sure it was an accident." Marvin dismissed it. He saw Cole's bloody paw, "Looks like that hurt. Can't do anything about it myself." Marvin wasn't paying any attention to what Sothen had said, though he had heard it. He had a habit for hearing something and not attaching it to anything important.


Buckler III brandished his staff. "Should I knock the blighter out again, sah?" he asked Marvin.

Cole moaned and covered his head with his left paw as best he could. His right paw was still limp by his side.


"What? No!" Marvin protested.

cregga rose eyes

Emerald watched the squirrel as he walked around her. She backed up. Feeling the wet mud underneath her paw. She spoke. "Might I ask what you might be doing? Your fox is waking up, you should make sure he doesn't go at that duck of yours."
Emerald knew that she would have a good clear throw for one of her daggers in case Sothen made to shoot her with an arrow. She was not going to die to arrows.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Cole slowly got up. After he got up, he fell back to his knees, putting a paw to the side of his head and crying out in pain. He was panting hard from the effort. He got up again, this time managing to stay standing. "W- where's m-my axe?" he stammered. He looked around for it. He saw it on the ground and stumbled over to it. He tried to pick it up with his left paw, but it slipped out of his grasp due to the blood on his paw. He cursed and wiped his paw on his tunic. He picked up his axe and hefted it onto his shoulder, and looked around at his surroundings.


Sothen slowly set his bow down. Arrows would be too slow for this one, he thought. He made an instant desicion. Faster than you could say 'treejumper', Sothen whipped out one of his throwing knifes and threw it at a non-lethal point,hoping it would make Emerald faint from pain.


Cole started to walk towards Sothen. "Stop! Don't hurt her!" he said. It was too late. The squirrel had already thrown the knife.

OOC: Should Emerald be Cole's little sister?


Tranquility had not answered, but had watched, obviously disapproving of the pointless arguing. She sighed like a disappointed mother-cat.

cregga rose eyes

Emerald gasped in pain as she stumbled back, paw on head. How could she not have seen that. Her vision blurred as she fell into the swift water of the river.

OOC: Emerald is weary of other foxes and I had Emerald act in disgust previous towards Cole. She could be his sister, but perhaps something happened between them that made her so weary. Also, Emerald will be out for awhile, but she will come back.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


The cat finally decided to act, entering the swift water without hesitation. Her size allowed her to plow into the water, curved claws giving her grip as she aimed to try to snatch the fox before she got too far.


OCC: Nobody, I think Cregga WANTS Emerald to be washed dwon the river right now.

BIC: "Why?" Sothen said. "She was threatening us, and I didn't kill her."


Okay then, just know that the max amount of time an animal can spend underwater without death is less than 10 minutes. *Encyclopediaplz*)

cregga rose eyes

OOC: She is semiconscious. The River is stronger towards the center, so it will wash her downstream a good bit before she gets out or washes ashore. She can keep her head above water just barely at the moment.

BIC: Emerald sputtered. The river surrounded her. She was dimly aware of the strange cat coming towards her, she wouldn't make it. That, Emerald could tell.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Cole dropped the axe. He looked pale from loss of blood. "I think she's..." he began, "I mean I think she was my sister. I'm not entirely sure. My sister used to be very annoying, but you still had no right to kill her!" His shoulder began to throb. He grabbed his shoulder with his left paw and gritted his teeth against the pain. He appeared as if were about to pass out again.


Tranquility snagged for her, but missed. She then decided to let it be when the river took her far enough. Maybe it was fate that the river should claim the fox. Perhaps there was a river god somewhere that needed an offering. Tranquility left the river, shaking herself until she was damp.