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Retake Redwall Discussion

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, February 09, 2013, 06:09:48 AM

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How did Martin's sword end up in Mossflower?

It was hidden before the abbey was conquered
A slave snuck it out and hid it
A vermin stole it- but then got lost and died in the woods
It's been lost or hidden away for a long time before the abbey was taken
None of the above (please post a suggestion)


Hi. I have an idea for an RPG, but I am not a good gamemaster at all (I tried it with D&D). So I was wondering if there was someone who was willing to GM for me (or rather, my idea). My idea is this: Redwall Abbey has been under the paw of a vermin warlord (fox or wildcat maybe?) for many seasons now, and the creatures there are either in the vermin horde or enslaved. Martin's spirit has been long silent. But now he speaks, and the Abbey must be re-taken. Please let me know if anyone's interested.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Oh, by the way: I'm really sorry if someone else already has an RPG like this. I promise I'm not stealing your idea (on purpose, anyway...). I just thought it would be interesting to have Redwall Abbey be under vermin rule for a prolonged period of time.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


I feel like kind of an idiot. Maybe I will be a Game Master? ??? If no one else wants to, I will, but I would really like some help with it at least, like a co-GM. ;D Characters of all- well, most- species are welcome. (I haven't noticed many shrews, though. It would be cool if we had a few, but it doesn't really matter.) Arrgh, I'm so weird and I worry about silly things. >:( *sigh* Oh, well. C'est la vie.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


OK I could be it but please don't double or triple post you may just hit the pencil on an notebook which lets you modify your post.That button is right above the quote button. If I'm not the game master I 'd like to be in it.


I'll think about it. Just to let you know, there's also a tournament coming up if you'd like to join


I'd do it. Nice idea. Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Dannflower Reguba

I'd volunteer to do it for you, but those other three have to decide first.  ;D Sounds like a great idea, and I certainly plan on joining. Welcome to our forum!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This




Mattio- Thank you. I don't really know very much about forums at all, so constructive criticism is very helpful. :) Also, I'd love to have you in this RPG, even if you can't be a GM.

Romsca- Thank you, too, for letting me know about the RPG tournament. It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for a tournament quite yet...

WONWILL and danflorreguba- Thanks for considering. It'll be lots of fun once we get this going.

WoodenSpoon- The GM is the "Game Master". They basically control the "background" details and such of the story, and often plays a character, too. (Sorry if this didn't explain very well. Others, please feel free to add to this explanation.)

Again, thanks to everyone. This is my first forum, and it feels nice to be welcomed so quickly.  ;D
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Well, this is considered by other people on other forums who are also part of this forum to be a very friendly forum. This was my first forum as well. And I suggest that you start to flesh out the idea a bit more, add a larger storyline, think of what the creatures attempting to free the abbey need to do to free it, like steal Martin's Sword back or something along those lines.


Or steal their own tapestry putting them in the villians shoes might be kinda fun


 :) I like the idea of the woodlanders having to sneak and steal to get their abbey back; it makes a nice twist. And WONWILL, thanks for your advice. Looking at the idea, it does seem a bit like an incomplete skeleton. I will definitely work on the plot some more.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


This looks good so far Kitrall  ;D It seems like you're getting the hang of things just fine. Feel free to ask questions along the way, people here are good at helping with putting together role plays.

Once you have a more fleshed out plot, I would love to join in.


  I think that this would be a very interesting RP to join!  When you've got this whole idea thought out, I'd love to be a part of it.  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!