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Retake Redwall Discussion

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, February 09, 2013, 06:09:48 AM

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How did Martin's sword end up in Mossflower?

It was hidden before the abbey was conquered
A slave snuck it out and hid it
A vermin stole it- but then got lost and died in the woods
It's been lost or hidden away for a long time before the abbey was taken
None of the above (please post a suggestion)


Me too I took like 15 minutes trying to figure out a name for my characters


Name: Marco
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Weapon: Spear
Appearance: Light brown fur, green eyes, wears a red tunic
Personality: Marco is fun-loving and naive, and will never accept help and will get mad at anyone who offers. He's not very intelligent, but is a good fighter.
Occupation: Traveler
History: Was born up north, lived there for a while, went traveling wither his brother.

Name: Polo
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Weapon: Axe
Appearance: Light brown fur, green eyes, wears a blue tunic
Personality: Polo is a somber and serious sort, he's proud, but will accept help when he needs it. He's not the best at fighting, but is rather intelligent.
Occupation: Traveler
History: Was born up north, lived there for a while, went traveling wither his brother.

Name: Tzarin
Species: Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 43
Weapon: Martin's sword OR slim curved sword (Martin's sword if we aren't doing the battle to find it)
Appearance: Unlike most foxes, she has rich black fur with a white belly and chest. She wears a dark blue jacket with gold buttons, a large dark green hat with a red feather in it, and tall boots from the time she was a ship captain.
Personality: She tries to be elegant, but often comes across as crude, mean, and greedy. She has Haphephobia(fear of being touched), and won't let anyone touch her, even when she is sick. She is intelligent and enjoys flaunting her understanding of the mind and world in other's faces. She goes by her own definitions of the world, and will kill/order to be killed/try to kill anybeast that messes with her definitions. However, her definitions are usually right/acceptable.
Occupation: Warlord
History: Her father was born in the far south, and grew up in a small household. His house burned down as the result of arson by a small vermin group, and he was forced to join them. He rose slowly to second in command and then the gang leader died under mysterious circumstances. He led the group of vermin, gathering many more vermin, building a horde. He became known as Farrin the Conquerer. He fought a long and bloody battle with Redwall before he won. He became a king, with Tzarin his heir. But before Farrin the Conquerer died, she went to sea with her two younger brothers(both of which could be roleplayed by anyone) and went pirate for a while, but it was just one of those phases, and she went back to Redwall not long before Farrin the Conquerer died. No-one knows why he died, but there was no physical evidence as to why. But poisoning is suspected. The reality is that one of her brothers was sick of their aging father, so he spiked his father's wine with wolfbane. She became Tzarin the Wise and currently spends much of her time in the library.

Name: Zeire
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Species: Bat
Weapon: N/A
Appearance: Zeire is light grey with slightly darker wings.
Personality: Zeire is rather bitter most times and won't hesitate to bite your head off if you cheek her. She's a little vain, but not much. She has a naturally worried state.
Occupation: Slave
History: Was born to Hivit and Vespar, who left her at Redwall when she was just a dibbun to travel together, not very good parents. She isn't the best behaved sort, and aspires to turn pirate. She often picks fights with other young ones for little to no reason.


 :o WONWILL- That is really cool. I like how well you thought out the backstory. As to Martin's sword, I think the RPers should decide. (I think that either scenario with the sword would work out fine, personally.)

Ok, so here's my character:
Name: Liathach MacGearr (goes by "Liath")
Age: Young adult (20 or so?)
Gender: Female
Species: Hare
Weapon(s): Staff, paws
Occupation: Woodlander
Appearance: Small for a hare, with grey fur. Wears a khaki tunic with a dark blue cord. Has a droopy right ear.
Personality: Reserved. She is a ferocious fighter, despite her quiet nature, though she seldom kills opponents, preferring to send them packing with a cracked skull or ribs. Also likes to use stealth to intimidate ennemies: sneaking into their camp and messing stuff up, appearing/disappearing suddenly, etc.
Other: Came injured from the North a few seasons ago, and was cared for by woodlanders outside of Redwall Abbey. She has a burning hatred of vermin. Won't talk about her life in  the North. Has a highlands accent.

Did I leave anything out of the character sheet? I kinda feel like I'm missing something or other.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


No, can't think of anything. And that reminds me of my RP character, Aticaus Torsorem, sort of, with the won't talk about life in the north. Then again, he didn't tell anyone his name either. Maybe mixed with Lieren Torsorem for the hatred of vermin.


Yeah... I really like Scottish accents, so decided to have her from the North, but I've only got a vague sort of idea about her past, and usually my characters get too chatty, so that's where the "won't talk, esp. about past" came from. Plus, hares are just cool in general.

Side note: I won't be online for a few hours or so, until I get back from church and stuff. Then during the week, I'll most likely have a very limited access to the computer. (Homework. Ugh. :P)

EDIT: Hi. I''m back.
I'm not sure when we should start this... any suggestions?? (I mean, I know we should probably get a few more characters before it starts, but when we have enough-- ? Like I said, I'm new to this sort of thing, so I have no idea.)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


I see. Maybe a few more people and characters.


Thanks for the advice. (I've just realized that my explaining how/why my character was created looks really stupid... *facepalms* Sorry. I'm just- weird. And lacking common sense when it comes to socializing.)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Dannflower Reguba

Name: Sodo Suelain
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 21 1/2
Weapon: (Martin's sword if found), uses a sword of this appearance

He will also wield a bow on occasion
Appearance: Blotchy gray fur, He wears a dark green tunic with a hood, tight bound leather gauntlets (palm to 2' in. from elbow) his eyes are luminescent bright green with a darker hue.
Personality: He's quiet, but friendly. Dark, but reassuring. He is a mixed beast, he has a charisma of sorts, but yet needn't say a word to inspire. Silently kind are the two of the most common describing words when it comes to him.
Other: As he is quiet, he hasn't told anyone where he has come from, or his back story, what IS known is that he hates the fox Warlord for what he has done, and would do anything to end his reign.

BTW Sodo is not meant to have any relation to Frodo or soda.  ;D

P.S. I've already stated my position on the Sword, I prefer the race.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  So, I have a second character that I'd like to RP again.  He's an oldie, but one of my more fun ones.  I mean, he's a pyromaniac as well as a northerner, so how could he not be fun?

  Name:  Firefly (goes by Fire)
  Species:  Otter
  Age:  23
  Gender:  Male
  Weapon(s):  Bow'n'arrows, sling, fire (when he can get his paws on it.  That pretty much means that he carries flint and steel everywhere that he goes)
  Appearance/clothing:  Golden/red fur, amber eyes, forelock that hangs over his left eye, brown leather tunic with scorch marks, cute smile
  Personality:  Pyromaniac, cheery, mischievous, not very obedient, cocky
  History:  Firefly was born in a field on a dark summer night.  There were fireflies flying all around his tiny body and the shine of the bugs was making his wet pelt glow.  His mother thought he looked like a beautiful firefly at that moment, so she decided to name him after her favorite bug.  His name might be the reason for his fascination with fire.  He was kicked out of his home at age 17 because he nearly lit it on fire.  After that he wandered around, running into a Holt.  He stuck with that for a few years, but grew tired of the life, so he went back to traveling.  He recently heard the story of Redwall, the great Abbey, and how it was captured by vermin.  He'd come into the RP by meeting Liathach (if that's alright with KitrallStreamrippler)
  Occupation:  Wanderer/pyromaniac (don't get too close to him when he's playing with fire)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



I heartily approve both new characters.
danflor: I like the mixed personality of your character, and I think it's cool that he has blotchy fur to go with it. :)
Rainshadow: *slow, mischievous grin spreads across face* Just- yes. (And of course it's fine if you enter by meeting Liathach.)

So, we've got a warlord, a sword-bearer, some travelers and woodlanders, and a slave. Hmm... I think that if we get another slave or two, we'll have plenty of characters to start with. I just need to decide on a name and touch up on the plot. I can't wait! ;)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Sehr gut! Maybe I'll make another character, a slave. I have one in mind.

EDIT: In the post of mine above.

Dannflower Reguba

I might make Sodo a slave... and after Kitrall so kindly pointed out what should have been by design (the mixed personality and the blotchy fur) I might turn some of his fur white. Thanks for mentioning that.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


How about for the name Retake Redwall Abbey!


danflor: You're welcome of course, but *puzzled face* you didn't do the fur/personality thing on purpose? Huh.

Mattio: Thanks for the input. Your suggestion is simple and to the point, but still sounds nice... I think I'll use that. Btw, should I change the name of this discussion/topic/whats-it-called to match? If so, how does that work?

Also, there is a plot point that needs to be clarified:
Should Martin's sword be in use by the warlord or hidden? And if hidden, where? (In Mossflower, at Salamandastron, inside the abbey?) Any input on this subject is welcome. I will go with whatever choice is most popular.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!