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Siege of Gondor: RP

Started by Troy Troodon, April 27, 2013, 12:27:32 AM

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Troy Troodon

It was close to 12 o'clock, and a pigeon roasts upon a rocky outcrop, above The city of Minas Morgul, lair of the tower of the moon. A beacon is lit from that city, glowing in a sickly white; and it's cavernous gate was gaping wide, and out from the gate and army came.

All that host was clade in sable, dark as the night. Against the wann walls and the luminous pavement of the road there they came, small black figures in rank upon rank, thousands of rats, weasels, stoats, and even some wolverines, wolves, and wolf riders all marching swiftly and silently, passing outwards in an endless stream.
Before them came a great cavalry of horsemen in the form of black foxes, moving like ordered shadows; And at their head rode one greater than all the rest, a big black cat all black, save that on his head he wore a helm like a crown that flickered with a paralis light. Now slowly he draws near the edge of the bridge below, and the eyes of the pigeon above soon watched.

But just as they walked across the opposite side, the rider halted suddenly and all his host stood still. There was a pause, a near deathly silence; The pigeon up high hid as well as he can and tried toned down his breath as much as his lungs can allow him and for a while all was still. Then at that moment, the black cat king spurred his horse and moved forward, and all his host again followed. A great battle was at hand and now the black cat was in haste for the already the hour had struck and now he marches on to war.
Soon he had passed like a shadow into shadow down the winding road and behind him the black ranks still crossed the bridge. No host so fell and strong had ever marched this way yet it was not one, but the greatest of the invading forces yet to come and then other armies will come.

Then the pigeon flees, and heads off to warn of an enemy invasion.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Shadowed One

Dirhaborn the otter, Guard of the Citadel, stood near the beacon of Minas Tirith with a torch in his hand. He had received orders to light the beacon to call for aid. One thought was uppermost in his mind. Would Rohan come, and if so, would they be in time to help the beleaguered defenses of the city? He dropped the torch on the beacon, and then stared at the the mountains as fires lighted on them, sending a call for help to their ally, Rohan.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Troy Troodon

Just outside the city, a mary band were being antagonized by what appear to be a flock of birds. They were big and black beasts of dark feathers and hooked beaks, with wings casting shadows that even encompass the sun.

The gates opened, and thankfully the battalion made it safely just as the gate shut, and the big black birds flew out of sight, without a trace.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Kurah stood quietly, though he was almost shaking with anticipation of the coming battle. He would slay many before this day was out. He placed a paw on the handle of his battle axe, and a slow, sadistic smile spread across his features.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Shadowed One

Dirhaborn stood on the wall of the top level with the other Citadel Guards. He looked out over the Pelenor and saw below the darkened sky a huge army of evil vermin. They were slowly coming towards the great city of Minas Tirith. He smiled, because the tall bottom wall was unbreakable. The only weakness was the gates. They were huge and strong, and would not break easily, but they could be broken.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Troy Troodon

OOC: We're using animals remember. Thanks for the fixing.

Faramir the falcon flies off, leading a sortee of other birds and creatures on foot to defend their base at Osgiliath; The enemy forces already present are not all great; the rats are very lightly armed and armored, the weasels to are light weaponed and have few wolf riders on their side, and the wild cats have few horsemen. But Faramir's sortee also has few horsemen, but still better armed are his troops of mice, otters, hawks, dogs and cats, as well as some stage deer from the north.

A day has passed since his departure; and a pigeon just flew in from the cassoway forts with urgent news. A new host had been issued from Minas Morgul; bigger in ranks with better armory, better arms, and new beasts to ride on, and is now half way to reinforcing the enemy that had already drawn eye at Osgiliath; and it had been joined with regiments of monkeys from the south, The Haradrim, cruel and tall beasts. "And we have learned--" said the pigeon "That The Black Cat, leads them!" Their was a fearsome pause and quite thru out the city with those ill boding words.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Shadowed One

OOC:oops, I will change it.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Troy Troodon

OOC: Thanks, be sure to edit your last post to add more "BIC" to it. Just like how I do it. ;)

One week had passed; and the sortee still make post at Osgiliath.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Shadowed One

Dirhaborn looked towards Osgiliath and saw an enormous host of vermin on the eastern bank. The bridges were destroyed, but the host was preparing many boats. Dirhaborn knew that the sorted there could not hold long. He looked farther away, towards Cair Andros, and saw that it was already under attack from vermin. He sighed, and looked towards Rohan, hoping, always hoping.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Troy Troodon

Finally, miles away from the city the beacon had been reached to Rohan.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Shadowed One

At Minas Tirith, Dirhaborn knew nothing of what was happening in Rohan. All he knew was that the sortee in Osgiliath was being overrun. He wished he could help, but the Steward had ordered that none should cross the Pelenor with the enemy so near.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Thomas Barkshield

Merry was caught up in all the commotion of Rohan getting ready to go to war. Messengers were sent out to raise a great host to defeat sauron. Finally, he could go to war!

Troy Troodon

All the horses of the rittermark join forces, and soon they are joined with bands of stags and hares from the fords of isen, and with them came troops of sturdy badgers and hares ready to charge to battle.

Meanwhile, another report had been made at Minas Tirith; The passage of Anduin was won by the enemy, and Faramir is now on a retreat, with two thirds of his troops remaining.
There they can be seen, soldiers hurrying or even running whittles like hunted animals heading for the head.
There in the distance houses and barns were burning, and the enemy was coming, carrying torches, now growing in great length and speed. Not far from the gates a more ordered army had come; marching not running. It was Faramir and his sortee. They were nearly there.
Then suddenly with the crack from a rat chieftain's whip there came a chorus of fierce cries, the enemy was now in hot pursuit. Horsemen of the Marlfox swept up into a galloping;  leading the charge with wolf riders not far behind, and the lines of fire soon became flowing torrents, as whole file upon file of rats and stoats baring flames, and wild southron primates with red banners shouting in harsh tongues were all surging up to overtake the retreat. And with a piercing cry, there fell the winged shadows! Flocks of crows and other fell birds came stooping to the kill, with every swerve all those below would run whit-less here and there.

Then suddenly when the gates opened, all the army present from within the city then came to the retreat in aid, with swans of Dol Amroth, and all the mounted animals left in the city leading the charge. "For Gondor" said Prince Imrahil "For Gondor, and Faramir" And as the tides have turned there was a mighty clash against the ranks, and with Gandalf The White present, the deathly flyers from above turned tail and fled. now the Retreat had become and onslaught, hunters became the hunted, and all the while the very field was rampant with stricken men on both sides; The enemy turned back to regroup, and with that the forces of Gondor took the opportunity to do the same.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Shadowed One

OOC: You meen the Rittermark, right?

BIC: Dirhaborn helped swing open the gates, and Faramir and his sorted came in. They looked scared, and many were wounded. They rode upwards, towards the top level.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Troy Troodon

Among the infantry, Faramir himself was most wounded; For even as the black birds turned on sight of Gandalf, there came flying a deadly dart, and it was aimed straight for Pippin from that direction, while completely surrounded by dozens of rats. But before the mouse was pierced thru the heart, Faramir, who had swooped down to aid pippin fending off the vermin and even held off a horse mounted champion of Harad--was struck by the unseen arrow in vain, and had fallen to the earth. It was only with further reinforcements from The Dol Amroth that he was atleast sparred from the red monkeys and their southron swords-that would have more than easily hewn him as he lay.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.