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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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I fallowed Drimun down the stair case. " do you live here all the time?"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun nodded. "Yeah, me and my Dad had an argument over Dad not letting Glantrin come home. Then I got a letter from Glantrin asking me if I could watch the prison for a bite while he was away. I then said to my Father that I was going to the prison to help Glantrin, and he said if I did not to bother coming home so, I wanted to lived with Glantrin and there you have it."

Back in the office Glantrin was thinking. What had the squirrel been staring at? had Drimun told her?
He held his left paw up in front of his face. It shook visibly. Never mind, even if Drimun had told her he didn't know everything, like why his father had told him to leave home in the first place.
"And no one must ever know." Glantrin whispered to himself. "That secret is known only to me and one other beast. And he isn't here. And it must stay that way."


OOC: You are awesome at making killer plot twists!

BIC: "Do you ever wish you could go back to the way it was?" 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC Thanks but it kind of runs in the family my sister is a AWESOME author and one day wants to be a published author and she helps me a lot with my writing  ;)
BIC Drimun thought for a moment. "No not really. Glantrin had already left by the time I was born, and Dad was almost afraid to talk about him. Said he was a disgrace to the family."

Far way in the Silver Palace Mulbo the healer was worriedly talking to Queen Namin, though the otter queen wasn't really listening. She was too busy organising a Springtime Water Feast.
"But Namin," Mulbo kept saying. "It's so strange, the amount of venom injected into Glantrin would have killed even the strongest warrior. It doesn't make sense."
Namin smiled and patted Mulbo's paw while telling the little ottermaid in front of her what kind of flowers to weaving into the baskets.
"Oh Mulbo, maybe he wasn't injected with as much venom as we thought. Maybe he's just a strong beast and his system fought it off until we got there. He was a Silver Slayer after all." Namin smiled again at Mulbo before hurrying off to check on the cakes in the Palace kitchen.     


"That's strange. OK so he got injured but that doesn't make him a disgrace... Dose it? It just doesn't add up."
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun shook his head. "No before that Father said he was a disgrace, I asked why once and Father said I wouldn't understand until I was older."


"That's odd... Was your dad a Silver Slayer? Is this here my room?" I said indicating the door we had stopped in front of.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Yeah, but no dad wasn't a Silver Slayer. He didn't like them, said that they were all back stabbing assassins."
Drimun said opening the door. "Will it do? Cos if not I could find another room." Drimun stuttered.  


"No this is fine, Thanks for letting me stay the night and good night," I went in and closed the door behind me then I flopped down on the bed and fell asleep.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Tam and Martin

Come on! I should be out of jail by now!

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


OOC: Oy, at leazt yer nae lozt in zome unkenned cavern.

Strang walked into the prison. He hadn't ever been here before, and it was a lot to take in. "Oi! Anybeazt 'ere?" he called, glancing around. "Ah'm 'ere tae pay for Hiag'z releaze! 'ello anybeazt...?"
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


OOC TaM have you paid your fee out yet?
BIC Glantrin walked out of his office and looked the weasel up and down.
"What's you name?"


It was morning and I woke up left the room and started to look for Drimun but was having trouble. I was kind of  lost. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun was already up and in the small kitchen which was up the stairs and around one or two corners. When he was finished he dicided to check if Faiyloe was up.
"If she isn't I better wake her or we won't have time for breakfast."
Meanwhile The night before Glantrin had interrogated the visitor thoroughly. he then diceided to let him pay for HiaG's relise. But when they got to the cell where Drimun had put him the night before he was gone.


I went down another hall but all I saw was more doors I opened one but it was just a closet. I decided to try and find my way back to the stairs if I could. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?