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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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"OK" I said picking up my pack and turned around so Drimun could tie the blind fold on. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"it's only for a short time." Drimun said apologeticly as he tied a red cloth around Faiyloe's head covering her eyes. "As soon as we're past the secret path and rocks then I take it off. There." he said as he finished tying the knots at the back. "Um I'll lead you....but I'm going to need your paw."


I held out my paw in front of me "Ok just don't go leading me in to a tree or any thing,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Vilu Daskar

Quote from: rachel25 on September 21, 2013, 12:16:51 PM
Drimun seemed to be looking at his surrounding to see."Um if we walk fast we should be there in half an hour."

Meanwhile back the Prison Glantrin was doing his rounds when he heard Vilu shouting. He went over to the cell he was in. " where'd you come from? Oh and the job...." Glantrin thought for a moment. If he was ever. Going to sort out his problem he needed someone to watch the Priosn fo a long time. Drimun wouldn't manage but this stoat. "The jobs yours." Glantrin said opening the door. "I need to go away for a few days and Drimun isn't here so you must watch the Prison for me while I'm gone."
Thanks :D
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


Drimun took hold of Faiyloe's paw and led her through the forest. Giving her warning of any tree root and thorn bush. "Okay there's a large tree root in the middle of the path coming up....that's it now I'm just going to move you over here. There's a thorn bush growing on your side of the path. Okay we're going off road now. Don't worry that's not nettles just bluebells. We're coming up a slope now, So mind your step." Faiyloe could hear the rush of a river now. It thundered in her hears, but Drimun seem calm enough and they had come to the bottom of the slope now. Drimun shouted to make himself heard. "I'm just going to leave you for a moment! Don't take the blindfold off through! I'll be back in a tick." And with that he left go of her paw and ran along the river bank. When he had gone far enough he dived into the water and swam to the other side of the river. It was hard going and the water was cold. but his thick fur protected him from the cold and he had chosen the calmest part of the river. When he reached the other side he jumped out and shook himself dry. He wandered up the river bank to a hidden cove. There was a cleverly counselled path leading down to it. Drimun walked down it with care, the rock the path was made out of was slippery and the water below rough. Drimun reached the bottom with no trouble though, he ran to some boats that were tether the other end of the cove. He untethered one and got into it. There were to paddles in the bottom of the boat. He picked them up and rowed out of the cove. Some ivy hung over the entrance to the cove and as soon as Drimun rowed the boat through it he was out into the river. He fought for control of the little boat, and in no time at all was rowing towards the bank where Faiyloe was still standing, waiting for him. Drimun climbed out of the boat and onto the shore. "You can take the blindfold off now." He said breathless.       


OOC I'm locking up all carrots who appose me!  :P Now Faiyloe will you jolly well post so we can jolly well get on with the jolly old game wot wot  ;D


I waited for what seemed like forever when I finally herd Drimuns voice telling me to take my blind fold off "Ok," I said. taking it off I saw the boat and the fast flowing river. "Are we going to have that race now or when we get there?" I asked.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Rachel! I will give you a whole bunch of silver cherries if you lock YOURSELF in jail!

Jukka the Sling

Uh, how does this topic work? I'm kinda confused...
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


OOC @rusvul NO!
@Jukka okay hi Jukka this topic is a prison so if you want to lock up a member you bring them here and one of my jailers will do so, but the topic has also become mine and Faiyloe's sort of unoffial RP so hope that helped ya.  ;)

BIC Drimun laughed and helped Faiyloe into the boat. "I think we'll have that race a little further down stream.  Now hold on, it's going to get rough." Drimun push off away from the bank as he finished talking. The water boiled and burned throwing the little boat from left to right. Faiyloe had to clin to the sides of the boat so not to be thrown overboard. Drimun pushed and pulled with the ores and kept them from hitting any rocks. "Here come the rapids!" Drimun shouted though Faiyloe barely heard. And then it got worse, a huge wave crashed over the boat soaking them both. All Faiyloe could taste was salt, Drimun of all things started whistling as he fought for control of the little craft.


Wide eyed I yelled over the noise "pleas tell me you've done this before!"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Never in me life!" Drimn shouted lightheartedly. "But I did come down here as a passenger with Glantrin once!That was fun! I asked if I could have a go!I up turned the whole boat!We had to swim the rest of the way!"


I was at a loss for words all I could say was "Ok" and even that was so quiet it couldn't be heard over the noise. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep my self from screaming every time a big rock came into view and held on tight to the edge of the boat for dear life. Hoping that it would be over soon. If the boat capsized I would be lost!   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun not noticing his companions distress started whistling again. And after about twelve minutes they were through the rapids and were sailing in calm waters."Do you want to race now or after lunch?" Drimun asked lightheartedly as if he had just been picking dasiys, not sailing through highly dangerous rapids.


I gave a sigh of relief glad that that was over and let go of the sides of the boat and opened my eyes. "After lunch would be good," I said. I needed some time to recover.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?